《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 10


It's a new day for school. As usual, I get ready to leave the house. I eat breakfast, wash myself, put my uniform and leave my house. But, I don't feel so cheerful today. I keep thinking about her, about Suzuki. Ever since our conversation from two days ago, she's been on my mind. I've been trying to ask my grandparents if I had a sister about my age but they wouldn't answer. I sigh in disappointment as they still refuse to say anything to me. Why would they hide it from me? I have the right to know! They're my family too! I got in an argument because of that. I walk, head down, and before I know it, I'm already in front my school. I live not so far away so it doesn't take much time to get there. I look around and see her. She has the same plain face without a smile or anything. Doesn't she care about us being related? It's hard to tell as she doesn't show many emotions. I... I really don't want that to happen. I don't know why though... We'll be able to live together and all but that also means I was the one who hurt her so much, who left her, who said mean things to her. I can't be that person when I try to make her happy. She suffered so much in her past, I want to help her in building good memories so she wouldn't feel so lonely anymore. I just want her to be happy so she won't suffer ever again. I'll stay with her as long as I can to make sure she'll be fine. But will she want me to stick with her? I can't stay by her side all her life on a daily basic if I'm just her friend... I sigh for the I-don't-know-how-much time. I've been thinking about that for so long. I still don't know how to help her. If only I knew what she had gotten through exactly but I don't want to make her remember...

"Kenshi!!" yells a voice next to my ear. I jump and put a hand over my ear. I turn to see my best friend Taka. "Finally! I've been calling you for like forever!"

"You didn't have to yell in my ear!" I shout back then click my tongue. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"What's gotten into you? You look awful."

"Thanks bud, that cheers me up," I glare at him but he just smirks back. He always does that. "I'm just thinking about a lot of things."

"Eeeh. Wait a minute," he puts his hands up with a horrified expression. I look at him in disbelief. What the hell is he thinking? "You can think?!" What the-


"You wanna die or what?!" I shout at him with one of my fist in the air.

He tries to hold back his laugh as he puts his hand above his mouth and the other in front of him to defend himself in case I really punch him – which I really want to do by the way. "S-sorry! That was tempting! So anyway, what are you thinking about?" We start walking again to the building as classes start in a few minutes. I shrug my shoulders and look ahead.

"About Suzuki."

"Again? You must be really in love, man."

"It's not that," I rub my head, messing my hair in the process. "What if she is my sister?"

"Well, what about that?" He wonders as he doesn't understand what I'm saying.

I take off my shoes when we reach the lockers and change into the indoor ones. "That means I was the one hurting her, Taka! I can't be her heartless brother if now I try to help her."

He sighs as he also changes in his other shoes. "Listen Kenshi, I know you care about her a lot but what will happen will happen. If you're her brother or not won't change anything. If she hates you then blames yourself for being an asshole to her in the first place."

He doesn't mince his words that guy... "I know but..." I just don't want to disappoint her.

"But her brother did help her in the past so I don't think she'll hate you from being her brother. And you did help her now so she might just forgive you," I look at him and smile at his words. I open my mouth to thank him but he talks again. "That's a supposition though. She might never want to talk to you again."

He just crashed all my hopes in one sentence that brat! "You're always so helpful Taka," I sigh at my friend's horrible character.

"Sure, no prob' bro," he adds with his signature smirk. I hate him so much.

We walk into the classroom and greet everyone who return the greeting. Ever since we start to hang out with Suzuki, our classmates wouldn't talk to Taka and I, same for Mori-chan. However, with time, they get use to it and start to talk to us again. They still don't talk to Suzuki though. I have to try harder for things to evolve. Maybe, by the end of the year, they'll talk to her. I hope though... We can't predict the future. I look toward the seats near the windows and see her. She is so calm, watching through the window. Before we became close, she was always on her phone, searching for whatever information she needed or playing games. She looks totally different from before. I can't say for sure if she'll stop doing what she used to but, she seems to be better than before. She doesn't wear that same gloomy look like before. Even if her lips are in a single line and her eyes wandering in the clear and bright blue sky showing no emotion, I can tell she's not as sad as before and that she's doing way better. I smile and go greet her with the same smile I wear every time. It's the only thing I can think of to brighten the mood.


Our homeroom teacher comes in after the bell rang and starts to talk to us about the next school festival: the sports festival. I sigh and look away from her. I hate sports. I observe Suzuki who listens carefully to the teacher. Now that I think about it, I never saw her doing any sports. I barely see her during gym class. Maybe, she doesn't like that. But she looks like she looks forward to it. She's so strange... Ah there was that time–

"Saito!" a voice raises in the class and resonates. I jump and look in front to see everyone's eyes on me. Then, I see my teacher's angry face. I gulp and hold my head down. "Did you listen to any of the things I said?" I lightly shake my head. It only adds more fuel to the fire. "Can't you listen to lessons for once? It's important, it's about the sport festival so listen or you'll have to stay after classes with me."

I nod and turn my eyes away from her. My classmates laugh at me before focusing again on the lesson. I blow through my cheeks as I mutter under my breath, feeling like an idiot. Why is it always me who get scolded at? I cross my arms and listen despite myself to our homeroom teacher. I'm really not looking forward to the sports festival.

Lunch arrive and Taka and I make our way to the cafeteria before joining the girls to the rooftop. Once we reach it, there are many people already. I feel like every time I go there, there are just more and more people. I sigh and wait patiently for our turn. I hear people talking about the sports festival which make me frown at the thought I'll have to do more sports than I usually do. Taka smirk at me, knowing I hate that.

"Don't you dare say a thing," I warn him before he can say anything. He chuckles at my fierce warning.

"Who told ya I was going to say something?"

I knit my brows at him. "I know you Taka," with that his grin becomes bigger. "Anyway, I just hope I won't have to run."

"You'll have to," I whine at the thought. I just hate sweating. "If ya want, we can train together."

"Like hell I want to train and with you," he pouts, feeling hurt by my words.

"I'm just trying to help a poor man such as you with poor abilities in sport."

"You say that because you're a sports fanatic but I just want peacefulness."

"That's the difference between artists and sportsmen. We'll never get to understand each other."

I chuckle a little and he does the same. It's true that I'm photographer, and not at all a sportsman. We finally reach the checkout to take our food and pay. Once down, we climb the stairs and go eat with the two girls. We open the door to see them talking to each other about going out one day together. Suzuki looks quite bashful and hesitant. She might not have been out with friends ever. I feel sad thinking about that. Didn't her brother bring her to do stuff? I feel my throat tightening. If I am her brother then it was my fault. I clench my hands into fists as a way to calm my nerves. I shouldn't think about that in front of her. I'll only make her worried unnecessarily. I put my lips into a smile and join them into their conversation. Being by her side with a smile is the only thing I can do.

"Why are you always forcing yourself?" asks my best friend on our way back home after clubs activities.

I stay silent for a moment, looking forward emotionless. "I don't want her to worry."

"I'm not sure if it's always the best decision."

I pass my hand into my hair and rub it gently. "I'm not sure either. But what can I do?"

"I can't tell you that. I'm not in either of your head," I sigh but nod anyway. If at least I knew what she was thinking, maybe I could do better. I need to know more about her. "Let's just hope she con't hate you if your turn out to be her brother."

"Taka!" he laughs pretty loudly into the dark streets of Tokyo, not caring about disturbing the neighbors. I wonder sometimes whose more childish between us.


There goes chapter 10! We're already this far! Thanks for the 1k views

I hope you're still enjoying it! We still have a long journey in front of us~

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