《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 4 (part 2)


"Leave me alone!" A scream echoes near me. I look around but I see nothing. As I hear again loud voice which sounds like someone's in trouble, I stand up and search the owner of the voice. I look behind a bunch of bushes and see one woman being assault by three men. As I can't stand there and watch, I raise my voice to get there attention. They turn their heads toward my direction, surprised. But soon it turns to a smirk. Two of them come closer to me with evil face on. I stand there proud and ready to retaliate at any moment. Hope those years of self-defense won't go to waste. I take my phone and secretly start to hack into a police computer to send them the coordinates where we both are. Just play safely for the woman behind. If it was only me, I wouldn't have done that. They reach out their hands to grab my shoulders and bring me with them. I move back so they can't reach me. They look displease by my rather hot-blooded temperament. One step in and try a more forceful way. I take his right arm and bring him to me to send him behind my back. Jeez, he's heavy. He hits the floor violently. The other one looks shock at first and take a knife out of his pocket. Did he have a weapon all that time? I prepare myself as he comes at me with the small knife. I dodge his attack the best I can but he still manages to cut my hand and my right cheek. Blood is coming out of the wounds.

As the situation begins to turn really bad I decide to talk to the woman ahead. "Run! Hurry!" The man holding her is distracted by what is happening so it's her only chance. She breaks free from the tall man's grip and runs for her life. The latter shouts at her to come back but doesn't chase her. On the contrary, he turns his full attention towards me. A sweat runs down my forehead. As much as I despise men, some are still scary as hell. He is way taller than the two others. Even though I am myself not small, he is at least 20 centimeters taller than me, even more maybe. I step backwards but the guy I sent to the ground before, stands behind me and takes both my arms firmly. I struggle to break free from him but the tall man grabs by the neck to stop me from moving more.


"Ain't you feel like a hero, uh?" I feel sarcasm in his voice. He really pisses me off. I spit on him and he backs off to wash his face before punching my face, right on the cut. I try to keep my emotions hidden the best I can even with the pain from that powerful fist of his. I can almost feel tears coming up. Never will I cry in front of men. What the fuck is the police doing? Can't they hurry? "You better not do that again, bitch."

"Don't call me that, bastard. You're way worse than me," I retort to his most displeasure. As he readies himself to hurt me again, the alarm of the police rings out. I let out a sigh of relief. They release me and try to run away but it is already too late. The policemen catch them and they put cuffs to their wirsts. Two others come to me to see how I am doing. I shake my head when they ask me if I need to go to the hospital.

As soon as they finish asking question, I leave the place, returning to my spot to take my stuffs. I walk to my house, holding my right cheek. I have the taste of blood in my mouth. Urrg. It tastes so bad. I enter the subway and wait for it to arrive. I sit on a bench and take my phone out of my jacket's pocket. I am surprised they didn't ask any questions about the hacking. Well, they maybe didn't notice and just hurry to arrive.


I look up. Oh how convenient... Men are the last thing I want to see. He looks confused. It must from the face I have. I have wounds on me after all. "What are you doing here?" I ask. Why did I say that? It's obvious why he's here.


"Well, I'm... going home. But what happened to you?" Is he worried? There's no need to be. It's just minor wounds.

"It's nothing. Just the work of men."

"Did someone beat you?!" He grabs my shoulders with worry eyes and a slight of anger too. I glare at him to make him back up. I don't want another man to touch me. Once he steps back, I continue my story.

"Three men were assaulting a woman. I couldn't stand it so I stepped in. I hack into the police's computers giving them the geographic coordinates before doing anything reckless and I manage to let the woman escape but I got wounded. Nothing to worry about though. The police arrived just in time."

He sighs of relief. He finally relaxes and sits down next to me. Nobody talks. Surprisingly, there aren't many people in the subway. It is almost only the two of us. And if I can say that... I'm not relax at all with him. Not that I'm scared, but I don't want to see and be near of any men right now. I sigh and take my PSP out of my bag. I turn it on and play the game in it. I see Shorty next to me; he looks interested by what I'm doing. I turn my console on the opposite side of him. He pouts in disappointment. Ignoring him, I concentrate on my game. As the suburban train arrives, I continue to play after I sit down. Shorty sit next to me, not saying anything. Weird. It's been awhile since I notice that. He's been quiet lately. Should I talk to him? Maybe not. It'll be weird if I start worrying about someone especially those male creatures. If he wants to talk about it, he'll do it.

"Suzuki-san," well that was short. "I wanted to say, umh..." he hesitates, looking at his feet. "Thanks for the other day," the other day? Oh, when I spoke to him in the class?

"That was nothing. I was just angry at people's stupidity."

"Still, it really helps getting back on my feet. It wasn't the only reason I was down to be honest."

So he was down for something else too? I'm sure whatever it was, the situation he was in at school didn't help. Maybe what I said was kind of helpful then. But, I still don't understand me, I helped a man. Despite that I hate them, I helped a man. I helped him. Sure, he doesn't look bad but... you're never sure.

"Just know," I speak in a low voice, still playing at my game. "I won't do that again. We're not friends."

He never answered. He just smiled as if feeling relieved about something. I really don't... understand him...

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