《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 17


"Suzuki!" Saito shouts in the class, surprised to see me here. "Why are you here? You should stay in the hospital!"

I shake my head and walk to my seat. I put my bag on the table and stare blankly at it. "I hate this place," I say in a whisper. I was about to take a seat when someone calls for me from the back door of the class. Recognizing the voice, I glare at the glasses guy and grind my teeth. Saito puts himself between me and him and also glare at him with much hatred than me.

"I won't bother much!" he tries to defend himself and takes a step into the class.

"One more step and you're dead," warms a tall guy from behind. It is our sportsman, Fujita Takahiro.

The smaller of the two shrugs, afraid by his dangerous aura surrounding him. "I-I'm sorry!"

"Why do you bother come to us again?" he asks, still standing near him. "If I was there at this moment, I promise it would be you in the hospital," he threatens Glasses again.

The guy is almost blue from fear, shaking. It would be funny if he pisses his pants. Then, he turns to me, with a pale face, and he bows again like last time. "I'm so sorry Suzuki-san! I wasn't intending to do that to you! I knew your situation and made it worse again... I don't have any excuses," sure, you don't. "After that accident from a week ago, I realized what you meant and stopped hanging out with Aoki and the others. I just wanted to warn you that they're planning to something to counter back. I think they'll do it during the sports festival."

"Counter back?" Fujita echoes his words and frowns. "You don't mean they'll try to harm her again?"

He hesitates a little but nods his head. I sigh and sit down on my chair. "What are they going to do? Everyone knows who I really am and it's not like hurting me does something really efficient. I have scars already. One more won't change anything," they stare at him before glancing down at the floor. Their looks in their eyes, it's the same. They're all the same. I look away, not wanting to see that. I watch the gray sky. I hate rain. It always reminds me how lonely I am. It's frustrating.

I walk down the streets, going back home after a long day. Then, rains start to pour. I sigh, knowing I'll be wet by the time I get home, not having an umbrella with me. I stare at the dark sky. It reflects me so much. It's so depressing. I narrow my eyes before closing them because of the drops entering them. After some moments, I don't feel any anymore. Did it stop? Still, I hear it. I hear rains slashing against a thin fabric. I open my eyes and see a vast light blue color in front of me. It takes me some times before I realize it is an umbrella. I straighten myself and look over my shoulder to see who it is. Well, it is the last person I expected to see.


"Aren't you in the hospital?" he asks. I shake my head and look away. I hear a sigh coming out from him. "Yeah. I forgot how much you hate it," he adds. I hear him opening his bag as he searches for something. Then, I feel something soft and warmer than me being thrown on top of my head. I look at the object to see a white towel. "I didn't use it. Training was cancel for the day so it's washed," I nod and start to dry my head. He begins to walk again and mentions his head in the direction he is going to make me follow him. Quietly, I follow him. The silence is really awkward. We've never been alone together since we found each other again. "How was school?"


"Did you have any trouble?"

"Today was rather calm."


"There was that guy though."


"The one who caused me a breakdown."

"Ah, that one."

It is silent again. Our answers were simple, short with no emotions or care in them. It's been too long since we had a normal conversation. It'll take a long time for things to get back to normal. "Kenshi."

"Won't you call me Kennichii like before?"

"It was a long time ago."

"Yeah that's true," he chuckles to himself. "You always saw me like your older brother even though you're three months older than me."

"That's right," you were my hero back then. A sad smile makes its way on my face.

"What did you want to say?" he finally asks after a silence.

"About m- your mom," he stops in his track and looks at me. "I'm going to tell you everything once I've done with... the things I have to take care," I can't let this hidden forever. "I can't tell you what I have to do, I don't know if he'll hear me out but... Once I'm done, I promise you'll know one way or another," I stop a little and after taking a deep breath, I continue. "If I were to die, go to my room and open my old dairy. You know how it looks like."

"What do you mean by 'die'?" he frowns at those words.

"You never know what could happen," I just hate my life so I could end it at any moments. Or someone can do it.

"You won't die," he retorts, avoiding any eye contact. "You have to tell me face to face so you have to live at least until you finish what you have to do."


I give him a small smile. "Sure, I'll do that."

I'll try my best.

Then, he walks me back home. I propose for him to stay the night and, at my surprise, he accepts. I let him enter and close the door behind the two of us. He looks around the house, curiosity feeling his eyes. It is his first time in our house after all. I stare at him while he is staring in awe around.

"Dad was waiting for your return," my voice makes him jump. His eyes turn back to me, waiting to listen to more. "He always thought that you'll be come back one day. He even left a room for you upstairs. The view from your window is the best. He knows how much you like to get lost while looking at outside, thinking about crazy new ideas," I chuckle with a small smile. I take off my shoes and walk away. I feel his gaze still on me as he doesn't move an inch. I sigh and look at the ceiling. "I miss you too honestly. I know you must hate me but... understand that, right now, if I tell you anything, everyone might suffer. I don't want anymore people to suffer because of me."

I feel tears coming up. Fuck. Stop crying you baby! I bite my lips as I try to fight back the urge to cry again. I feel arms surrounding me from behind, my brother's arms. He puts his face on my shoulder, rather hiding it. He holds me tight against him like he is afraid of letting me go. I'm confused by his action. He never showed any affection since we met again a few days ago. I stand there, motionless, not knowing what to do in this situation. Then, he whispers in my ear words that I waited and waited for so long: "I won't leave you again. I'll stay with you and protect you like before."

"But," my voice is cracking as I talk. "I made you suffer, didn't I? And I still do. Why would you be there for me?"

"I made you suffer twice more by leaving you at the worse moment. I believe in you. You thought a lot about that, didn't you? About mom and the thing you have to do. Whatever it is, know that I'll be there to help you no matter what. I'll do everything for you. I know it sounds weird after how I acted with you but... I want to be like we were before. I miss you, Amy."

It's where I lost it. I turn around in his embrace and throw my arms around his neck and hold him closer. I cry like a baby in his chest as he cuddles to calm me down. His big hands rub the back of my head softly like he used to when we were younger.

I don't know how much time passed but by the time we let each other go from the other grip, the sky is darker, announcing the night and the rain is long gone. I look into his eyes as he looks into mine and we smile. Everything should be fine now, right? The worse passed, I just need to talk to him. Just then, my phone rang, announcing a new messages. I take it from my skirt's pocket and look at the sender: Unknown. I frown and unlock my phone to read the message.

From: Unknown

To: You


Binary code? I know this... I saw it maybe times. I learned it. It's...

I shiver. It's him. He's finally making his move. Kenshi raises a brow at me as he looks over at my screen. He stares at it, not understanding the message. He asks me what it means, after a moment, I told him: "It says: You can't hide from me. It's him. Kenshi, he's back!"

"Who's back?"

"The one who hurts our family!"

I told you already, this story isn't a happy one. It is when things get worse. It's not a story for children and neither for sensitive people. I hate this part of the story. But I have to show you. I have to tell you everything.


I almost finish writting the story ^^ I think we have 5 more chapters to go or maybe 6 but not more than that ^^ (The end is already written)

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