《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 32



Much love,





It finally seemed like things were perfect as I sat in the limo with Harry and three fans. But we all know that life is never perfect. My phone started ringing and I noticed it was an unknown number.

"Hello this is Angie." I said softly.

"Is your mother Kerri Scott?" A male voice asked warmly.

"Yes. May I ask who is talking?" I said now a little worried.

"I'm Douglas and I am head of London's police." He said quietly.

Many thoughts were now racing through my mind.

"Why are you calling?" I asked almost crying.

"Your mother has been murdered. I am so sorry."

I couldn't breathe; I opened my mouth but nothing came out. It was as if the entire world froze around me. My head was spinning as I finally came to words.

"You're lying!" I screamed.

"Angie I am so sorry. You should call your family and tell them what has happened. I must go now."

I dropped my phone and started full on bawling. Harry put his arm around me and I could tell he was confused. "What's wrong babe?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"My mom was just murdered." I said unable to catch my breath.

I then heard Harry yell to the driver to go back to my house. Sure enough when we got there, there were ambulances, police cars, and caution tape.

The limo stopped and I ran into the house to find my dead mother laying in a pool of blood.

"Who?" I asked to nobody in specific.

"Who are you? You're not allowed to be in here young lady." A detective said angrly.


"That's my mother." I said pointing at her lifeless body.

"You're much to young to deal with this." He said, his tone softer.

"Who would do this?" I asked through my tears.

"We don't know yet, whoever did this must be a pro."

I nodded my head and said "So what do I do?"

"Well you should notify everyone in your family. Aunts uncles, siblings, grandparents, cousins and everyone else. Speaking of which, where is your father?"

I didn't really like to talk about my family because my Dad moved away a few years ago and that was all I had. "I don't have his contact information. He's not important." I said looking down.

"There must be someone in the family that you need to tell." He said back.

"Just my brother." I said remembering Matthew. I felt so bad because he hadn't even got to see her again.

"Ok, well we need to keep this body for evidence. So you can't stay here."

I nodded my head and walked out of my house still crying. When I got outside I couldn't believe what I saw. There were thousands of "Directioners" outside my house crowding the limo. I called Harry and he answered rather quickly.

"Angie I am still in the limo, don't worry." He said laughing.

How dare he think that this is a time to be laughing or that him being in the limo is my biggest concern right now.

"How do I get in?" I asked angrly.

"You can't." He mumbled.

I put my phone back in my pocket and snuck behind the house before I was spotted by crazy fans. I walked down to the ocean and started skipping stones.


I decided that I would call Matthew now that I had calmed down.

"Hey Angie, what's up?" He sounded happy.

"Mom was murdered." I blurted out flatly.

"By who? Do they know who?" He fired back not sounding at all sad.

"No." I grumbled.

"Where are you?" Was his next question.

"Behind the house skipping stones." I said releasing a rock and watching it skip 6 times before sinking.

"Alone?" He asked.

"Yupp." I said almost starting to cry again.

"I'll be there in 10." He said still not sounding upset.

He hung up so I slid my phone into my back pocket and sat down watching the waves. Sure enough, ten minutes later, Matthew plopped down next to me.

Now you see my face was red and puffy and I barely had my breath, but he was completely normal. Maybe even a little pale? Strange.

"Would you like to go on a boat ride?" He asked breaking the silence.

"We don't have a boat Matthew." I reminded him.

"I know this women that can take us for a ride." He said laughing.

Why is everyone laughing? Ugh!

"I guess." I said not caring about anything but my mom.

"Great. There she is." He said pointing to a big boat that came right to our dock.

"Wow, that was fast." I said shocked.

He laughed a little more before getting on the boat. A little creepy, I know.

A short fat person came onto the lower deck to greet us. She looked like she was a man dressed as a women. Oh well, I could care less at a time like this. I couldn't help but think that he/she looked strangely familar.

Oh well. I decided to go to the upper deck and relax. After an hour or so of just boating around, I decided to go talk to Matthew and that other person. I walked down to the lower deck to find the two of them whispering.

"Hey." I said making them both jump.

I walked over to them and tried to join there conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Puppies." Matthew blurted out randomly.

So I sat down with them and we started having a nice conversation about puppies. But then it hit me, the short fat man or women was actaully Matthews boss, thats why they looked so familar. After I noticed that, it all came to me.

I was on a boat with 2 murders one of which is in a costume, and there was just a murder at my house. It seemed like Matthew and his boss killed my mother and then kidnapped me.


This can't be true I thought.

"Angie everything okay?" Matthew asked startling me.

"Did you guys kill my mom?" I asked.

I realize that probably wasn't a good thing to ask right after I said it.

They exchanged a glance between each other and the glared at me.

Then Matthew spoke suddenly,

"It sure took you long enough idiot."

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