《The Girl With The Cellphone》Prologue


Again. A new one. It will never end. Men are so stupid. I hate them. They are disgusting. How can girls be in love with people like them? If I wasn't there this time again, she would have to suffer from that guy. Well, everyone is afraid of me so there's no way she would thank me. Not that I care. It's not like high school will go forever. In two years, it's all finished. I won't have to see their faces again. I'll leave this country and go away. Far away. Where I know no one and where I can continue my mission. I will destroy all of them. They don't have a right to live in the same place as us. They are just a bunch of perveted people with nothing in their mind. Using women as their toy. Abusing them however they want. Just, go to hell already.

Monday morning. Another month, another week, another day. It has aleady been a month now that school has started. It's my second year here at Waseda High School in Tokyo. It's a private school and it's very nice. Except that they are many boys. I wanted to go to a only girls school but my stupid father forced me to go there. Him too, he's forcing his way to women, doing whatever he wants. I don't know how mom loved him.

I walk to my class and sit at my table. Gossips were spreading eveywhere about that guy, Nakajima Yato. I discover he was using money to get the girls he wanted. Fucking rich people. They are the worst. I hack into his computer three days ago and found his secret. I posted it on the school blog so every high schooler could see it. He still didn't show up since then. Maybe he'll do it today. They always come back.


I take my phone from my pocket and look at my apps, wondering what games I'll play today. My classmates are looking down at me again. I can hear them whispering. It's not like they are making themselves scarce. They wonder if I am going to hack into their phone and reveal their biggest secrets. I don't hack all days, y'know? If I don't have a reason to do, I won't. As I am concentrate on the game playing on my phone, I hear someone talking next to me. I ignore it because I know it is not for me. Suddenly, a hand waves in front of my face and it shocks me, making me jump a little. Does someone really try to talk to me? I turn around to see a rather short guy, maybe my heigh, smiling at me when I finally turned around. He has brown hair. He must have dyed them. It's current now in Japan. I frown when I notice it is a guy and turn back to continue my game. However, he calls out again. At his rather begging -and annoying- voice, I look at him on more time with a big frown on my face, not trying to hide my irritation. He fliches and swallows his saliva, feeling instantly nervous. He tries to keep his cool by hiding his fear behind a smile.

"N-nice to meet you Suzuki-san! We never have an occasion to talk and as- as you're always alone, I thought that maybe... You must be lonely?"

His voice is shaking. He looks like he is ready to run away at any moment. How pathetic. Why does he even try? Men are really stupid.

"Well, you thought wrong," I answer coldly, retourning my attention to my phone.

"D-Did I?"


"Anyway, why do you even talk to me? I don't even know who you are and I don't care. So, don't try talking to me again. I don't want to be friendly with you so leave me now."


This time, I just ignore him. I don't want to be involved with him any longer. Tch! Nice, I lost. Thanks to this dork. I hear people gathering around that guy, trying to make him see sence because he tries to communicate with him. "It's dangerous," they say. "She can reveal any of your secret." Well, I agree with them, it's dangerous. If he goes nearer to me, I might just ruin his life. He doesn't answer. Maybe, I went to far but it's not like I care. I just want peace and quiet. I don't need anyone. I only need my phone. It's my weapon. I can do anything with it. Suddenly, I hear giggle of a girl and a big guy walking in the corridor, passing the door of our class. I already saw him before, with another girl. Maybe I should investigate on that. After all, it's my mission. I'll end the men's reign.


Yeah, Amy is a really sassy girl XD She has no chill and says whatever is on her mind :') Feels like I'll like this chara!

I'll try to post once a week or every two weeks. It'll depend on my exams... Such a hard life... (lol)

Feedbacks appreciate! Your comments help me in getting better :)

PS: Tell me if there's any mistakes so I can correct them! I'm still learning English ^^

Bye bye!

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