《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 14


It was almost midnight when we last checked the hour. We didn't see times fly. As it is already so late, I suggest that they all stay here. Mori was going to stay here anyway so it won't bother anybody to have two other people. My dad agrees but they insist on going. The two guys get ready to leave as they pack their things up. Mori and Fujita are away, downstairs maybe and I am alone with Saito. He looks quite nervous. Should I tell him...? It's about him so... I should do it before he leaves.

"Saito," I call him suddenly. He jumps not expecting me to talk. He turns to look at me, waiting for me to continue. "You know, about your amnesia," he raises a brow, not understand why I bring that up again. "I think I can help," his eyes widen. Our two other friends enter at that moment and listen quietly to what I am going to say. "I can't help you remember but I can help you in knowing your family."

"How?" he asks impatiently. He is obviously confused by my argumentation.

"Well, I'm a pro hacker. I can hack everything and anything. I can hack into police's computer to find any information."

"Won't it be dangerous?" Mori looks at me worryingly.

"I can't say there's no risk but it's the only way I can think of something to pay you back for the kindness you show me."

"Suzuki... I don't need you to pay me back," he rubs the back of his head nervously while he stares at the plain ground.

"I know but," I hesitate for a moment. "If you hadn't talk to me that day, who knows where I would have been today. I was so mean to you even though you just wanted me to be happy so I decided to help you. Please Saito."

He hesitates. He must think of the best thing to do in this kind of situation. "Did you already hack into any type of government's systems?" asks curiously Fujita.

I nod. "Yeah. Not at this level though. The worst I did I think was to send information more than search for some. It's not that hard to hack but I just need time."

Saito has his head down. He is split between knowing his past and the dangerous situation it'll be. "Then," he finally says. "If you promise me it'll go well," he looks at me determined to do it. "Please do."

I nod at him. Mori looks anxious about it but lets us to as we please. Fujita just keeps silent, not fully sure if it's the best thing to do. I'll have to first ascertained how hard it will be to get to those information.

We continue to talk a bit for some times before the guys leave the house, back to their own. I am alone with Mori in my room. Silence is flying in the room. I keep thinking about all those last events trying to find some sleep but my head just won't let me. I sigh and roll in bed, testing different position in order to find the best one to sleep. A lot happened lately... I just can't find sleep anymore...


"Suzu-chan," Mori calls to me. I turn around to face her. She has her back facing me so I can't see her face. "Do you think you'll be able to help Saito?"

I raise an eyebrow at her question. "I'm not sure but I'll try."

"Do you think it's the best idea? I mean... It's not our business. His grandparents must have a reason to hide it from him," I look away and lay in bed again, facing my ceiling. "I don't want you or him to get hurt."

"It won't happen," I say with determination. "I won't let anyone hurt any of you."

"I know but you should worry about yourself a bit more Suzu-chan."


"Call me Tomoe. We're close enough to call ourselves by our first name, right?" I blush a little gulping a little but smile anyway and hum.

"Then, you should call me Amy," I hear her chuckles from the futon.

"Good night then Amy-chan."

"Good night Tomoe."

I feel more relax after our small interaction. Being able to call each other by our first name proves how much our relationship grew. I'm so happy that we became that close, the two of us. I wonder if I'll make anymore friends like her in the future...

The weekend finished and a new week starts. I bring my computer with me today as I ready myself to start my hacking into one of the most dangerous place to: the police – or in other words, the government. I already made progress the last few days. I'll tell them what I got so far. I try to calm my nervousness as I walk into the corridor of the school. I hope today will go just fine. Just then, a voice calls for me. I turn around to see a man with glasses. I knit my brows and try to recognize who it is. And it hits me, it is that hacker from Aoki's group. I click my tongue, my eyes twitching in annoyance, and turn back walking toward my classroom. I hear him calling my name again and again and running in the corridors. Not being able to hold back anymore, I turn to face the annoying guy and glare at him. He freezes but tries to keep his cool as much as possible.

"What do you want? Came here from your master's orders?" I snap those harsh words to his face not even trying to be nice even the slightest.

He straightens up and looks directly into my eyes. "Suzuki-san! I'm here to... apologize!"

Is he kidding me right now? "Apologize? Don't you think it's too late for that, you moron? What's done is done. Apologizes won't change anything. Because of you," 'my life is worst but better at the same time,' is what I want to say but I can't bring myself to say it. More people try to bully me but I never say it to anyone, to then. I worry them enough like that.


"I know that people are harder on you now but... to be honest, I know I did wrong. I'm not expecting you to forgive me but I wanted to say that to you," he bows his upper body at almost a 90 degree. People around stare at him and start to whisper between themselves. I sweat drop, trying to ignore them.

"Listen moron," I say harsher than before. "I don't have time to waste with you," I turn around, finishing the conversation.

"Are you going to hack again?" I jump at his words but don't look back. Whispers are becoming louder. Stop with all the whispers. "You have your computer with you with cables and all. Are you going to hack into something big?"

"Eeeeh, do you think she's going to hack into our school's administration?" asks one of the people around.

"What for?" wonders their friend.

"To know our private lives! Do you know all the information they stock in here?! I'm sure she could even erase all our information so we can't attend school anymore!"

"That's horrible! We should stop her!"

"She's such a monster. Can't she kill herself already?"

"Yeah, you're right. We don't want her here."

Their voices mix into my head echoing loudly. I put my hands on my ears to stop listening to their words. It's not it! I would never do that! I'm not a bad person! I'm doing it for something! For someone... For him... Who is him? ? Well, he's my friend. He had never been your friend. It's not true! He taught me hacking and... He left you. That's not... He used you because he knew your weaknesses. You shouldn't show your weaknesses to anyone. They'll use you again. Don't get near me ever again, you fatty. I never like you in the first place. You're way too innocent and stupid. I tighten my grip around my ears trying to cease the voices inside my head. They hurt so much! Stop talking! Why did you come back? I was fine without you! Stop! Stop! Strop! Stop! Don't have a breakdown now! It's not the moment! Stop! Stop!

"Suzuki!!" someone shouts my name. It's when I realize I was talking out loud. I feel someone's grip around my wrist. I slowly look up to see Saito. I stare at him for a moment. You shouldn't stay with him too. He's going to hurt you. Monster! Don't come near me again!

"Stop," I mumble and start to feel my body shaking. "Leave me alone."

"Amy! What's happening?!" Tomoe kneels next to Saito and tries to talk to me but I can't seem to talk. I look around to see people's stares. They're laughing at me. I shake even more than before not adverting my gaze from them.

"Get the fuck away! All of you!" Saito yells at the people around who stare at me. They frown, disappointed because they can't make fun of me anymore. "And you!" He turns to someone behind me but I don't know who. "What the fuck did you do?! Why is she like that?!"

"I-I don't know!" oh, it's the moron with glasses. "I came to apologize and I asked her about the computer she brought, then she fell on her knees covering her ears!"

"How dare you come near her after what you did?!"

"I know but-"

"You don't have any excuses!"

"Saito, calm down!" Tomoe shouts back at him and turns her attention back to me. "Amy! Can you hear me? Amy!" I should answer her. Why can't I? They'll leave you... Get out of my head!

"What's happening here?" a strict voice echoes in the corridor. Footsteps get closer to us.

"Professor! It's Amy!" Tomoe quivers, looking up at something or someone. I don't know anymore. My vision is becoming blurry. I can't seem to close my eyes. A figure kneels in front of me and seems to say some words but I don't understand anything anymore.

He's going to hurt you. Who? He's going to come back soon. You should hide before he sees you.

"Aaamyyyy," a voice calls me. His voice sounds dangerous like he's going to hurt me. He wants to hurt me. He wants to make me suffer. It was what wanted all along. I shivers at the sound of his voice. He's here! Run! I stand up and run as fast as I can but soon some sort of guy stands before me with a smirk. "Fooound yooou," he sings his words before laughing out loud. "You can never escape from me Amy. How much time should I tell you this?" he grips my wrist tightly sending shivers in my whole body. I told you he was going to find you. "We're going to have fun now Amy-chaan~" he laughs once again. Tears build into my eyes.

Then, it was dark. Everywhere I look it is dark.

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