《Silent Couple// Toge Inumaki x Reader》Chapter 5: Suspicions👀


I'm getting even more worried for Toge...

He hasn't said a word since yesterday! We are about to go out and he still hasn't said anything. I keep telling myself that it was normal, but I just can't take it anymore. He's my friend and something is going on and I can't do anything about it.

We see Nobara coming towards us, the last one, of course, this girl takes forever to get ready.

"Y/n is already here, I told her to come to join us so if you guys don't mind waiting for her, and by 'if you don't mind' I mean you have no choice," she says

As she says Y/n's name, I see Toge's eyes go slightly wider than before, hmmm something is going on between them, but I can't quite point my finger at it.

Why can't I just pick an outfit?!?

Nobara and I went shopping a few days ago, and all my outfits are amazing since Nobara picked them out.

After a few minutes, I finally made up my mind and picked an outfit.

I head outside and head towards the back of the building, I see everyone there, waiting for me including Toge-senpai but he's farther from the group. And can I just say he looks really fine in that outfit?

Anyways, he doesn't seem to see me so I sneak up behind him and scare him, I don't know if it'll work but it's worth a try.

I sneak up behind him and




I jump on his back, and since he already knew who it was he caught me "Konbu!" Toge says while he had a slight smile. I wave and get off him. At this point, everyone had their eyes on us.

I hear Toge's voice...

"Konbu!" he says. He finally spoke! I wonder why?


I turn in his direction and see him carrying Y/n on his back, this was definitely new. She waves at him then at us and gets off him.

She signs something, I don't know sign language so I had to ask what it meant from Maki

"She's asking 'What?'" she answers

"Nothing, nothing Y/n-chan," Itadori says

We all get into the car and drive to the mall. When we got there I stared at the big building in awe as I walk towards the entrance.

"You're looking at it like it's your first time at a mall," Megumi said

"Well, I haven't been to one in a while ok!" I sign as I stick my tongue out then pout.

"Ok, ok, sorry!" he says as he waves his arms in front of him.

"Let's go to the food court!" suggested Yuuji.

"Didn't you eat before we left?" Nobara says.

"His stomach is a bottomless pit!" I sign

"Shake Shake" agreeing to my statement

"It's good to see my buddy Toge is finally talking again!" Panda says as he pats Toge's back.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I sign.

"Toge wasn't talking since this morning he only said something when you came," Maki-senpai informs.

I rush towards Toga-senpai and put my hand on his forehead, he turns slightly red. I take out my notebook and quickly write "Toge-senpai are you ok? Your face is all red, you don't seem to be sick or anything? What's wrong?"

He quickly shakes his head 'no' and turns away from me

I turn towards Nobara and she was giving me a look while wiggling her eyebrows. "Is he okay?" I sign towards everyone.

"I'm pretty sure he's fine, he's Toge-senpai!" Megumi says.

"Oh, ok let's go then!" I sign

I look around and see a book store, I've always liked reading books especially in my free time or when I'm stressed. I go inside the store and look behind me, and I only see Toge-senpai, huh? where is everyone?

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