《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 11


I am sitting in the living room. My dad is just in front of me. We are in the middle of dinner but I don't feel like eating anything. I have this knot in my stomach making it hard for me to eat. My dad looks up at me with wonder but I don't really pay attention to it, rather, I ignore his stare as I am too deep in my thought. After a few seconds of staring, he speaks up.

"Did something happen in school?" he asks. I jump by surprise when I heard his sudden voice which brings me back to the real world. "Are you in trouble again? If you want, I can talk to your teach-"

I cut him. "That's not it," he waits for me to continue. "I have... friends now. It's not a problem."

"Oh, right! You did tell me about your friends," he smiles. "I'm happy you actually made friends," I nod to him with a shy smile. I'm honestly happy that I have people who like me for who I am. My dad rests his chin in the palm of his hand and continues to smile at me in a way I rarely saw. I never saw him this happy ever since mom's died. "You look really happy. I haven't seen a smile on this pretty face in a while," he chuckles.

I look away embarrassed by his comment. "Dad," I whine in a small voice to make him stop saying embarrassing things.

"Sorry, sorry," even though he just apologized, his grin becomes bigger. "Hey, why don't we invite them here?"


"I want to see your friends! You never brought any friends home so I'm really willing to see them."

I think for a moment then nod to him. It would be nice if they accept. My first time having friends at home. I'll call Mori later and send texts to the guys. Saito pops in my mind again. Is he my brother? Well, I'll know for sure once my dad and him meet. I sigh and finally start to eat, thinking of having friends at home rather than thinking of this scary possibility. Suddenly, I remember about something I wanted to ask my dad but he has to leave for work. Maybe next time then...

It has been some days since last time I ask them if they wanted to come over. They all say yes and Mori almost faint on the other side of the line – crashes sounds could be heard. The day after I said that, Mori was so clingy with me and she wore a smile all day long. She'd been bragging to everybody she knows that she is coming to my place which made me extremely uncomfortable. But is it really a good idea to have men in my house? Shit, I can't turn back now... I should have given it a thought beforehand. Today is the day so it's too late.


"I'm so happy," Mori sings those words as she holds my arm tightly with hers. People look at us in the corridor which makes me uneasy.

"Mori-chan, can you stop please? It makes me uncomfortable," I ask her kindly as I try to take off her arms from mine. However, she only tightens her grip, making me groan.

"But, Suzu-chan," she sings my name again while she looks directly into my eyes with puppy ones. It makes me so vulnerable these type of glares, I'm still not used to it. "I can't help it, I'm really happy to know I'll be able to stay the night with you," she giggles and gives me a bright smile. Her smile makes me feel all warm inside. I... I can't win against her.

"Fine. Do whatever," I give up, not without letting a sigh escaping my lips. She answers with another big smile and continues to cling tightly against me.

"Look what we have here," we turn around to see the two others that will join us tonight. Fujita wears his usual smirk as he looks down at us. I still hate his height. Get down you bastard. I glare unconsciously at him. He raises a brow at my glare but soon puts back his smirk. "What? Are you jealous of my height, Suzuki?"


"I heard you hate big guys so you must feel jealous because you're so small," he lets out an evil laugh. My glare only intensifies.

"Want to know how jealous I am, ya giant sport-fanatic?"

"Don't call me 'sport-fanatic' when you like it too," he retorts back.

"Not as much as you."

"You like sports Suzuki?" wonders Saito. I guess they never saw me do sports.

I nod, not breaking eyes-contact with the giant. "I never go to classes. And don't ask I have my reason," I knew I had to say that because I know them by now. They would ask why but I don't want to share all the things going on in my life with them yet.

Fujita's grin becomes bigger as he puts a hand on my head and ruffles my hair. "You shouldn't hide it! You're good at it. For a shrimp, I mean."

He gets on my nerve! "Don't freaking touch me, dickhead."

"Waa! Don't get so mad Suzu, I'm just joking!"

"Tch. Don't call me that," I click my tongue before going going out.

"Ah! Suzu-chan! Wait for me! Let's go to my club!"


I look behind, back to the small group. "You're part of a club too?" That mean I have to wait here for them all to finish? What a pain.

"Yeah! I'm part of the art club!" Oh. I don't like the people there.

"Sorry but, I'll just wait at the library," Mori whines, disappointed. Then, Fujita stands next to me and smirks down at me. I don't have a good feeling about that.

"Then, come with me. I know you love sports," he hums, trying to hide his amused expression.

"No way in hell I'll stay with you," I make my way to the library, waiting for them to finish their club.

Should I join a club though? I sigh. Not that they would want me in. I feel people's gaze on me in the library. All the tables around me are empty. I won't bite you, you know? I'm just here to study like anybody there. Will my situation ever change? It's not like the bully stop... I'm fine as long as I'm not alone. I guess.

Mori was coming directly to my house after school as she lives quite far away from there. The boys just stop by their house before joining us. We wave and say 'later' before we part ways. Mori clings to my arm as she hums happily. I slightly smile at her cute behavior. I don't know who's more childish between her and Saito.

Saito, huh...

"Saito's been quite distant lately," Mori's remark makes me jump. I was not expecting her to bring the subject. She glances at me, surprised by my sudden jump. "Were you thinking about this too?"

"Well," I scratch my cheek nervously. "In a way?"

"Ever since we ventured our hypothesis about you two being siblings, he always looks elsewhere," I look down at the ground. Maybe, he's thinking about this too. He musts be shocked about all this. After all, he's amnesiac. "Won't you feel happy to know he's your long lost brother?"

"I... don't know. I feel a knot in my stomach the more I think about it."

Mori's eyes suddenly start to shine. "Could it be... love?!" I almost choke with my own saliva the moment she said that. I shake my head vigorously, denying it with all my mind. She smirks at my reaction. "You're red you know~"

"I'm just embarrassed by what you just said!"

"Yeah, yeah, right~"

I glare at her but let it slides. "It's just weird, you know," I look at the sky deep in thought. "Saito's personality is far from my brother. He wasn't that nice honestly but it wasn't because it didn't love me but more because he was worried for me all the time," Memories flash into my mind. My heart squeezes a little. "The two of them were always there to save me so it's possible that they are the same... I supposed."

"We can know how much people can change from amnesia," I nod.

"I just hope... It won't be awkward between us."


Suddenly, a deep voice from behind just called out to me. Both Mori and I turn around to see a rather tall guy which look quite familiar to me. It takes me a while to realize who it is. Once I recognize him, my mouth slowly part with shock as tears make their way down my cheeks. Mori looks at me worriedly, not understanding the situation. She looks back at the man, her brows knit down as she tries to figure out the situation. But she soon understands it very well.


Yeah, it's earlier than usual (well, technically it's Friday for me) but I really reaaaally wanted to post the new chapter! I just want to publish everything that I already wrote (I have like 4 other chapters ready lol) but I have to restrain myself XD

By the way, I'm telling you this now, in two weeks, for the 19th and the 26th's updates, there won't be any new chapters because I'll be travelling! (I'm going to Japan :D) As you won't have any chapters for two weeks, I can maybe post two next week if you want (if you really can't wait haha). Or maybe I'll try ask one of my friends to post them for me (if they're not busy).

More information next week! Until them, take care and I hope you'll still enjoy reading this little story in the future~

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