《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 3


Umm... Shorty's not here today? Good then... I can relax. I sit down at the edge of the rooftop, eating my bento. I like preparing my own food so I never go to the cafeteria -not that I'll be welcome anyway. Mmmh... Now that I think about it, I didn't join any club this year... Should I? Last year, I was banned from the art club because I was scary. Yeah, I shouldn't try. I always wonder what's the scariest thing about me. My dark short hair? My passive face? My way of walking or looking at people? My character? My genius for hacking maybe. Or it can just be my ugly face and body. People did say I was ugly and it was "gross" (to quote them exactly) back in my young age (I sound old saying that, ain't I?). Not the happiest time of my life. A lot did happen back then. It was when I start to despise men. Middle-school was it? I don't remember if it was my second or third grade. It was just after... Anyway, I don't like remembering those things. I look at my lunch, still half eaten. I don't feel hungry anymore. I wrap my bento back in its towel and walk back to the classroom.

I enter and spot Shorty at his table. He looks deep in thought. He seems to have noticed me but doesn't come to me like usual. Did he give up finally? Or the conversation from the other day got him? Oh well. We're not friends anyway. I sit at my table and look into my phone. By the way, what was his name again? Seika? I think it's Seito. But I don't know his first name. I'm really bad with name. Maybe because usually I don't care as I don't have friends. I read the last news on the blog. People are criticizing me. Oh, they talk about Shorty too. As I read the comments and article I kindof feel bad for him from all the mean things that were say. I thought he was popular or somthing like that? He's very friendly with everybody. Some are still trying to defend him. I think it's because of me. I told him not to go near me. I knew the consequences. What's done is done. It'll make one less guy.


He's more depressed than before. When did I start noticing that? Feels weird for him to be quiet. He still doesn't listen to the lessons though. He keeps daydreaming. He doesn't even go out with his friends after class. Usually, he spends the pauses with me and goes to his club or friends after the end of the day. What is his club already? I think it's the photo's club. That's right, he showed me some of his picture during lunch time. He forced me to watch, putting it in front of my face so I didn't have any choice. He takes some really nice one. Anyway, why do I worry for him? I don't think it's worry, maybe it's guilt? If it's me who put him in that situation, I should do something. I'll try to talk to him after class.

At the end of the day, right when the bell rings, I stand up quickly which made jump my classmates around me. Ignoring them, I walk to the person I need to talk to. Shorty stands up from his chair and prepares to leave but I cut his road. He looks at me with wonder and surprise as I stare at him. In search of words, I speak with some hesitation. Don't judge me, I'm not used to that stuff. I don't have to do it but my pride will take a hit if I do nothing.

"Listen, Shorty."

"Y-yes?" his voice is weaker than usual. It loses a little of his cheerfulness that pisses me off all the time.

"What's going on with you? You're not your usual self. Even me can notice that. I don't care if you're around me or not and to be honest, I prefer when you're not here..."

"You didn't need to say that," he stares at the ground, feeling even worst than before.


"But, don't let those guys drag you down," I raise my voice. It's not like me. But I'm really angry with what they said on the blog lately about him. "What they say is not important. You have your friends who're here for you and that is important. Friends are supposed to back up each other. You're lucky you have a bunch of them. Some people are just coward so they don't have to say anything. And if I notice something like that with all the ignorance I give for anyone in that planet, that mean something's not right and you should move your ass!" I almost shout now so everybody would hear me say.

I finish to express what I had in mind. I feel more relief now. People are staring at me now. Yeah, I would have guess they would think it's weird. But I said what I wanted and that's the most important thing. I return to my desk, take my bag and leave the room. I pass by Shorty's friends. I think they were going to have a talk. Maybe I shouldn't have say anything then? Oh, whatever. I continue walking down the corridor and exit the building. Where should I go? Oh yeah. My dad told me to come home fast today. Apparently, there's some important people coming. I have to dress up then... How boring. I want to hide somewhere. I sigh and walk home slowly, not hurrying at all. By the way, I wonder if things with Shorty will go better now? I don't know if I was of any help but I hope the situation goes better so I won't feel guilty anymore.

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