《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 20


I try to concentrate on my work but Saito won't stop hugging me or try to catch my attention. I do my best to keep calm but it's real hard. I didn't know he was clingy. I glare at him to persuade him from bothering me any further but he ignores me. I groan as I try to come up with something else. Then, my recherche came to an end.

"There we are."

"Did you find anything?" his curiosity fills his eyes as he looks at the screen.

I shake my head. "Not exactly. It's the final step though," I look back at him. "From now, don't bother me, okay? I have to be really concentrate for this part. It's either I succeed, either I'm in a real bad situation with the police," he nods, more serious than before.

I take a deep breath before entering the dangerous area. Let's do it. For Saito.

Hours pass and Saito fall asleep in his chair. I found a little time a few minutes before to put a blanket on him before codding again. I'm so tired and my eyes hurt – I had to put my glasses on, the one I never use. Then, the information I am searching since hours pop in my screen. I look in horror the images shown and fear to show it to the brown haired guy next to me. "It's them right?" I jump at his voice. My eyes leave the screen to observe his reaction. He stares blankly at the images on my computer. He read through the reports. "So I had a little sister? She didn't make it either. I was the only survivor," I look at the ground, a feeling of guilt filling inside me. A few years ago, his family and himself went to Tokyo to see his grandparents, his mother's parents. Apparently, they were fighting while his father was driving and the car plowed into a trunk. Saito was the only survivor but since then he couldn't remember anything. "It's funny though. Why don't I feel anything? I was expecting it and I can't find myself to feel sad for that. Am I that much of an asshole?" His words hurt me as much as they hurt him. No, he's way more in pain. I hug him tightly around his neck and rest my head next to his. I suppose this is what you do when you need to comfort someone.

"I'm here now. You can talk to me as much as you want. I'll stay with you. I promise you," I feel his arms surrounding me as he holds me close, his head on my shoulder. He mutters a 'thank you' before falling into silence.


I don't know how much time passed but it was one of our most romantic moment. I remember it like it was yesterday. I never saw him that vulnerable and I was so happy he relied on me.

After that, he passes the night at my house. I offer him our guest room and he gives me a small smile. I ask Kenshi to give him something to sleep and, at my surprise, he accepts right away. I wait for him to change before joining him in the room. When I enter, I see him laying in the bed, his back facing me. I never saw him in so much pain ever. He's always smiling brightly, never showing when he's sad. Even me know that he's faking being happy all the time. I know him now. I observed him enough to know. I sit next to him, awkwardly trying to come up with something.

"Do you thing they're happy up there?" he asks me in a weak tone. I nod even though he couldn't see me.

"I'm sure," mom's probably there too. I hope she's alright.

"Suzuki. Do you mind if I call you Amy?" I blush immediately and try to keep my composure. It's true, I guess we're a c-couple now.

"N-no," I stammer and I curse myself for doing so.

"Amy," He sits down and looks at me in the eyes. "Do you promise me to stay with me forever and never leave me?"

I stare at him, a little surprise at the seriousness he is showing at the moment. I nod and add: "Of course. I won't leave you Saito."

Suddenly, he makes his usual pouting face. "Call me Kenshi."

"I-I can't! That's too weird!"

"Why?" he whines and gets closer to me.

"Because my brother has the same name! It'll be weird if the two of you are around."

"Don't give me that! I want you to call me by my first name!"

My eyes travel from right to left, the ceiling to my laps. However, I had the worst idea ever to look at him. He gives a puppy look which I can't resist at. "A-Alright! I'll call you Kenshi."

He smiles brightly and hugs me tightly. "Yay! I love you Amy!"

"Don't say it so casually!" I blush harder than ever.

"But it's true! There's no need in hiding it!" he chuckles then releases me. "Will you sleep with me?"


"What?!!" I shout, not ready for this. It's going too fast!

He starts to panic as well. "N-not in that way! I mean like sleeping in each other arms! Aaarg! It sounds weirder! Uumm... M-more like you know, dreaming in the same bed? Does it sound weird again?" He tries his best to explain himself to me, which is quite hilarious. In the end I burst out of laughter. He stops talking to look at me. I can't stop laughing and have to hold my stomach. "So cute," he observes. Once I stop to look at his face, I see a huge blush on his face which instinctively makes me blush too. Then, he smiles at me and brings a hand to my cheek. "You should laugh more. Your laugh is the cutest thing ever."

"It's not."

"It is.



"Shut it!"

"So? Will you stay with me?"

I stay silent for a while then nod. "Sure. But don't do anything weird."

"Yes Ma'am!"

"For real?!!" Tomoe yells from the other side of the line.


"Oh my god! I'm so, sooooo happy for you two!" she continues to yell happily. "I told you he loves you."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't bring that back," despite my harsh voice, I am smiling at this happy reality.

"It makes two of us happy, huh?" I hear her chuckles.

"You were waiting for it, right?"

"Hell, I was! It took him four years! I didn't notice him until high school but still! He should have told me sooner."

"You were going to say yes if he asked you out four years ago?"

"Not sure. But he's hot so maybe."

"'Hot'? This sport fanatic? No way."

"Well, you're more into nerds. Not my fault."

"He's as much as a nerd as Fujita."

"True, true. We're not help, huh?"

"That's for sure," we exchange a laugh.

"Ready to show your talent in sports tomorrow?"

I nod. "Yeah. I better do my best."

"You're going to destroy everyone! Then, we'll all go to the campfire at the end to have some fun!"

"I'm looking forward to it."

"By the way, is he alright?"

"He will be. For now he's okay but he'll need you two."

"He'll need you more than anyone else."

"You think so?"

"Of course! You're his first love after all!"

"Really? He never loved anyone else before?"

"As far as I know, no. Taka told me he never fell in love all the years they were together."

"It'll be difficult to ask him though. Not sure he remembers," I hear her hum from the other side of the line followed by a big yawn. "Time to sleep, huh? Kenshi's waiting for me anyway."

"Have a good night you two. See you tomorrow."

"See you," I hung up and go back to the guest room. Kenshi is waiting for me on the bed. When he sees me, he smiles and pats the free space next to him as a suggestion of seat. I sit there and make myself comfortable under the blanket. I yawn, already feeling tired. I need to sleep tight if I want to give my whole tomorrow. I feel Kenshi shifting under the blanket at his turn and he makes himself comfortable near me. near me. How will I be able to sleep like that? "Um, Kenshi? Can you go away a little? It'll be way better to sleep."

"Don't worry I don't move during the night!"

"That's not what I mean," I sigh, knowing it's already a lost fight for me.

"I just want to be near you as much as possible. Sorry if I'm selfish but I'm afraid you'll leave me if I'm not next to you."

I turn my head to look at him. I don't know how much I sigh per day when I'm with him but I know it's way too much for a girl going to her sixteen. I move my body close to him and lay my head on his shoulder, trying to fight back the blush. "Now sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day."

Next thing I knew before falling asleep, he had his arms around me. I never felt that comfortable to sleep in forever. I've never slept well at night but this night was the best I ever had and will ever have.

The next day was the sports festival, where it all end.


Sorry I'm late, I had people coming over so I was busy all day x) (was my and mom's birthday 'party' x))

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