《(Angry Birds Movie) Red/Leonard X Human! Reader》Chapter 16


~With Chuck, Mighty Eagle and Bomb~

The castle exploded. Mighty Eagle and the car full of birds barely made it out alive. "Cramp! Cramp!", Might Eagle yelled weakly as he dropped the eggs where the birds were and landed on the ground. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?", Hal asked as he made his way to Bubbles. Bubbles just nodded with his eyes wide open. "Woah, this guy looks nothing like his statue", a bird said, looking at Mighty Eagle. "Our eggs!", a mother bird said as her and her husband made their way to the net. Chuck and Bomb opened the net and immediately started giving the eggs to their rightful parents. Matilda helped as well, she was glad to see all the smiles on the parents' faces. One by one the eggs were given away, but one couple didn't get their egg. Chuck, Bomb and Matilda looked down as the couple walked away sadly. They then remembered about Red and Y/n. Bomb and Chuck turned around to see a destroyed kingdom. There was lots of rubble everywhere, they couldn't have possibly survived that. Chuck started crying and hugged Bomb. "They couldn't have made it out...could they?", Hal asked as he and Bubbles made their way to the front, hoping to see Red and Y/n come out. But nothing happened. "I...I never got a chance to apologize to Y/n", Stella said as Mighty Eagle got up, he gasped. All the birds looked down and turned around, starting to leave. "Daddy!", a little hatchling said as Red got up from the rubble, helping Y/n up as well. Everyone gasped, "They're alive!", Chuck screamed happily. But everyone noticed a nervous look on both Red and Y/n's faces. Y/n held up half of what was supposed to be a light blue egg. Everyone frowned, but soon smiled as they saw three blue little birds emerge from the broken egg. Red and Y/n made their way towarfd the crowd. "Red! Y/n!", Chuck and Bomb screamed as they made their way towards them. Chuck and Bomb hugged Red and Y/n tightly as they laughed in joy. Y/n and Red smiled as Chuck and Bomb let go. Everyone congratulated them as they made their way to the crowd. That's when Red and Y/n spotted the sad couple and made their way towards them. "Sir, Ma'am", Y/n said to the couple. The couple turned around, "I think these belong to you", Red said as Y/n gave them the egg. They laughed in joy, finally being able to hold their sons, "Thank you", they said happily. "Y/n!", Hal and Bubbles screamed as they hug tackled her to the ground. Y/n hugged back tightly, making Red a little jealous. "I'm glad you guys are okay!", Y/n screamed happily. Red then helped Y/n up. "So...", he said rubbing the back of his neck, "Y/n I think I-", Red was cut off by Y/n smashing her lips into his beak. Red blushed hard and kissed back. "I love you too Red", Y/n said pulling back. The whole crowd cheered as Chuck and Bomb made their way towards them. "Oooooo when are you guys getting married?! I'll plan your wedding! I'll-", "Chuck", Y/n said cutting him off. Chuck giggled as Might Eagle made their way towards them. "Oh Crimson, Patricia, (that's the name Might Eagle gives you, and if that's your real name then imagine another one XD) Woody, Ash", he said smiling. "Who?", Bomb asked confused. "Is he talking to us?", Chuck asked looking around. "You learned your lessons well...come on bring it in", Mighty Eagle said pulling Chuck and Bomb into a hug, as Red and Y/n dodged. Red and Y/n started walking away fast. "No I'm not really the-", Red was cut off by Mighty Eagle grabbing him and Y/n and pulling them into the hug. "Does this feel like it's crossing the line? Anyone else", Red said as he moved his finger around. "Yep", Chuck said smiling. "Nope", Bomb said smiling as well. Might Eagle then put them on the ground. "Your my prized pupils", he said holding his hands together towards his head. "Your what?", Red asked confused. "Oh don't you see, I had to make you lose faith in me so you can have faith in yourselves", Mighty Eagle continued. "That's really not how it felt", Chuck said raising an eyebrow. "Tell them Rosie", Mighty Eagle said looking at Red. Y/n giggled, "Yeah I don't think that's what happened man", Red said. "Oh look, he's blushing", Mighty Eagle said pointing to Red. Red laughed -which made Y/n blush, cause she just LOVED his laugh-, "I'm not blushing I'm just Red", he said out loud. The whole crowd started laughing. "Hey Y/n?", Stella said from behind. Y/n turned around. "Listen I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you, I hope we can be friends again", Stella said looking down. "Of course! And I'm sorry too", Y/n said pulling her into a hug.

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