《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 4 (part 1)


Something isn't right. It's been a few days since the first event happened. My phone has been really weird lately. I keep fixing it and it's back to normal but every time I don't look at it, it keeps having bugs. I can't investigate that way. I leave the classroom, my phone in hand, trying to fix it for the umpteenth time. I walk into the corridor, not paying attention to people around me. Suddenly, I bump into someone. Well, it was something to expect. I hold my nose, feeling a slight pain coming from it. Without looking up, I apologize for bumping into the person and walk again, trying to be more careful. However, someone grabs my wrist. This time, I look up. Geez, he's tall. I hate tall men the most. He must be from the volleyball or basketball team or something like that. He has long black hair with a headband to keep his hair off of his face. He looks angry. Why's that? I apologized, didn't I?

I ask timidly, being a little confused: "Do you need something?" He laughs, and his friends too.

"Are you stupid? You just bump into me!"

"Yeah and I apologized for that," I add, not understanding where he is heading. He frowns at my reply.

"Do you think I'll let you go with just that, demon?" Demon? Is that what they call me now? It's not like I summon demons. Not that I can. I wait for him to continue. "You ruin the Captain's reputation ya know?" Oh. So the basketball team. "Because of you, we lost our last tournament!"

"Well, I'm sorry for that, I didn't know but, if your captain wasn't like that maybe I wouldn't have done that," my voice was sharp. They don't like that. That will take long... "Listen, I don't know what do you want but I have better things to do. So if you can excuse me," I try to leave but his grip on my wrist grows tighter to the point it hurts. Despite of myself, I let a small sound out of my mouth as I couldn't hide the pain. "Can't you let go already?"


"Say," he starts again, his voice deeper than before. "You're Prince Charming's not here today is it?"

"'Prince Charming'? Are you talking about Shorty? There's no way he's that. And he's not following me every time."

"Is he your dog?" smirks one of the others. "He does look like someone like that," another one nods as he agrees with his teammate.

"Does he do everything you ask?" asks the latter. They continue laughing at him. Did his reputation drop that low? I didn't notice. I thought things were better.

I slightly chuckle. They don't know anything, do they? They look at me with trouble faces. "If you're going to say nonsense, you should shut your mouth," before they could speak, I continue. "Sure he follows me around but he is nothing like me and surely, he is not a dog. You don't know him so you can't criticize him. Well, I can't say I know him well, I barely even remember his name. But don't assume things when you know nothing. Honestly, that what pisses me off the most," I glare at them. I'm really upset because one, they said stupid things and two, they wasted my time.

He finally releases his grip and I bring my arm back so he can't grab it again. I turn away and stare at my phone again, hurrying to fix it. Is someone trying to hack through it? I have to hurry and fix it then. Nobody can have access to my information. If they do... I can't even imagine what could happen.

I walk for some minutes and sit at the usual park. I never go straight home; I avoid it as much as I can. I go to my regular spot, put my bag down, searching for something to sit on and I put a white towel on the grass near a cherry tree. It's not in bloom anymore but they're still pretty. I love cherry trees; they're relaxing and really pretty. They calm me down after an awful day like now. I finish fixing my phone and let a sigh of a relief as I can finally relax. I lean on the tree looking at the bright blue sky. It's sunny today, there aren't many clouds. I prefer rainy days. The smell and the sound of the rain are soothing. I hope it'll rain soon. I close my eyes, letting myself being cradle by the sound of the wind and the sweet smell of flowers. Spring is quite nice. There are so many different smells. I like to try and guess where it comes from. Now that I think about it, summer is soon. I don't like it, summer is too hot. Autumn must be my favorite because it's rainy and there are many colors. Winter however...


"Leave me alone!" A scream echoes near me. I look around but I see nothing. As I hear again loud voice which sounds like someone's in trouble, I stand up and search the owner of the voice.


: This chapter will be in two parts because I just notice it was quite long so there's the first! The next one is next week as always~ Hope you enjoyed it!


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