《Fire and Ice》Chapter 14: Welcome
"Dear Cate. I wish I knew where you were staying. Jacob misses you. So do I. He makes me feel better. I mean, he makes me feel alive. The hole in my chest, well, when I'm with Jake, it's like it's almost healed. For a while."
Bella's last email actually made me smile. I knew she was getting better. I'd seen the color return to her face periodically over the last few weeks. And while she was starting to feel better I could still hear her screams. I'd almost begun to think the nightmares had stopped but guess I was wrong. But in any way, progress is progress.
I'd continued to put off going back to the reservation on account of my being a pussy, but I continued to keep an eye on her every day.
One Saturday I heard Bella on the phone with Jacob, the bikes were almost done but they needed to go out to buy some parts they were missing. Seemed like as good a day as any to go on the reservation while they were out of the barn. It would ensure she wouldn't see me.
I'd decided I would talk to Billy, Jacob's dad, because I recall Jacob telling me his dad was basically the chief, which meant he had to know about the shapeshifters. And he'd be able to talk to me...if he didn't kick me out and have me killed for being on his land. I was prepared for the worst, even if that meant having to phase in front of him to prove I wasn't a vampire like the rest of my adoptive relatives.
To be as inconspicuous and appear as friendly as possible, I wore a simple tank top to expose my tribal tattoo, and some shorts being as it was a particularly warm day. I waited a little while to ensure that Bella and Jacob had gone before crossing the boarder in human form into the Quileute reservation. Knowing where the Black residence resided I didn't have to ask any of the wondering eyes for directions. I could hear the whispering as I passed, people were wondering about my eyes and asking what I was doing there. But there wasn't a single utterance of the Cullens or even vampire, which made me a bit relieved.
Walking up to the small red house I felt a bit more relaxed at the absence of Bella's truck. Hopefully I would be in and out before they got back. I slowly walked right up to the door, rubbing my hands together nervously before giving it a quick but firm knock.
"Coming!" A voice came from the inside, a moment later I heard the locks turning and the door opening to reveal Billy Black looking up at me from his wheelchair. At first he looked confused, but then recognition flashed on his face, "You were on the roof that night."
I'd almost forgotten about that, I gave a small nod before extending my hand, "I'm Cate....Cullen," I said awkwardly.
He looked at my hand wearily but I looked down at it encouragingly. If he saw my skin wasn't cold as ice that would be his first clue. I didn't move my hand until he slowly and cautiously reached up and grabbed it. The minute his hand was in mine I saw that look. The look that said, "There's no way."
I heard an engine in the background and quickly turned my head, but took a breath when I saw it wasn't Bella. Then I looked back, "Mr. Black, would it be alright if I came inside? I can't exactly risk being seen by too many people."
Still in shock he quickly wheeled himself out of the doorway and invited me in, I zipped inside and closed the door behind me, "You do realize you're breaking a treaty that's decades old being here?" He asked me.
I nodded, "Yes sir, however as you just noticed I'm not exactly the same as those who adopted me. And that's why I'm here. I know about the legends of this tribe. Heck I probably know more about this one than I do my own," I motioned to my tattoo.
That got his attention, "I know that symbol. A very old friend of mine has the same one."
"Wait what?" I blinked, he knew someone from my tribe, "Who?"
Billy stared at my tattoo, "His name's Hakota. I haven't spoken to him in years," he whispered.
I froze, I felt myself get warm, "T-t-that was my father's name..."
His mouth snapped shut, there was a pause then he looked up confused, "Was?"
I nodded, "My whole tribe was massacred a little over a year ago," he put one hand over his mouth and another over his heart, "That's why I moved to Forks and the Cullens took me in."
"I'm so sorry Cate. Your father was a good friend of mine. We unfortunately drifted apart after your mother...I'm so sorry," he stopped.
"It's alright. I just....I don't even know what to say or how to have this conversation-"
He sat back, a small rumble that must have been a chuckle came from his throat, "So I'm guessing you were the little snowflake that Sam and Jared saw in the woods a few weeks ago."
"Snowflake?" I gasped before the both of us started laughing, slowly it died down before I went a bit serious once again, "I didn't even know if there were others out there like me. After my pack....I was sure I was alone."
Billy leaned forward, taking my hand in his. This time it was tender and he looking at me like a father would to a daughter, "Young one you are never alone."
I paused before asking, "Could I meet them?"
It almost looked like he had been expecting me to ask at one point or another. He gave me a warm smile before rolling over to the telephone and dialing a number, "Sam? It's me. Can you come over here? It's important. Thanks," he put the phone back and gave me a smile, "Would you like a tea?"
I nodded and the two of us crossed from the small sitting area into the kitchen where I helped Billy put on a pot of tea. We were pouring the water into our respective cups when there was a knock on the door, Billy went to answer and I could hear that familiar deep voice from the night Bella was in the woods.
"What's going on Billy?" He asked, "Something wrong?"
"No Sam, but I'm glad you came alone, I'm sure Paul would've jumped to conclusions if he was here."
"Paul and Jared are on boarder control again, but still no sign of the wolf we saw in the woods the other day," he reported as Billy led him to the kitchen where I was taking a sip of my tea.
When he saw me sitting at the table I saw every muscle on his arms tense up, but Billy was quick to come to my defense, "She's not one of them."
Sam glared, "Like hell she isn't, she's breaking the treaty-"
"SAM!" Billy yelled shocking the man at his abruptness, "Does anything about her seem familiar?" He asked figuring he should connect the dots himself.
Sam looked from Billy to me, confusion evident on his face, "I don't know what you mean, this is one of Cullen's people and they should all be gone!"
I walked up, felling bit more confident than maybe I should have in that situation, I extended my hand, "I'm Cate," All I got was a stupid look, like he couldn't believe I was actually approaching him. He didn't reach for my hand like Billy did. I sighed and lowered it before asking, "Do I smell bad to you?" I meant it as partially a joke but also as a legitimate question, remembering how much the Cullens smelled to me.
Sam paused, as if he finally noticed the lack of stink in the room. Then he took a closer look at me, not gonna lie as his eyes raked my body I felt really self-conscious. They moved swiftly from bottom to top, he took an extra moment to study my tattoo before finally meeting my eyes. That's when it all seemed to click.
Now keep in mind, Sam is a grown man. Probably in his early twenties, but in that moment he was stuttering like a kid who just got called on in class even though he doesn't even know what subject he's on.
"Wha...How.....She...in the...oh," he combed his short hair with his fingers. He took a minute to compose himself before he joined us at the table, I could feel the authority radiating off him, I knew an alpha when I saw one, "Can someone explain to me what is happening?"
I started off with what happened to my tribe. It was a sad story but then I explained how the Cullens took me in. It was as if we weren't different creatures, that however he rolled his eyes at. Then I mentioned them leaving and how I volunteered to stay so I could keep an eye on Bella. I'd caught them up and Billy took over.
"Her father was the chief of their tribe. She was left without a pack or a tribe. I'm going to talk to the Council..."
I was kind of surprised to see Sam nod in agreement, "No one gets left behind," he gave me one more look, I saw his eyes were a lot softer than they were minutes ago at the door, "It's going to take some work, but we'll get through it," he promised.
I smiled, relief washed over me like a wave, I hadn't expected to be accepted so quickly, "Thank you."
He chuckled, "Don't thank me yet, you still have to meet the others."
"How many more are you?" I asked wondering how big the pack was.
Sam got to his feet, "Only two, you kinda met Jared the other day. But it'll be Paul you have to worry about. We've been trying to work on his temper for a while but the guy is always on a short fuse."
I shrugged, "I'm sure it'll be fine. It didn't take long for the guys in my pack to respect me...specially considering I was the only girl and I still beat them all in a fight," I chuckled as we walked out of Billy's together.
"Cate!" Billy called as he rolled himself behind us, he paused as if he wasn't sure if he should ask me what he was about to ask, "If you're tired of being alone in that empty house...you're more than welcome to stay with me?"
I wasn't expecting that... "I don't know Billy. Jake can't-"
"Jacob won't even know you're here. This way you'll be a bit closer, it will be easier for you to keep an eye on Bella."
I figured I'd just have to be extra careful, I was just happy he offered since it was getting lonely being in that big house all by myself for months, Billy told me to go home and grab anything I would need while he cleared out a small bedroom for me. Sam offered to walk with me to the boarder and I accepted, figured I should get to know my new alpha.
Once he figured out I wasn't a vampire, Sam was actually pretty chill with me. Told me how he'd slowly break the news to Jared and Paul before having them meet me to avoid a possible fight or something.
"We're also expecting Jake's friend Embry to join us any day now. He's been showing signs. Maybe you should be the one to help him calm down, we haven't had a 'feminine touch'," he laughed giving air quotes.
Sam left me to myself when we got back into Forks. I was grateful because it gave me time to digest what had just happened. I didn't get killed the moment I stepped onto Quileute land, Billy Black was basically letting me move in, and Sam was welcoming me into the pack! I was really not expecting it to go that good. I quickly packed a bag, leaving most of what was in the room alone. I really only took my legends book, my dream catcher, my wolf toy, and some clothes. I raced back on my bike and parked it a little ways away so Jacob nor Bella would notice it. Then Billy showed me to the small room where I would be staying.
"I know it's not as big as what you're used to," he told me as if he was ashamed.
Whereas I waved him off settling in comfortably, "I love it Billy. Thank you so much for letting me stay."
He smiled, "Of course, if you need anything. Jacob is usually never home, and at night he's a heavy sleeper," He informed me.
I nodded and heard Bella's truck pulling in, I quickly bid Billy a quick see you later and locked myself in my new room. I closed the curtains to be extra safe and proceeded to unpack. I heard the truck peel away and Jacob greeting his dad when he walked inside. Footsteps started to get closer to my door and I froze, holding my breath as if that was going to do anything.
"Hey Dad, why is Rachel's door locked?" Jacob asked as he jiggled the doorknob.
Billy's wheelchair quickly rolled over and ceased the jiggling, "I have a friend staying here for a little while and she's asleep. Jacob please don't be rude," he hissed I could hear him pushing his son away from the door while I gave a small exhale in relief.
"Okay. Sorry," he muttered going back into his room.
"Thank you Billy," I whispered as I continued to take my clothes out of the bag I packed and put them into the empty drawers.
It started to get late when I felt myself get hungry. I crept to my door and slowly unlocked it before peeking my head out. When I saw Jacob's door closed I felt more calm and stepped out, making my way to the kitchen.
Billy was waiting for me there with a sandwich, "Thanks Billy," I smiled as I took a rather un-ladylike chomp. As we sat there, it felt like something big was starting. Once again things were going to change for me.
And they did. For the first few weeks while Jacob and Bella were fixing their bikes I was either hiding in the house or with Sam. I remember the first time I'd phased we gave each other a smile when we first heard each other through the mind link. It had been a long time since I'd heard anyone in my wolf form.
"Is that the freak?" One of the new voices in my head asked, I wasn't sure who it was at first.
"Cut it out Paul, Cate's one of us," Sam snapped, he growled next to me while shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Sam, this chick lives with vampires!" A second voice exclaimed, I guessed that was Jared.
I snorted, "I do??? Wow thanks for letting us know cause I had no idea!"
I could hear Paul throwing a temper tantrum, "You should've gone too! You shouldn't be here!"
"ENOUGH!" Sam yelled and I could feel all three of us wince as he used his alpha voice. There was a silence as no one said another word. It went like that for a few days, Sam and I would do a perimeter run together since neither Paul nor Jared wanted to see me in wolf nor human form. It kinda made me feel like an outsider again but I was always good at keeping my thoughts to myself.
I was pretty excited the day Sam called and told me to meet him because Embry had phased and he was freaking out. Figured if I could get to him before Jared and Paul then maybe I'd finally have a friend besides Sam in the pack. I went out through the window in my room and and started running, following the sounds of a frightened new member. I huffed when I finally met up with Sam and one of the guys in human form.
The wolf standing before us was slim and sleek, with pale grey/black spotted fur. He was practically quivering in fear. I took a tentative step toward him but the guy next to Sam shot me a look. He didn't look like a threat, he was fairly average in height and had young features in his face, slight chub to his cheeks that was innocent.
Sam put his hand on the guy's shoulder, "Jared.." He told him warningly, "Let her help."
Begrudgingly, he let me pass, I slowly walked up to Embry who had the most terrified look in his eye, "You're going to be just fine. I promise," I told him before looking back at Sam and nodded, I looked back and gave myself some space before letting that familiar shiver run along my spine. All eyes were on me as I exploded into a ball of white fur.
"See? It's okay. Welcome to the pack."
Needless to say Embry adjusted like a champ. Once Sam explained everything to him he was so excited.
"Thanks for calming me down Cate," he smiled giving me a side hug that I accepted happily.
Jared finally sighed before walking over to me, "I guess you really aren't that bad. Sorry...about-"
I gave him a light shoulder punch, "I knew you'd warm up to me eventually!"
He sighed, "Yeah, now looks like we just gotta get Paul to stop being so stubborn."
"Paul? Lahote?" Embry confirmed before laughing, "Good luck with that!"
I snapped my head in his direction, "He can't avoid me forever. Besides- it's hard not to love me!" I whipped me hair sassily before laughing with the guys.
The four of us were just hanging out at Sam and Emily's place. She was such a sweetheart the moment we met. Hugging me as if we were old friends, it warmed my heart. It saddened me when I saw her scar but we no one talked about it.
"Sam told me all about you! I'm so glad to finally have another girl in the mix. Lord knows these boys need it," the both of us laughed.
You know that feeling when you make a few friend and it's like right away you don't have to act any way except yourself and feel completely comfortable around them? That's basically how it felt being around the guys. It was like I was being adopted into a new family and the amount of love and acceptance there was overwhelming. It made me feel so happy that not only was I being welcomed by everyone (with the exception of Paul who still refused to see me) but I'd almost forgotten I was technically supposed to be "in hiding". That was, until Sam suggested we all go cliff diving. I was probably more excited than the others, mostly because I had never been cliff diving before. He was also making it a pack bonding event, which mean Paul had to go. I went to scope out the area but froze when I saw there was a truck driving across the way. Shit. I quickly ran back to Sam, who was on the phone with Emily.
"I can't go cliff diving with you guys, it's too out in the open, and if Bella were to drive by I'd be seen."
He sighed but he knew I was still trying to keep my promise to my brother by keeping Bella away from me. So while the guys went jumping off a cliff I did another perimeter run. It was quiet, as it always was. I was weaving to the left and right of some trees, taking the time alone to enjoy it.
As my run was winding down I figured I'd better head back to Billy's. I peeked through the clearing that held the house and nodded when I saw it was all clear, no Jacob or Bella. I ran to my open window and jumped through, phasing back as I landed on the floor. Right as I started putting some clothes on there was a light knock on my door.
"Cate?" Billy asked, I walked over and opened the door letting him roll in.
"What's going on Billy," I asked as I pulled a tank top on over my sports bra.
He sighed, "Well, the signs are getting a bit clearer that Jacob is just about to join..." he looked at me sadly, I frowned. Billy had told me weeks ago that Jacob was eventually going to join the pack but I could tell it wasn't something he was going to like, "I just...I know you've been avoiding him because he's spending time with Bella. But when he phases he'll learn he has to keep the tribe's secret. And you're a part of that now....what I just want to know is if you'll help him?"
I nodded without hesitation, "Of course Billy. I'll be there for him.
He smiled, "Thank you Cate, I know him having you around when it happens...it will help a lot."
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