《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 18


I walk anxiously in the corridors of the school. Since the message I had yesterday, I got barely any sleep. I tried to calm myself all night but every time I would fall asleep, his face would show up and scare me, making it impossible to sleep. I take a deep breath as I enter the classroom and go straight to my seat. Should I tell them? Should I wait? What will happen if I tell them? Would they be scared and run away? Would he hurt them too? What should I-

"Hey! Suzuki!" a deep voice screams my name next to my ear. I jump from my seat and lean against the window in a defensive manner. I close my eyes, fearing whoever is in front of me. "What the... oi, calm down. I won't hurt you. Jeez... Does the sports festival make you that nervous?"

I slowly open my eyes to see my friend and neighbor in class, Fujita. I let my breath out as I finally relax before falling in my chair, head on the desk. "It's just you."

"What do you mean 'it's just me'?!" he shouts being upset at my words. Then, after thinking about the person standing next to me, I remember one crucial element about him.

"How comes you're here so early? I thought you always come right before it rings if not after?"

He looks at me, sweats dropping alongside his face. He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, it happens that sometimes I'm here earlier than usual," he clears his throat and looks away. I stare at his face, not believing a single words he said. I notice a light blush crawling on his white cheeks. He plays with some of his short black hair's locks – by the way, I still wonder how he takes care of curly hair like that – as he continues to avoid any eye contact.

I try to figure out what he is thinking about with his attitude. "Did you confess to Tomoe already?" I try to guess. It only makes him stiffer than before. He claps a hand on my mouth and tries to shush me. I raise a brow at him as he looks around to make sure nobody heard me. After he made sure it is safe, he releases me. "So?" I urge him to say something.

"Not yet... I planned to do it today but Kenshi was supposed to be there," he grumbles under his breath and he keeps a close eye on the two doors of the room.

Suddenly, a yawning Saito enters peacefully but his peacefulness is soon tossed away from him as he is being dragged by his best friend. He tries to protest but the sport-fanatic doesn't listen to him. He makes him sit down next to both of us. "Oh, hello Suzuki," he greets me with a bright smile. I return the greeting before being cut by an angry man.


"There's no 'Oh, hello Suzuki' there! We'll talk about your love problems after mine!"

"'Love problems'?" I echo his words and brown knit down as I try to figure out his words.

"Ah! Ah! Right, right! Shut up now!" he puts his hands up defensively, with red cheeks. He clears his throat to shrug of the embarrassing moment. It's funny how they do the same things when they're embarrassed. "So, do you have a plan?"

He nods his head with enthusiasm. "I'm going to ask her to eat with me alone for lunch and then, ask her out!"

"Not bad I guess."

"You think she'll accept?" they both look at me. "I mean, she always refuses to eat with anyone else because she says she just wants to eat with me – and well, you two too. Oh, also, she hates being disturb during eating hours."

They stare at me, defeated with my explanation. "I won't be able to tell her," he slams his head against the hard wooden desk, a loud crashing sound resonates in the now, more crowded class, then a small groans can be heard from the tall sportsman.

I chuckle at his odd behavior. I'm not used to see this side of him: the madly and stuck in love side. It's funny how I forget about all my problems with them. Tomoe enters the classroom with a beautiful and big smile. She greets our classmates before jogging towards us. My eyes fall again at the panicked Fujita and the laughing Saito. I smile once again. Tomoe asks them what is going on as the bigger one tries to come up with something and his best friend tries not to die from laughter. Tomoe sends a glance in my direction, asking me for any explanation. I just shake my head and then, point in the direction of the black haired boy. She peppers him with many questions but his answer did not satisfied the pink haired girl. I could watch them everyday, I'll never get tired. They're so funny to hung around. They are wonderful people. People with a big heart. Rare are those people now. It's why I want to stay with them. For once in my life, I want to be selfish and stay with them. Short was my dream.

A new message pops and I take out my phone, I read the new message.

From: Unknown

To: You

01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00100000 01101101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110

From: Unknown

To: You

01001001 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101111 01101110 00100000 01000001 01101101 01111001

I translate the messages – it's been too long since I last read binary codes – inside my head to understand his new, I suppose, threats or warnings: 'Don't have too much fun.' 'I'll be there soon Amy.' I swallow my saliva and try to remain cool not to worry them. He's here, I'm sure of that. Just, what is he planing?


"Oh by the way," Tomoe's voice brings me back to reality. "The sports festival is tomorrow! Are you excited?" Fujita nods happily as Saito whines. "Will your parents come?"

"Yup. They want to see how much of a man I am!" Fujita says proudly, showing off his muscles. We sigh at his behavior but shrug it off, completely ignoring him.

"There's no point for my grandparents to come so, no. What about you, Suzuki?"

I tip my chin with my index. "My dad has work I think but I didn't say it to Kenshi so I don't know."

Now that I think about it, I totally forgot about Saito! I had to finish what I promise! What should I do? Should I just say 'Oh, by the way, totally forgot about our promise! Let's just start over!' No, no, no. That won't do. Then maybe more like: 'Saito, I just remember I forgot about our promise, you know about your past and all... I-I'm so sorry! I'll buy you a cake if you want!' Urrk. Never will I speak like that.

"Amy?" Tomoe calls me back to reality. Then, I realize I was too deep in my thought that I was glaring fiercely at the ground while mumbling incoherent words. I blush when it hits me and start to panic. I try to come up with something.

Shortly after, I turn all of the sudden to Saito which surprises him. "Come to my house tonight!"

They all fall in silence, our classmates including. The world becomes silent for this short moment. After a few minutes, Saito finally speaks and looks as confused as the other. I am myself confused but what I said. "W-well, I-if you want me to but," he looks to the side, trying to look cool but the blush on his cheeks is visible. "Why do you want me to come?"

"Ah, um, well, that's... Y-you'll see!" Aaaah! That sounds so suspicious!

"Wait! Are Suzuki-san and Saito dating now?!" shouts one guy in the class.

"I didn't know! Guys, you should have told us!"

"That was going to happen anyway. They're so close, you know?"

"I'm so happy for you, Suzuki-san!"

"Wow! Big announcement! Saito has a girlfriend!"

"Oi!" Saito yells in the classroom which makes giggle the people in it. "Stop with your nonsense guys! We're not dating!"


"'Yet'?" I repeat as I look at Saito with round eyes.

He looks back at me and starts to panic, his face all red now. "Taka! You brat! Come here!"

He stands up so does Fujita. He chases the latter around the classroom. Saito almost trips many times with all the bags on the ground as the sporty one just avoid them easily. People's laughs fill the room and I watch the scenery from my seat. Did people talk to me? Were they being nice to me? I laugh at myself. Was I being blind all this time? People aren't that bad at the end. I smile as I look at the mess the two guys are making. I feel someone touching my shoulder. I turn to see two girls. I stare at them waiting for them to speak. They look kind of nervous.

"Um... Suzuki-san... Sorry to bother you but, are you really going out with Saito?" I choke at my own saliva and look back at their eyes. I feel my cheeks are becoming hotter.

"A-am not! We're just friends! Don't listen to Fujita's stupidity!"

"I heard that Suzu-chan! Not nice!"

"Then, don't freaking call me that!"

I hear the two girls laugh. I look back at them once again to see they are smiling. "You're not a bad person Suzuki-san. You should talk to us sometimes."

I stand there, lost for words. The two girls leave me and go back to their seats as the bell resonates in the corridors. Fujita hurries back to his seat, a smile on his lips. He strokes my hair with so much force that he messes it. I look up and ready myself to yell at him but I see him giving me a thumb up. I smile back and nod to him. He sits down behind me and waits for the teacher. I don't know how I should feel lately. Happy or scared? Should I just let myself go? But what if... Suddenly, I hear Fujita whispering to me. I lean back in my chair to hear him.

"Are you going to do 'that' with Saito tonight?"

I feel my whole face burning as I stand up suddenly from my seat and scream a clear 'No way' to him. I see him wearing his usual smirk then, my home teacher clearing his throat to get my attention. I quickly apologize and sit back down, hiding myself in my arms. I hope nobody thought that too. It's my fault for asking something like that... Stupid Shorty. It's all your fault.

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