《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 9


I clench on the sling of my school bag. I'm in front of the school gate, bringing up all the courage in the world to enter the building. Despite my friends' advice, I decide to go to school the day after. If I didn't come, it would have been worst. Taking a big inhalation, I walth with shy steps into the school court and enter the school building. I go to my locker to change into my interior shoes without a sound. I feel people's gazes on me. I guess everybody heard about it already. I clench my fist, feeling my nervousness coming up again. Then, a hand comes to find its way on my head. I turn around and see Saito. He smiles at me then greets me. I stay here for a while then give him a small shy smile, returning his greeting. Whispers around become louder but I prefer to ignore it. Nothing good will come out if I listen to them. I change my shoes and put the other ones into my locker, so does Saito. Once we both finish, we walk side by side to our classroom. Still not confident enough, I face the floor.

"Look up Suzuki."

I look up at his voice. He still smiles at me. His presence gives me courage. Alone, I could never have done it. Little by little, he saves my life. Not only from yesterday's accident, but with his presence, words and smiles. Soon after, Mori joins us to our way to the classroom, throwing one arm around my shoulder. Her too, she's smiling. We enter the class and stares here are stronger than anywhere else. I hold my breath for a few seconds but let it out, trying to stay brave for the ones who cheer for me. I walk to my seat and place my bag on top of the desk before sitting down. Mori and Saito leaves their bag on their desks too before taking place on the ones next to mine.

We talk for a while before Fujita finally makes his entrance. He wears his usual sleepy face. He's not a morning person, it's easy to guess it with the face he makes each morning. Saito tries to make fun of him but the roles are soon swapped and it is Fujita who takes the teaser role. You can really tell they are best friends. Soon enough, Mori joins Fujita in his teasing. I giggle at their already morning fight. They're so funny to watch. When did I start getting use to their small fights and talks? Students around us keep staring at us like we are so king of weirdos. But I don't care anymore. I finally found them mom. The people who accept me for who I am and do not believe rumors. You're always right, aren't you? I hope that... one day, he'll come back. And we'll be a family again.


Now that I think of it, should I tell them about what happened yesterday? I start to feel nervous again. Well, they did tell me many time that they'll love to hear more about me. I take a deep breath and call out to them. They turn to face me, stopping from their conversation. I advert my eyes and talk in a small voice.

"I," I pause. Come on do it Amy! "I talked to my father yesterday," they look at him, having their full attention to what I am saying. Looking at their sincere eyes gives me the strength to continue. "I apologized to him for everything I told him before. I talked to him about my feelings, about everything I had all that time on my heart and... he hugged me tightly. He looked so relieved. It made me really happy..."

"That's great Suzu-chan!" Mori smiles at me before taking my hands, squeezing them with her own. "I'm so happy for you! I'm sure everything will be better for you now!"

"She's right," Fujita nods his head, grinning at me. "I'm sure everything will be back to the way they're supposed to be one day," I smile at their comments. They really are great friends.

I turn my head to Saito as he still doesn't say anything yet. Then, he gives me his big, cheerful smile. "See, I told you everything will be alright! Just open your heart and the closed doors will open before you!" I give him a small nod. He really is a cheerful person.

"You sure are poetic when you want 'big head'," highlights his best friend, a small smirk making its way on his face. Saito frowns at the nickname, veins are popping out on his face.

"I don't have a big head for god's sake!"

"You shouldn't lie otherwise your nose will become big too," smirks our girl friend. More veins show on his – big – forehead.

They all laugh at him and I can't help but laugh too which makes him even more angry because I am joining them. I laugh so hard I can't stop even if he protests. Soon, he gives up and stares at me and then a small smile appears on his face. The bell rings and stops us from our rather energetic conversation. Mori and Saito walk back to their seat on the other side of the class as Fujita sits behind me. The teacher enters the class and the lesson start. I listen to it carefully, taking notes to whatever he is saying.

Soon, lunch time arrive and the four of us go to our usual spot at the rooftop. I sit and open my bento. I look at it and let a small chuckle. Intriguing by my sudden laugh, they turn their attention to my food and are quite taken aback by the look of it.


"Suzu-chan? What happened to your food? It always looks so delicious," she comments when she sees the rather not-really-presentable food in my bento.

"My dad made it this morning. He insisted even if he never made it before. Not that he's bad at cooking though. It was quite funny to watch. I'll help him next time."

"Ain't that nice? It's not my dad who'll do that," points out Fujita. I nod to him with a smile. I dig into the food. Wow, it's actually good.

"He's not bad at cooking, isn't he now?"

"Eeeh? Really? Can I try?" Without waiting my answer, she picks up one of my omelets with her chopsticks and eats the whole thing. "Woow! You're right! You dad is better than I thought!"

The boys try them too and give a nod to agree with Mori. "Yeah but he still needs to improve the presentation," I let another small laugh as I look at the food. They look at each other and smile as if they agree to something.

"You have really changed within 24 hours," remarks Fujita. They all nod.

I blush lightly, scratching my cheek with my index awkwardly. "Well, to be honest, I was more like that back in elementary school. It all changed after my... mom's death. I always had problems with others, even before, because they didn't like me as I am half-American. The fact that I look more American than Japanese didn't help either. Now that I think about it my brother always helped me out," I wear a nostalgic smile as I remember my young years. "My dad is American and my mother is Japanese. I never knew my biological mother. And then, my brother's mom and my dad get married when I was 3. Even if they aren't my biological mother and brother, I considered them as my real family and I still consider them like that. Kenshi and I are both the same age."

"Kenshi..?" Saito tilts his head to the side in wonder.

"Oh yeah that's right. Your name is Kenshi too, Saito," I scratch my cheek as I recall this. What a coincidence.

"Yeah," he nods with a smile.

"Even that you barely remembered back then," sighs Fujita as if remembering something painful. Both Mori and I are taken aback as we have no clue what he is talking about.

"That was a long time ago Taka."

"Did something happen?" Finally asks Mori out of curiosity.

They both stay silent for a while, looking at each others' eyes. Fujita encourages him to talk as he makes a small movement with his head. Saito scratches the back of his head nervously. I take some courage and am going to stop him before he talks if he doesn't want to but he finally says something after taking a deep breath.

"I had a serious accident some years ago and I couldn't recall anything. Even now, I don't remember my past until I arrived to my grandparents' house. They told me both my parents are dead but I really don't remember. I have my grandparents' name so I can't say for sure if I have siblings and I can't search for my parents, my grandparents never really told me their last name. And Taka never knew."

"Yeah," he nods. "I'm bad with names so if you told me about your parents' last name, I don't remember. But, you did say to me you had a sister or something but I'm not sure as you never really talked about her or anything and I never saw your parents' faces."

His story... "Looks like it could be link to Amy's," I gulp as Mori said exactly what I was thinking. "I mean, it would make sense. She never had contact with her brother again since a long time. What is your grandparents' last name?" I try to think about it. I don't remember. It's been years since last time I saw them. I shrug my shoulders having no clues to answer her question. "More and more suspicious."

"Y-you may be imagining things Mori-ch-" Fujita cuts his best friend just before he could continue.

"No, it actually makes sense. You don't remember your past so your parents, and you had a sister. Furthermore, you left for your grandparents' house without even knowing why."

I'm feeling uneasy. "We... don't know for sure he had a sister," Saito nods his head vigorously to accentuate my point.

"Yeah but, you can't say it's not an option. You did say, Amy, you have the same age."


"So it's a possibility we can't sweep to one side," finishes Amy.

"Still, I would recognize my own brother. So, I'm not really sure it would make sense..."

"There's that too," nods Fujita, thinking deeply.

"But it'd be great if we found someone from Saito's family!"

Saito and I stare at each other for quite a moment. It's like time has stopped during those few minutes. A sweat drops down my neck and my mind is going insane. I can't look away from him. I don't recall him being so small but then again, I grew up since middle school. Did he dye his hair? But was he... like that? I don't... know anymore... He could have wanted to change so I would never recognized him. Why do I feel like this? My heart... It's hurting somehow.

Is he my brother?

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