《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 11




I stood there outside of the hospital alone. Louis said it's never to late, but now Angie is saying it is to late. I don't know what to do!

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Louis number.

"Hello?" Louis awnsered.

"I told her I had feelings for her, like real ones."

"Yes and?!"

"She said it was too little, too late." I grumbled back.

"Harry I am so sorry." Louis said sympatheticaly.

"Yeah yeah. So now I am outside the hospital alone. She ran away. I think back to the hotel."

"Well Harry you have to go in there and have your hand checked out."

"I know I know."

"Alright, call me when you're done there." And with that, he hung up.

I walked inside the hospital and told them that I had punched a brick wall and can't make a fist, or move my hand.

After waiting around forever, I finally got a cast put on. I walked out of the hospital and called Louis. After not even a full ring, he awnsered.

"HARRY! I thought you died or something!"

"No Lou, but I did break my hand."

"Awww Harry!! Can I pick you up now?"

"Please." I awnsered back.

"I'll be right there!! Bye!"

He hung up, so I put my phone back into my pocket and sat down on the curb.

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