《Alpha Caine》Chapter XX



On our walk back to the hotel, it started raining and by the time we got there, it was pouring.

Tyson runs to the door and opens it for me, but the second I walk into the dry hotel, I run into a hard chest.

Caine has his arms crossed over his chest and he looks down at me.

"Where'd you find him? I smelt you two ten minutes ago. Where have you been?" he shoots a stream of questions at me.

"Who is this?" Tyson speaks up behind me.

"I'm Al-"

"This is my mate, Caine. Caine," I give him a stern look, "This is Tyson."

"I know who he is, Amira," he completely disregards the look I am giving him on purpose. "How did you find him," I can see the anger flowing through his eyes.

"Caine!" Daniel's stern voice immediately causes Caine to pull back against his will, the anger in his eyes intensifying.

"Buzz off, Daniel. You dick," he growls.

"Caine!" I yell at him and the concierge at the desk lifts her head to look at us. "We're taking this upstairs."

The three boys follow me to the elevator without any argument or hesitation. After an excruciatingly long and silent ride, we finally get to the top floor and enter mine and Caine's suite.

"How did you find him?" Caine doesn't waste any time.

"I didn't, he found me."

"Who the hell are all of you? I agreed to come back here for Amira, not two jack-faced guys who seem to like to take control of others," Tyson boldly speaks up and I bite my cheek in fear for him.

"Excuse me," Caine's patience snaps, "I don't know why we thought that he would be any better than his brother. It clearly runs in the blood."

"Caine!" I yell.

"What the hell does that mean? I don't have a brother, I'm a rogue," the tension rises as Tyson and Caine fight with each other, and neither Daniel nor I step in to stop it.

"You're not a rogue, dumbass!" Caine suddenly falls to the floor with a grunt. "Daniel, you son of a bitch," he growls.

"It's not Daniel," I glare at him and ignore the look of betrayal that he gives me. "Now you're going to shut up, or I'm going to keep this up. Got it?" He doesn't answer, but I release the pain and look back to Tyson, who is staring at me wide-eyed. Caine breaths heavily as he gets up, the look he gives me letting me know that I'm probably going to regret what I just did later on tonight.

"What is going on?" Tyson asks, "What does he mean?"

"He's right, you're not a rogue," Daniel speaks up for the first time since we got to the room, "You're an Alpha."

Tyson chuckles, "Good one. Funny." When none of us laugh along, his chuckling ceases. "I don't even have parents, or a pack to be an Alpha of."

"Actually, you do," Caine speaks again. "You are Alpha Tyson, of the Malignity Pack."

"You guys are crazy," Tyson makes a move for the door, but Daniel speaks again before he can leave.

"Wait," the authority filling his voice instantly makes Tyson freeze. "Sit down," Tyson walks over to the couch and sits.

"What are you doing to me," he growls.

"It's authority. And it's a power you possess if you let me show you how to use it."


"What makes you guys think that I'm the Alpha of a pack?" he clenches his jaw.

Caine leaves the room and reenters a few seconds later, throwing my book of drawings on the table in front of Tyson. Tyson glances up at him.

"Open it," Caine orders and, hesitantly, Tyson does. His face scrunches in confusion as he looks at the drawings of himself.

After a few minutes of us being quiet while he looks through the drawings, he closes the book, tosses it back on the table, and buries his face in his hands.

"Who drew those?" he asks.

"I did," I answer and he looks up to me.


"She's a prophet. The Moon Goddess sent us here for a reason," Daniel explains.

"We need you, Tyson. We need you to take back your pack," I sit down next to him and he sighs.

"If you guys are sure this is who I am, then I guess there's no getting out of this." A smile stretches across my face as those words leave his mouth.

"Really?" I ask, finding it hard to believe that he's giving in so easily.

"Really. I'll help you."


"How did you get here?" I ask Tyson as he shoves another massive piece of pizza in his mouth.

"What do you mean?" he speaks as he chews.

"How did you get to Hawaii? I always thought that only the humans lived here."

"There are a few other wolves here, but I don't know. One day I just kind of woke up in a shack on the far side of the island. A man named Isaiah said he found me in the forest one day, dehydrated and on the brink of death," he reaches for his glass of water and takes a sip. Daniel had gone to talk to Pekelo, something about the Whitefire Pack, and Caine had gone to call Brayden to check up on our pack, which left Tyson and I alone to eat.

"What happened to him?"

"He didn't know what I was. Some rogues that were too far gone caught my scent in his shack one day and came for me. Not really knowing what I was myself, or knowing how to control myself, I shifted and killed them, but they killed him first. I've been alone ever since."

"You don't remember anything from before that? From before Hawaii?" he shakes his head.

"Just my name. Sometimes-" he hesitates.


"Sometimes I have dreams that seem familiar, like they've happened before, but they always just end up being dreams. It's stupid, I know."

"It's not, maybe they're memories."

"Maybe," he shrugs. "So, Amira the prophet, what else can you do? Other than, you know, creepily healing people by touching their hearts."

"I should ask you the same question," I reach for my own piece of pizza and take a small bite. "But I'll answer if you return the favor."

"That's fair."

"Well, I don't know how to use all of my powers yet, but Daniel's told me of them. You already know about prophecy and healing, but I can also create illusions and remove senses. I can inflict pain or sickness on someone with a look." Tyson's jaw drops at my words.

"Damn, remind me not to piss you off."

"Don't worry I don't know how to use most of them yet," I say and a small grin finds its way across his face.


"Who would've known all that could be shoved into a tiny girl like you."

"Excuse me, I am not a tiny girl," he rolls his eyes. The television in the background fills my ears with sounds of an American reality show. "Your turn. What else are you hiding?"

"More like what's hiding from me," he smirks again. "I don't know if I have any hidden talents, but from what I've discovered about myself, well, two of them you already know, but I'm fast, faster than the usual wolf. And I can mask myself with an invisible veil. My scent, the sight of me, and any noise I make is undetected by others. It's like I don't even exist. It's actually kind of-" he looks down in slight shame, "it's kind of how I've gotten by on my own. Stealing is a lot easier when you can't get caught."

"Well that explains why I couldn't find you," Caine's voice echoes through the large room. Tyson turns around to look at him.


"Caine is The Hunter. The Moon Goddess gifted him with heightened senses, the ability to find anyone or anything whenever need be," I explain as Caine seats himself next to me, grabbing a piece of pizza and draping his arm on the couch behind me in the process.

"She must've given you that talent so you could hide yourself from your brother," he says as he takes a bite.

"My brother?"

"Yeah, he's the one that tried to kill you. Someone must've known you were important enough and sent you here."

"Well, we don't know that he tried to kill him," I interrupt Caine and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Hold on, so I have a brother? Who tried to kill me?" Tyson looks confused beyond belief.

"We think so," I say.

"His name is Trenton and he's an asshole. If you ask me, I think he tried to kill you so he would get the pack. He somehow knew he wouldn't inherit it. I think your parents tried to save you, and got themselves killed in the process. Trenton thinks you're dead and that the pack is his. He should've gotten the memo when he didn't change."


"Do you even know anything about what you actually are?" Caine motions for me to pass him another piece of pizza and I do.

"I kind of had to figure all that out on my own. You know, because, apparently, my brother tried to kill me," Tyson gives Caine some attitude and I can't help but find it amusing.

"Alright, kid. I'm going to give you a quick lesson about who you are, where you come from, and what is about to happen to you,so listen up," Caine removes his arm from around me and leans forward with his elbows on his knees.

"Your name is Tyson Stark. You're the rightful Alpha of the Malignity Pack. Your older brother is power hungry and wanted the pack to himself, so he tried to get rid of the only other possible heir, you. Normally it goes to the oldest, but for some reason, the Moon Goddess chose you over him. When you were eleven, you were pronounced dead. Trenton even went through the effort of getting a body and disguising it as yours. In a month, you're going to change."

"What does that mean?"

"Hang on, I'm getting there," Caine grabs my glass and downs what is left in it. "Changing is a bitch. I'm not going to lie, it's the worst thing you're ever going to go through. Like someone twisting your balls nonstop for ten plus hours and increasing the pain you feel by a hundred, but you can't avoid it." A look of panic crosses Tyson's face.

"Why do I have to do that?"

"Because you're an Alpha, it's what happens to us."

"Us? You're an Alpha, too?"

"Yup. Alpha Caine Garrotte, of the Obsidian Pack. Right now your brother is trying to destroy my pack, and that's why I've come to find you. Daniel is an Alpha, too, of the Whitefire Pack."

"How many packs are there?"

"Four, in the Northern Hemisphere. There are many more elsewhere, but we don't usually converse with those on different mainlands."

"And your eyes, they're not brown like a normal wolf's. Neither are Daniel's. Does that happen during the- changing- thing?" Caine nods.

"Yup. Eyes change, fur changes, body changes. Everything gets bigger," he leans a little more over the table, "Everything." He sends a knowing wink at Tyson.

"Caine!" I smack his chest and he and Tyson chuckle.

"On a serious note, though, what is going to happen to me?"

"Well," Caine leans back again and his arm returns behind me on the back of the couch," You'll change, your talents will be increased, and then we're going to help you take your pack back from that douchebag brother of yours."

"Is that going to be hard? After I've changed?" Tyson asks.

"It's going to cause a war among the packs," Caine's tone becomes serious. "Trenton isn't going to like what you're trying to do, and apart from mine, his pack is the second biggest in the Northern Hemisphere, so most of his followers will probably be loyal to him. Our best chance of winning is probably by showing them who you are and somehow proving that you're their Alpha."

"You said my fur will change color, didn't you?" Tyson asks and Caine's face suddenly fills with realization.

"Are you shitting me? Why didn't we think of that?"

"What?" I ask.

"If Trenton shifts, his fur won't be black."

"Well he's had to have shifted before," I say.

"Think about it, Amira," Caine says, "Why do you think he has so many people doing all the dirty work for him? He can't shift, or put himself in a situation where he might have to, because then they'll all know."

"So all we have to do is get him to shift," Tyson speaks up.

"After not shifting for so many years, his wolf will be dormant," Another voice makes itself present in the room.

"Damn, is everything about you people sneaking and secretive. Knock, will you? Let us know you're here," Tyson jumps and voices his opinion when he turns to see Daniel behind him.

"What do you mean dormant?" Caine asks.

"Suppressing one's wolf for that long will cause it to go dormant. It's going to be hard to get Trenton's wolf to emerge, and, if we do, it's going to be out of even his control. Completely animalistic, even more so than the rogue we encountered before. He could cause a lot of damage," Daniel explains.

"So we kill him. Easiest thing to do," Caine says.

"Eventually, yes, we'll have to," Daniel says. "But if we kill who the Malignity Pack members believe to be their Alpha, then there's no even trying to gain their trust and transfer it to Tyson. We're going to have to get him to change and then kill him before he can do any damage."

"So I have to kill my brother. Cool."

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