《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 12


My dad, Mori and I are talking together in the living room, waiting for the latecomers. I look at my hands, anxious about what happened just a few minutes ago. Mori takes my hands with hers. When I look up, I see her smiling at me. She smiles to help me feel better about what is going to happen. I take a breath while closing my eyes then, nod at her.

Half an hour passed and the boys finally arrive. I open the door for them and they enter with a grin on their face. They look around and wear quite an impressed face. I have a rather big house so it's understandable; Mori had the same expression not so long ago. It's still a reasonable size though. They changed their clothes before coming too for more comfortable ones – like me and Mori did earlier. It's my first time seeing them with something other than the school uniform. They take off their shoes and follow me to the living room where Mori and my father are. My father stands up and greets my two friends with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Suzuki Jesse, Amy's father."

"Nice to meet you too sir, I'm Fujita Takahiro. Sorry for being late, Saito always takes his sweet times to change. He's worst than a girl."

"Am not!" he argues back with a pout, looking away from his best friend.

"Are too."

My dad's laugh. "You sure are lively you two. And you are?" he turns his gaze to the shorter of the two. He eyes him from head to toes and his smile becomes brighter.

"I'm Saito Kenshi, pleasure to meet you," they both bow to greet my father and he does the same. Then, he turns his head to Saito again.


"You and my son have the same name and you look quite alike," he smiles. "It's been a long time since I last saw him though."

"Yeah, I heard it from your daughter," he looks quite uneasy when he heard that. My father grins and pats Saito's shoulder which surprises him a bit.

"I'm going to bring snacks and tea so make yourself home. Amy, come to help me once you finish talking," he gives me an encouraging nod and I nod back at him. I turn my head to Saito and gulp nervously.

"S-," I stop. My heart is beating so fast. I feel a hand grabbing mine. I look to the side to see Mori smiling at me. That's right. I shouldn't be afraid. "Saito," I call out to him, more confident than before. He is staggered by my sudden call. "I need to talk to you," he stands there for a moment, staring at my eyes. He nods and we both go in the garden to talk. Fujita joins Mori's side, not knowing the situation. I'm sure she'll explain to him.

I open the french door which looks out onto the garden. Once we both out, I close the door so nobody can hear us, even if they all already know what I'm going to say, I just feel more comfortable that way. Saito puts his hands in his jeans' pockets, waiting nervously for me to speak. I stare at the grassy ground, feeling anxiety building up again in my body. We are a few meters away from each other. Neither of us talk. The only sound that could be heard was the rustle of the leaves in the trees. Some leaves fall on my feet witch brings me back to reality. I take a deep breath, feeling that my voice is slightly shaking.


"S-Saito," I finally say. He looks up at me with his dark brown eyes. I gulp. Don't worry Amy. Just do it. You have to, for both of you. "I... I met my brother earlier."

He stares at me with big round eyes, obviously, not expecting me to say that at all. "What..." he says in a rather shy and small voice. I never heard him like that. I must have disappointed him...

"On our way home with Mori-chan, we met him. He grew a lot. He's way taller than me now. He looks more mature too but, I could clearly recognize him and so did he. I'm still quite shocked b-but he was there and... I'm... I'm really sorry Saito. I... I'm sorry if I kept your hopes up as me being someone from your family, I..."

Suddenly, I feel his arms sliding around me and drags me against him strongly. I didn't notice he stepped closer to me to the point he hugs me. My body becomes suddenly stiff, not knowing what to do in this situation. I don't like being hold by a man but I'm too shocked to do somthing. I hear his voice whispers "Good..." next to my ear. It feels like he's relieved about something. I stand there in disbelief. I don't understand his reaction. Shouldn't he be mad because I'm not his sister? He holds me tight, not moving a bit. "Don't scare me like that again," he adds, still whispering in my ear. "I thought that I really was your brother or something."

"B-but, wouldn't it have been a good thing for you? I-I mean, you would have finally found somebody who knew your past."

"I don't care about that. I couldn't have stand being your brother."

I start to feel uneasy. "Am I a bad sister or something...?" Or is it because of what he heard? Does he believe I killed my own mom?

"No! It's not that!" he holds me even more closer while he slightly shakes his head. "You'll understand soon enough."

What does that mean?

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