《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 28




“Harry where were you?” I asked.

“I was dropping Angie off at her house…” He said with a huge smile on his face.

“Why are you so happy?” I asked.

“Because Angie and I had a moment.” He said gushing.

“What did you just say?” A thick Irish accent asked.

“Don’t even worry about it.” Harry said laughing.

Then Harry walked out of the room with an apple in his hand.

“So anyways?” I looked at Niall.

“What did he just tell you?” He demanded.

“That uhh he and Angie had a moment.” I said not able to make eye contact with him.

Niall whipped out his cell phone and called Angie.

“Please come home.” I heard him say.

Then he walked out of earshot. I decided that I had had enough of all of this drama with Angie, Niall, and Harry so I decided to go talk to Matt.

“Hey Matt, what’s up?” I said plopping down on the couch next to him.

“Nothing, I kind of feel awkward here without Angie though.” He said.

“Don’t be, I think of you as a like a brother.” I said not able to look at him.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yeah! So tell me, what was Angie like when she was 13?” I asked.

“She always was getting asked out because she was so sweet and caring. But she hardly ever said yes because she wanted to focus on school work.”

“So like the girl next door?” I asked.

“Not exactly because I was really her only friend.” He said.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Because nobody really wanted to be friends with the teacher’s pet or a “goody goody”. It didn’t really bother her because she and I would have so much fun doing everything together.” He said looking directly at me.

I thought about how she must have felt when he left. I didn’t want to ask though because that might make him feel guilty so I just changed the subject.

“I am hungry.” I stated.

“Yeah me too.” He agreed.

“Want to go get some McDonalds?” I suggested.


“Yeah sure, I love McDonalds!” He sounded excited.

We both got off of the couch and I yelled to the guys “Anybody want anything from McDonalds?” 4 boys came running at me and shouting there orders. “Woah guys, just text me what you want, there is no way I can remember all that.” Then I opened the door and walked out with Matthew close behind.

When we were in the car Matthew said “Most people are afraid to be alone with me because of my job, so thanks for keeping it cool.”

I had totally forgotten he was an assassin. I laughed awkwardly and said “No problem.”

When we got to McDonalds, I checked my phone, 4 new messages. Great.

“Big mac, large chips, large coke, 10 piece mcnuget, and an Oreo mcflurry. Also, could you get a happy meal and drop it off for Angie and say it’s from Niall? It would mean a lot. –Nialler”

I replied…

“Woah is that enough food? Haha and yeah sure I’ll do that for you. xx Zayn”

I had two more typical meal orders from Liam and Louis, but my text from Harry was kind of weird.

“I don’t really want anything to eat from McDonalds, but could you get a double cheeseburger with pickles but hold the burgers and drop it off for Angie and say it’s from Harry? I know that it’s her favorite thing. I would say just to get a whole happy meal, but she hates those for some reason, so make sure it’s just the “burger”. Also, I know that if you drive a mile past her house, there is a gas station with really good soft serve. Could you get a large black raspberry dipped in chocolate with rainbow sprinkles in a cone, but then flip the cone over in a dish. Oh yeah, and cut the end off of the spoon; it bothers her how long it is. This will come out to be $8.79 I’ll pay you back. XXxxXX Styles.”

I stared at the screen and then read it aloud for Matthew to hear. “Wow, that boy really cares.” He said.

I replied back,

“Harry that’s really sweet of you to remember, of course I will do all of that! xx Zayn.”


Harry quickly replied,

“Thanks it means a lot…xx Harry”

So Matthew and I ordered all of the food and then went to the gas station that sells soft serve. “I’d like a large black raspberry dipped in chocolate with rainbow sprinkles flipped in a dish with a spoon that’s cut at the end.” I said feeling a little stupid.

“Harry what did you do?” The lady asked me without looking up from her notepad.

“I’m not Harry.” I said.

“Oh well there is this nice young fella that whenever he did something wrong to his girlfriend or she was upset, he would come get that for her. Cutest thing ever, but I stopped seeing him about 3 years ago. It really is a shame, he was so thoughtful. Sorry for rambling, I’ll get that for you.” She said.

“Well actually, my friend Harry asked me to get this for a girl. I’m just delivering it.” I said smiling.

“Tell him that the old lady from the gas station remembers him, and says hi.”

I chuckled and said “Will do.”

I waited for a few minutes as she completed my order on a bench outside sitting next to Matthew.

“I have to wait in the car while you drop this stuff off.” He said.

“Oh, so you’re mom doesn’t know that you’re back?” I asked.

“Yup.” He responded.

“Here you go.” The old lady handed me the soft serve and said, “Now I didn’t get your name.”

“I am Zayn, nice to meet you.” I said kindly.

“You have a really nice friend, you know.” She said.

“I know.” I said and I walked back to the car.

When we arrived at Angie’s house, I had struggled carrying 2 bags on McDonalds and an ice cream. I rung the door bell, and a middle aged lady opened the door.

“Hi I am Zayn, Angie’s friend. Can I see her?” I asked.

“Of course.” She moved aside and let me in. “You can head on up, she’s in her room.”

“Thank you.” I said as I slid off my shoes and pounced up the stairs. I saw a closed door that said “Angie’s room” on it. I knocked on it and waited for a response.

“What do you want mom?” She sounded irritated.

“Uhh actually it’s me, Zayn.” I said awkwardly.

I heard footsteps and then she opened the door. “Come in.”

I handed her all the food. “So the happy meal is from Niall, and the rest is from Harry.” I said smiling.

I saw her starting to cry as she unwrapped the “burger”, which was really a grilled cheese with pickles, but whatever. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing it’s just so adorable that he remembered my order and the soft serve.” She said.

“He remembered the cost too.” I said.

“$8.79, I know.” She said smiling.

“You and he have a connection that is undeniable.” I spoke softly.

“He’s my soul mate.” She said quietly.

“I know, it’s obvious.”

“Thanks for dropping by Zayn.” She said.

I realized that this was my cue to leave so I stood up and said “Have a nice night.” Then ran down the stairs and left.

In the car on the way back home Matthew told me something weird.

“So Zayn, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think that my sister should date Harry not Niall.”

For a guy that doesn’t know much about the situation, it kind of surprised me that he even had an opinion. “Me too. I didn’t at first, but now I think that he’s really making an effort, and she sees it. They’ll be together soon enough.”

He nodded his head and then we listened to the radio the whole way home.

When we walked in, Harry was sitting on the couch. “What did she say?” He asked eagerly.

“That you were soul mates and it was adorable you remembered. She also remembered the cost and she was crying tears of joy.” I said smiling.

“Then why hasn’t she texted me?” Harry asked.

“I’m not sure! Maybe she’s waiting for you to text her.”

“Ok, I’ll go text her!” He said with a huge grin on his face.

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