《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 13


After he released me from his embrace, we walk back to the others silently. I am still shocked by what he told me. Well, to be more exact, I'm confused. I don't know what he meant by that. Is it because he just wants to be my friend or... No, that must be the first option. I don't see any other reason. We join our two friends to see the tea and snacks were already there. Knowing my dad already left to his office, trying new things. I thank him in my head though. I propose to them to go to my room so we'll be more comfortable. They all agree and I take the trail and lead them upstairs. Before I could reach the stairs, Saito picks the plate from my hands. I look at him but he just smiles at me, not saying anything. I thank him by bowing my head. I stare at him uncomfortably Since what he said and did, I don't know how I should talk to him. I feel someone nudging me, when I look to the side, I see Mori smirking at me. I give her an exasperated look and lead them to my room again.

I ask Saito to put the snacks on my small table and we sit together around it. I sit there silently, not used to this type of things. I never had friends at home after all. Should I say something? I didn't imagine it would be this difficult. I'm so awkward...

"You have a pretty big room Suzu-chan," notices Mori as she looks around casually. Boys nod at her remark as they also look around. I'm rather organized and I like to have my room clean so there's hardly any dust or dirty clothes all around. My room is the biggest of the house. My dad's room is downstairs near one of the bathroom. We also have two hosts room. There's a lot of people coming in this house to talk to my dad and sometimes they come from really far so they would stay here. I have my own bathroom too and there's another one at the second floor where I'm at. I have my own closet too but it's rather empty. I don't have that many clothes as I don't go out often. When I told Mori about my closet, she almost rushes to it to see it. I try to tell her there's nothing interesting but she won't listen to me so I follow her. "It's almost empty!"

I sigh at her comment. "I told you, I don't have many things in it."


"How is that possible?! Any girl would dream to have a closet like that! How can it be empty!" She puts an all dramatic act like she is on a stage playing whatever dramatic or tragedy play. She begins to look at what I have in here even if she complains with the emptiness of the room. "You still have some nice clothes. I love that dress! Can you put it on?! I want to see you in it!"

I blush slightly and shake my head. "No way. I don't want to put it on."

"Why~?" She whines, putting her dramatic act again before grinning and looking behind me. "You won't mind if we try some dresses on, guys~" I jump feeling even more nervous.

"Don't mind us, girls~ Do what you want, we'll stay here," Fujita answers her. I can sense his smirk in his voice even if I don't see him. "Girls, heh?" He chuckles and it's followed by a hum from his best friend.

Mori looks at everything I have while humming a song I don't recognize. I should listen to popular music... Suddenly, I hear a shout coming from my room. Mori stops in her track and I walk back to see what is happening. When I look at what the boys are doing, I see Saito holding something in his hands, eyes shining. I narrow my eyes, trying my best to see what he is holding and finally realize it is one of my favorite video games. It's a really rare one which is really hard to find nowadays; it's a pretty old game from the 90s. He turns back to me with his eyes full of stars, and smiles happily. Obviously, he wants to play it. I sigh and decide to let him play. I go to my game console's shelve, take the NES and install it on the TV. I take out two controllers, if Fujita wants to play too. Saito sits in front of the TV, impatient about playing it. I lend the controller to the two of them. The more childish one smiles at me with his big grin. It makes me flustered a little so I hurry back to Mori. It feels more awkward to be around him now. He totally changes his behavior since I told me that earlier. Once to her side, she sends me a grin with a small chuckle. I roll my eyes and wait patiently for her to finish, leaning against the wall.

After a few minutes between the screams of the guys playing and Mori-chan's chuckles, I change into the cloth she gave me. It's an old dress my dad bought for me for an event two years ago. It goes just above my knees. It's a dark bustier dress with roses pattern on it. I look at myself in the mirror. It's been a while since I put it. I didn't even think it would fit me anymore. I take a deep breath, trying to bring all my courage in showing up tin front of them. Slowly, I open the door and look quietly around to see where they are. Once she spots me looking out of the bathroom, she encourages me to show myself. Our two other friends stop their game to watch me. I stiff becoming so tense the moment their gaze fall upon me. I'm not used to it at all! I take shy steps, leaving that poor door alone after I've been clenching at it strongly. Then, I fully show myself, cheeks burning from embarrassment. They stare at me with big eyes, obviously surprised by my look.


As they stay silent, I clear my throat to wake them. "Does it... look okay?" I manage to ask despite my trembling voice. Mori claps her hands together with a big grin.

"It suits you so well Suzu-chan!" I blush more at her comment giving her a nod.

Then, Fujita whistles with a smug grin on his face. "Looks really good~ I didn't notice you have such a nice body before," I feel my face literally burning as I hide it with my hands, looking away. I try to remain calm to not beat him for saying that. You don't have to hate him Amy so calm down. Even if I'm rather okay with men now, I still don't like them. Well, those two are kind of fine.

"Fujiii!" Yells Mori, mad at him. She knows I'm not fully comfortable with those human relationships especially with the other gender. Saito nudges him hardly, also mad.

"Don't say that to her Taka! She's not comfortable, y'know that!"

He holds his side as it probably hurts him and clicks his tongue, pouting. "Don't tell me you weren't thinking of that Kenshi."

The latter blushes a little and turns away. "I-I was not!" He doesn't know how to lie. We all sigh. He's such a child when he wants.

I sit back down and look at the game which shows a big 'Game Over' on it. I look back at the boys to ask them if they lost again at the same place. "You can't beat the boss?" They shake their head and sigh. I take Fujita's controller as it is next to me. "I'll show you. Just follow my instruction."

Saito nods and takes the other controller again. Mori sits next to me, watching us play. I press the button to replay the battle once again and start fighting the boss, trying to remember on the way all the touch and how I beat it. It's one the hardest fight in the game, I remember I played it with my brother at the time. We spent quite a lot of time on it. I concentrate on the battle, giving orders to Shor... to Saito who's very concentrate too. After some time, we finally beat it. I let out a sigh of relief as the other scream with joy. Suddenly, I feel an arm making its way around my shoulders. I become stiff and slowly look to my right to see Saito with his usual bright smile. And this is when I can't hold it back anymore. I push him away violently and back up a little. He falls on the floor and looks at me with round-eyes. I'm breathing heavily, I don't know why but my heart is beating so fast right now. Too fast. I shiver a little. It feels weird to be touch by a man. I don't like that at all. We stare at each other for a while before I realize what I just did. I am about to apologize but Saito speaks before I can say anything.

"I-I'm sorry Suzuki! I didn't want to scare you! I don't even know why I did it!" he blushes lightly, a little panicked by my scared face, I suppose.

I start to feel a little calmer and I shake my head before speaking. "It's okay. I shouldn't have reacted like that. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's my fault, really. Sorry."

After a long silence, I turn my head around toward Mori and Fujita to see them smirking at each other. I gulp when I see their faces, knowing what they are imagining. When Mori looks at me, her grin only grow bigger. I shake my head so she could stop thinking about stupid ideas. But who can stop here, uh? It's going to be a long night. But, I'm starting to enjoy myself...

For how long though?

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