《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 6


Since I discover that information, he's been more and more clingy -like he wasn't clingy enough. I'm pissed off even more than before. I don't need him and I keep repeating it but he doesn't listen to me. He follows me everywhere, escorts me home... He even almost went to the girls bathroom one time but ended being beat up by others girls. Jeez, he's doing too much. That time again, he's planing to follow until I get home.

"Listen!" I yell at him half way to my house. He looks shock. Did he really thought I wasn't going to yell at him one day? "I can go back to my house on my own, I don't need you! So stay away from me! I don't need someone to follow me at every single place I go!"


I cut him right away. "No buts! You're going way too far with this! We're nothing to each other! Just classmates! Why do you care so much about me?"


"Just go home already!"

I look at the ground, not wanting to see his face. I'm sure he's disappointing. Maybe, he's angry because of what I said. I hear the sound of steps drawing away. He's leaving. I should be happy right? What's this feeling? It's the same than last time... No, not exactly...

I enter my house. Dad's not here I guess. However, he did leave the candies I asked him to bring. It's some brand new products. I stare at them for a few minutes, wondering if I should bring them tomorrow. Well, I did promise, didn't I?

I take a bag of candy and go to my room. I have work to do. I should end that work rapidly so everything will be back to normal. At least, I hope.


The next morning. I've got the candies' bags. Should I just... give it to them? But, what about Shorty? I can't just give it to him after what I said yesterday. Aaarg! It's not like me to think that way! I mean, why would I care? Shouldn't I hate him? But he's trying to help me. He's a man I can't believe him... He'll only use me at the end. They all do that.

It's already lunch time and I still didn't talk to Shorty. Well, it's more that didn't come to see us at all. He's with other friends, talking happily about whatever. I stare at him silently, at lost of words –not that I talk much anyway. The others two stare at him with wonder. They don't know what happened yesterday after all. They look concerned about him.

Mori is the first to talk. She keeps looking in his direction while speaking to us. "What's up with him? He didn't come to talk to us at all," the black haired man nods. They both turn their head towards me. I have a bad feeling about it.

I cross my arms on my table and put my head on them. I didn't need to ask what they wanted, I knew it already. "I think... I yelled at him too much yesterday..." I admit it. It's rather rare coming from me. Mori glares at me. She doesn't seem happy at all.

"Why did you do that?"

"Well, um..." I am at lost of words. "He was being too clingy so I told him to leave me alone because we aren't anything to each other and–"

"You did what?!" she shouts in the classroom. Everyone turns their attention toward the one who just screamed. I hide myself into my arms. I don't want to deal with that.


I mumble in a low voice. "Well, it's true so I dunno why I would have say it otherwise."

I hear a loud sigh coming from one of them. "Listen, Suzuki," Fujita talks in a small irritated voice. It feels like he's controlling himself to not get mad at me. "I know that you never had friends before and you don't know how it feels like to have some. But I think Mori and Kenshi already consider you as their friend; the same goes to me," why would I have friends? "You may think that being alone is the best way to deal with your problems but having someone by your side that you can believe in and rely on is way more beneficial for anybody. You should consider it seriously. Just know that we're here if you need us."

I don't move, neither do I speak. I stay hiding in my cross arms. Thoughts keep crossing my mind. I'm lost, I don't know what to think anymore. Does having friends is that good? Can I... really say my mind with them? But they'll... they'll hate me if they came to know me better. That's why I never get close to people. They all end up being afraid of me or finding me disgusting. I had "friends" in the past but it was just pain and betrayal. I don't want to experience that again. I... can't believe anyone...

The bell's ringing. It's finally finished. I take my bag and leave like a thief at night. I walk into the corridors and make it outside after changing my shoes, but I don't make that far. I am stopped by a guys' group: Aoki's group. There they are at least. They really choose their day too. Are they sure they want to attack me in front of everyone?

Aoki, the leader, smirks when he sees me. They were waiting for the moment I was alone, I'm sure of it. "Suzuki Amy-chan," don't you dare being familiar with me. Students start to feel the tension going on and group up in a ring around us. I don't feel too good about it... "Finally alone without her dog."

They're still calling him a 'dog'? I glare at them but they only laugh at my face. There's something wrong. Usually they don't do that... What are they searching to do? As I am thinking, I look around to see that more and more people are gathering. Wait... Don't tell me that... "You planed all this didn't you?" He's going to humiliate me in front of everybody. For sure, that's a smart idea because nobody will come to rescue me, they'll be happy if I get to disappear. Don't feel pity, it's true. There's no need lying.

His smile becomes bigger. "You really are smart then," he comes closer to me and bends forward to whisper in my ear. "You'll be the one being 'destroyed' now," wha... What does he mean?

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