《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 19


"Do you think he'll say it?"


"I hope it'll go well for them."


We stand there in an awkward silence. Seems like lately we always end up like that whenever it's just the two of us. Is our relationship becoming worse or better? I don't get it at all. I nervously look at the black haired girl next to me who just look at her phone. Even now, she's still all the time on her phone. I'm not sure what she's doing with it now, but hell I know she hasn't stop what she had started ever since she's in this school. I feel way more nervous than usual. Taka and Momo are here normally... Taka, you have the worst timing ever to confess. I hope at least it goes well for them. I sigh and lay on the grassy ground. We finish our lunch since a long time and we didn't talk that much. We haven't been alone together for like forever! And tonight will be... Oh god! Stop thinking about that! I sit up with my probably red face. I hide my face in my arms which are hugging my knees.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asks me. It makes me jump and I slowly glance at her without moving. She stares at me with her cute little black eyes. I blush even more and close my eyes. "You're so weird," she whispers to no one in particular and I hear her playing her game again.

I take a deep breath and put myself together to ask her. "Why did you ask me to come tonight?" Is she going to do like Taka said? No way! She would never do that... Not that I will mind but... Oh god. What's wrong with me?

"You know, our promise," I raise my head a little and turn to look at her. "I still didn't fulfill it so, I'll do it tonight. With you."

She wears a determinate look while she stares in my eyes. I never saw this look before. It makes fall for her even more. I smile at her and nod. I'm so grateful to have her, even if it's just as a friend. But if we're ever going to go further away, I'll be the happiest man ever. "Wow, it's pretty hot here," I hear an annoying voice I know well too much. I stand up with my blushing face and glare at the taller guy in front of me.

"Why are you even here?!" I point at Taka who wears his stupid smirk.

"Come to see how you were doing," he sings his words happily, chuckling a bit at the same time. He knows my feelings and likes to play with it.

"Cut it off already!" I yell at him before calming myself. "So, how did it go?"

"Where's Tomoe?" asks Suzuki.

"Tomo-chan is... She ran away," he looks down at the ground, trying to hide his sad face.

"What?! What do you-"

Before I could continue I hear a hand being slap being Taka's head. I stiff a little and look down to the one who slapped him. To my surprise, I see Momo with an irritated face. I thought she ran away? "Stop with your teasing Taka."


"Sorry Tomo-chan," he looks down at the girl with a playful smile. I glance back and fourth between the two, trying to understand the situation.

"First name basis already, huh?" I hear Suzuki's voice from next to me.

I notice that the two of them are blushing at her comment. Then, it hits me. "Oh my gosh!"

"It was about time you realized."

"You don't know how happy I am for you!" I hit him gently on the shoulder and smile brightly.

"Thanks man. I was a little nervous at first but it went well in the end."

I chuckle and put my hands in my pocket. "At least one of us is settled down."

"You're going to tell her?" he asks me as we make our way to the school's gate.

"Dunno," I sigh, feeling a knot in my stomach. "I know it's just to know my past that I go to her house but I'm really nervous. Last time, you were with me and all but now, I'll be alone with her! I can't survive this! Taka, help!"

He scratches the back of his head with an eyebrow raised. "Want me to come? Dunno if she'll be okay with it though."

"No! I have to face her sooner or later but," I hesitate to talk more and stop in my tracks. "Will she say yes if I ask her? After all, she hates men and, well, she hates me and-"

"Shut it," Taka cuts me in my blabbering. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me right into the eyes. "If she hated you, you wouldn't even talk to you. You know how she is and how she was. She doesn't hate you for sure."

I feel relieved by my best friend's encouraging words. "Thanks! You're the best Taka!"

"Of course I am! And if I may add, I think she has a little something for you," he wiggles his eyebrows and shows his annoying smirk.

I blush slightly and hurry to the front of the school where Suzuki is waiting for me. "Stop with that!"

He hurries to my side, hands in pockets. "Don't be so shy Kenshi~ She likes you that's all! You need to confess already."

"Says the guy who just confess after four years of knowing the girl."

"S-shut up! I was just a little nervous."

"Yeah a little nervous. It took you four years, man. It hasn't even been six months for me!"

"Sure, sure. But you got to confess."

"Confess to who?"

A sudden voice coming from nowhere, just asks us about our conversation. Both Taka and I jump, not realizing we were talking out really loud. Oh, how I hope it isn't the person I think. The first thing I see make me already lost hope: the school's gate. Then, I glance to my right and the girl which I didn't want her to listen to this very conversation, stood there, a plain expression. Her dark eyes which are shining with the sun's light, are looking right at me. She has a phone as always in her right hand and doesn't wear any smile. However, I notice something weird within her expression. It's not the same 'I'm-annoyed-by-everything' look she always gives, it has something behind it. I can't get my hands on it though. I hear Taka clears his throat because of the awkward silence that is running around us.


"Well, I should get going then. See you two at the sports festival then," Taka waves at us and makes his way to his house. Realizing he's leaving, I start to panic and curse him for leaving me so soon. The two of us stand there for a moment before I break the silence.

I clear my throat like that leaver just did a moment ago. "Shall we go?" She only nods and she leads the way to her house.

Our small journey is pretty calm; sorry, calm. Neither of us talk and it's like real awkward. I just hope it won't be like that the whole time I'm there otherwise, I won't be able to confess to her in any way.

Soon – but I hoped it could have been sooner – we arrive to her house. It's still freaking big in my opinion. My grandparents had done everything they could so I could go to this school with Taka – he wanted to follow Momo even though he never talked to her. I'm not rich like her but it's really impressive. She makes me enter first. I thank her and take off my shoes. As I make shy steps in the big gray living room. The house looks empty until I heard a small noise coming from the kitchen. I sighs in relief, knowing we're not alone. The person leaves the kitchen and enters the living room. That isn't the person I was expecting. Suzuki's brother stands there, food in hands. We stare into each other eyes for a while before Suzuki arrives.

"Oh you're there Kenshi. Didn't know. You spend the night here?"

"What's he doing here?" he asks, piercing my body with sharp invisible knifes. I feel like I'm not really welcome here.

"We have business together. Please, don't come into my room," she says politely before walking upstairs.

Kenshi gulps and his gaze turns to her sister. "What do you mean 'business'? You're going out with him?! What are you two planing?"

I hear her sigh. "We're not going out," she says before continuing her way to her room. "He loves someone else anyway," even though she mumbles the last part, I catch it because I'm right behind her. I raise a brow, not understanding where she had this idea in the first place and why it would bother her.

Once we are both in the room, she closes it and locks us in, surely in case her brother would try to come in. When I hear the 'click' sounds coming from the door, I pretty know that there's no turning back. My heart beats faster by the realization we are alone together in bedroom. But it soon calms down as I look around at the room. Last time I came, which was not long ago, her room was so clean and there wasn't any dust but, it's so dirty and dark now. She has stuffs everywhere, her drape are closed and her desk is full with papers; she has only a free spot in front of her computer. I want to ask what happened but I'm sure she won't talk about it. She never really talks about anything. I feel a little sad at this thought but I shouldn't let that get me. I watch her as she takes another chair and places it next to her. "Let's start," she only says that before taping on her computer.

I try to understand what she is doing but it is too difficult for me so, I just sit there, waiting for any sort of question or anything she could need to. Maybe, some would be really bored but, looking at her serious face honestly makes me happy. It may sound weird or stupid, I don't care. I just like watching her. I smile and do the only thing I can and want to: staring at the beautiful face. I love her long black hair, it is so straight and looks so soft. I really want to stroke her head. I also love how she would put locks of her hair behind her ear because it goes in her face. Her nose is so small and cute and her lips. Oh, how I want to eat them. I dream every day to touch them, feel their warms, taste them... All of a sudden, without a warning, she turns to me. Our faces are only a few cementers away. I want to taste them so bad. Her lips. My eyes can't seem to stop staring, I feel like I am magnetized by some sort of weird magic. I draw myself closer to her until our noses touched. The moment I was about to close the gap between us, she backs away and turns her face to the opposite side. I stand there, surprised by her action, a bit of disappointment growing inside me.

"Don't do that," I hear her faint voice. She looks in pain. As quick as I realized what happened, I ready myself to apologize but she continues. "You like someone else, don't you? So, why would you do this to me?" I hear a snob. Before I knew it, she is crying but it pains me so much. I hate to see her cry. "You have no right to play with me like that!"

Before she could continue, I hug her from behind because I can't stand hearing her pain voice anymore. She shivers inside of my arms as she tries her best not to make any noise. "If I tell you that the girl I love is you, why would you say?" I wait for her answer. What seems like minutes, feels like an eternity. At this point, I am ready to give up. I know she doesn't like me like I do but it still hurts a lot. I release her from my embrace and hung my head down.

"Then I would say kiss me already, idiot."

My eyes are wide open when I hear her say it. I raise my head only to be met with her face. Her lips make contact with mine before I have time to recover from what just happened. I chuckle in the kiss and held her closer to me while kissing her all over again.

I never felt this happy in my life. A bright light came into my life from this moment. I hope it'll last long.

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