《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 7


His smile becomes bigger. "You really are smart then," he comes closer to me and bends forward to whisper in my ear. "You'll be the one being 'destroyed' now," wha... What does he mean?

I'm starting to feel uneasy. I'm used to being bullied and hated so things like that won't have any real impact on me. It's not like they can use my money because my dad wouldn't let them do that. I don't have any close people around me... Or maybe I do. I don't even know myself about it. Why did they choose that day among all the others. I can't think straight and there's no one I can call out for help. I have no one... I keep rejecting them so I can't just ask them for help. I'm scared, I'm so scared. I've never been so scared in a long time. Not since that day...

"Suzuki Amy. No club. Her dad is a baker and comes from America," does it sound familiar? Are they doing the same method than me? Don't tell me they...

"Wait! Stop!" I yell at them to stop. No one can know my past, no one! But they ignore me and continue.

"Her mother was a scientist specialist in high tech. She died when Suzuki was 8."

"Stop it!" I beg, holding my ears. I don't want to hear it.

"Police said it was an accident, her dad said it was an accident but tell me, Suzuki-chan, was it really an accident? Did she really died by herself? Or did someone did it?" No, no, no!

"Please! I beg you to stop!" Don't bring my mom into this! Tears are coming up. No, you shouldn't! There are too many people around! Don't show your weakness or you'll suffer again.

"When was it? You were on a trip with your dad, mother and was there a brother?" Kenshi... "But he left, didn't he? He was afraid of you. Afraid of what you'll do to him. Your dad is the only who stayed by your side but you're despising him. Don't you think it's harsh?" I... Dad... I'm sorry... That time, tears were falling. My body fells heavy. I fall on the floor, still covering my ears. I can feel people's stare. They are judging me, again.


"Everyone knew you as a murderer back there in Sapporo. because your brother told them the truth. A daughter, killing her mother out of jealousy," I didn't kill her! Did I? It was an accident! Did I really do that? Please stop, I can't anymore... Mom! I never killed you! "That's why you moved out with your father. You came here and thought it would be better, no one will know you so no one will bother you," he stops for a moment. His voice becomes lower but is still clear just to say this word: "Rape," my mind instantly goes blank. "Am I right? City boys can be so cruel."

I shake. My whole body won't stop shaking. Please, don't make me remember my past. Please! I can hear murmurs of people around me. Don't stay here! Leave! I don't want people to know me! I'm too afraid! "Aoki," I say in a trembling voice. "I beg you to stop for once. I can't listen to that anymore."

He just smiles. I don't see him but I know he does. Is this what I get for my past mistakes? I tried everything and anything to keep myself away from people but it wasn't of any use. In the end, it's all the same. I'm just a trash. I don't deserve to live. I'm sure everyone thinks that. I can feel their eyes on me. Those judging eyes. I can't anymore. It's too much! "Suzuki!" I heard someone's screaming then, two other voices. I turn around and see them. Mori, Fujita and Saito. They run to me, with worried eyes. My tears are falling again, even more than before. Don't they hate me? Or, are they here to make fun of me? Mori grabs my shoulder and looks at me in the eyes. Her eyes start to tear up too. She shouldn't cry. Her beautiful face will be ruin. I don't want her to pity me. She holds me in a tight embrace. I hear her snobs in my ear. Why do I feel so relieved? I reach my hands to her and grabs her white shirt, burring my face in her neck so no one can see my ugly crying face.


Saito clicks his tongue. He sounds angry. Doesn't he hate me for what I said? "You'll regret what you just did," I never heard him talking like that. It's kind of... scary. Aoki just laughs loudly at him like he's making fun of him. I can't see the scene but I can guess what they are doing; I'm sure they're glaring at each other. I don't know how much time passes until I finally decide to stand up to face them. Mori looks at me, still really worried. My eyes are red. I'm sure of it. But I have to face them if I want that situation to end.

I stare at them, resolve to do what I intended to do. I give them a small smile from the corner of my lips. Now, I'm more mad than ever. "Say Aoki, it's not really nice to rape girls," he gulps. "You're the one judging me because I was in fact raped but I think, no, I know that it's worse to rape than being raped. Your friends aren't innocent too. Other than helping you getting money from students from our school, they also take advantage on women to rape them. Oh, it's true that sometimes you buy women. Sure, it's better," I say with sarcasm. Now, look who's afraid.

The hacker of the group speaks up for the first time. "You have no right to criticize us when you killed your own mother."

I give him a glare full of hatred. He shivers and backs up. "You weren't there, were you? You don't know what happened. Hacking just gives you information, it doesn't always gives you the right information if you don't dig enough. And it's more you who shouldn't criticize me. You hack into innocent people's private lives and put whatever you feel like on the blog, making you pass for me," he looks shocked. He didn't know I knew all along who he was. "I never say anything because first, nobody would have believed me and second, I was waiting for the right moment to say it. I may hack to know people's private lives, I won't deny it, but I, at least, do it for something," they all shut up now. They don't have anything else to add. Not that they can. I let out a discrete sigh, a weight slowly leaving my shoulder. "Now, if you can excuse me, I have better things to do."

I take my bag from the ground and walk away. Students who gathered around us, leave a pass for me as I continue my way, head facing the floor. It's all finished now. I just have to move out now. Their faces cross my mind. I won't be able to see them again. I was... so close to have new friends. Real friends.

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