《The Secrets of BDSM》Authors Note


Just a quick Authors note, not sure if I should end the book here or add more, I have 47 parts not including this wee Authors note, I'm not sure if this book is good or not, your guy's feed back on it would be greatly appreciated. I honestly don't know what made me want to write this book but I guess its because I'm a kinky fucker like a lot of you on here and tbh BDSM has always fascinated me, maybe thats why I wrote this book lol XD anyways I hope you all like it! ✌


Edit: to those of you who have read this book and put it on your reading list i thank you for that i was honestly scared to do a book like this because I was scared no one would like/read it, it means a lot to me that so many if you enjoyed this book, but sadly there will be no more updates on this book sorry for the inconvenience to those of you who where wanting an update on this book, i apologize again for this being the end of this wonderful book.

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