《The Girl With The Cellphone》Chapter 2


It's that guy again... I can't deal with him anymore. He keeps trying to talk with me and I don't know why. I keep ignoring him but he would keep talking. Can't he shut up? He's disturbing my o-so peaceful school life. It's lunch time but I feel already tired because of him. It's been two weeks already but he still didn't give up. I don't understand him. Well, I understand him. I don't even know what is he blathered about again today. I never listen to him. I always eat on the rooftop to be alone because nobody comes here as I am here. It was so peaceful and quiet before he came and disturbed . Was he talking about summer or something? Oh yeah. It's true that summer is coming which means summer breaks. I'll be far away from boys and especially .

"So, Suzuki-san!" he calls out to me but I ignore him as always. As used to it, he continues talking. "What do you do for summer? Are you going somewhere?"

"'Somewhere', uh?" I thought to myself but answering out loud in a sightly irritated voice. "No and why do you care?"

He smiles when he notices I finally talk to him. "I want to know more about you!" he always says that when I ask him. I don't know why though.

I sigh. Always so stupid. "There's nothing great about me really," he looks surprise when I continue talking. Did I speak too much? Well, I guess I'm starting to catch his stupidity.

"Don't you want to have friends?"

"I already told you I don't care."

"Don't you feel lonely?"


"Is there something dear to you?"

"My phone."

"Oh it's true! You always have it with you! You always carry it around, don't you?" I only nod. I don't feel like answering all his question. I never talk that much, it's new to me. I wonder why I bother by the way. But either way it's tiring so I'll leave it there for today.


He still stares at me while eating his food. He looks really happy somehow. Why would he be happy with a girl who keeps rejecting him and his friendly manner and keeps being harsh towards everyone? Such a weirdo... But maybe...

"Say Shorty." He gulps when he heard that nickname. He doesn't like it but he couldn't stop me from saying it so he lets it slide. "I've been wondering..." I start a conversation for the first time. His eyes are shinning right now. It's kind of creepy to be honest. He nods at me to encourage me to continue. "Are you... a masochist?"

Silence. After staring at me for a few seconds, he opens his mouth again to confirm what I ask. As I confirm it, he suddenly becomes blank. Did I... say something weird? "No, I'm not!" he shouts it so loud that I had to cover my ears. I glare at him because of what he just did. His dark brown eyes look at mine with fear from what people call "my dangerous glare" or "the killer stare". He looks bashful for a moment before denying it again. "I am not a masochist, really."

"Well," I state as I turn my attention back to my food. "Even if you were, it's not my problem. You do whatever you want with your body."

"But I promise you!" He insists with pleading eyes. "I'm not into that kind of stuff!"

"Jeez, okay, understood. Now, quit chatting I want to eat."

As I order him, he shuts his mouth and continues eating too. Still, he looks happy somehow. Does talking with me makes him that happy? Is he not weird? He must really be masochist. We return to the classroom after we finish. I sit down to my usual place and Shorty takes a chair from the table in front of mine to continue to prattle. However, before he could so that, one of our classmates call out to him. He walks to her. It is a group of people. Some are in another class. I can guess what they are talking about. It's always the same. I look at the window observing people hurrying to their class. Oh, there's a new couple outside. Should I investigate again? Maybe, that guy is bad too. He doesn't look like that though. But, as I always say, you're never too careful. I take my phone and snap a quick picture of the two people. I stare at the photo for a few seconds before putting it in my pocket again. It's when I notice that Shorty is back. He doesn't look too happy unlike before. Was he bullied because he's with me? Too bad for him. You can't judge me for my harsh words, I never ask him to follow me around. He stares at me, looking unpleasant. I give him a questioning look as I raise on of my eyebrows.


"What?" I retort as he keeps staring without saying anything -which is weird coming up from him.

"Are you planing to ruin that couple?" I am taken back. Did he see? I shrug my shoulders before continuing.

"Well, not if he is doing nothing."

He looks upset. "It's not your business Suzuki. It's their problem and plus," he adds as he looks at the couple still outside. "They look happy the way they are now so leave them be."

I sigh at his childish behavior. "Listen, I'm not someone kind so I don't care if their happy lives are ruin. I just want men to begone."

"So, me too?"

"Obviously," I nod with my head not hiding my thought. "It's you who hang out with me, I never ask. I bear it because I'm tired of yelling at you but I never say I like you."

He looks pained. It's not the first time I tell him that but he is still not used to it I see. He should know that I'm not kind with anyone. He sighs before leaving to his sit. The bell rings not too long after. I look at the window again, not bother with what just happened. By the way, I didn't ask him what happened with those people. I guess he'll come back so I can ask him later. I always say that idiots always come back.


There! Chapter 2 is out ^^ I hope you enjoyed :)

Feedbacks are appreciated! It helps me in getting better ^^ Don't hesitate so I'll know if you enjoy it or not :)

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