《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 15




Last night at the taco place was weird. It seemed as if Harry and Louis knew something about Angie that I didn't. On top of that, my relationship with Angie is just kind of falling apart. Today I need to make a move. Maybe take her on a romantic date? Whatever it takes to bring her and I closer together. I sat up in bed and went into the kitchen. Suprisingly, Harry was already up.

"Hey Harry, you're up early." I said.

"Yeah, I couldn't slepp much last night." He said.

"Was there a reason?" I asked. I was a little skeptical of Harry because of this whole thing with Angie. He and her seem to have a secert, that somehow Louis is in on.

I saw Harry think for a minuter, then say "Ahhh just girl trouble." He said.

"Tell me about bro." I said digging in a little deeper, trying to get him to admit to something.

He took a deep breath as if he were gathering himself to admit something. Right before he could begin, Louis walked in. "Morning chaps!" He said.

Great. I thought. Right as Harry was about to admit, in walks the other suspicious suspect.

"Hey Louis." I said.

I wanted to jump right in and ask the two of them what REALLY happened last night, but I had to be more sly about this.

"So Louis, Harold, what do you guys think of me and Angie? Think we're working?" I asked.

I saw the two of them exchange a weird glance, then Harry said, "Don't ever call me Harold again, or you will be sorry." Then he walked out of the room.


I looked at Louis, waiting for an awnser, but all he said was "Keep her on a short leash Nialler."

I sat on the kitchen counter for a few minutes thinking about what he meant. Man that boy keeps getting more and more confusing. My thoughts were interupted by Angie.

"Morning Nialler!" She said happily.

Good sign I thought. "How is my princess doing today?" I asked.

She looked a little taken back. I wondered if my princess comment was to far...I hoped not.

"I uhh. I don't know." She awnsered glumly.

She went from being happy to sad in amtter of minutes!! I had to do something. I hoped off of the counter and picked her up bridal style, and sat her down on my lap on the couch. "Tell me about it." I said.

It took her a minute, but then she began. "Well Niall, I feel like our relationship is uhh not going forwads." She said.

"Does this mean it's going backwards?" I asked quizzacly.

She shrugged her shoulders, and didn't respond.

We stared at each other in silence. Then Zayn came out of his room looking tired as ever. Before I could do or say anything, Angie jumped off my lap, ran up to Zayn, leapt into his arms, and wrapped her legs around his torso. Then she leaned in, and whispered something into his ear. He laughed and then walked back into his room.

What the heck was that about, I wondered. Then Louis walked back intot he room and said "Where did Angie go?"

"She leapt into Zayns arms, then he walked her to his room..." I mumbled.

"Oh, awkward." He said.

"Tell me about it." I grumbled.

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