《(Angry Birds Movie) Red/Leonard X Human! Reader》Chapter 11


Y/n ran faster and faster, going through random halls, running up and down random stairs, was there even an exit to this castle?! Finally after awhile she stopped and caught her breath. "My dear, you cannot escape me", Leonard whispered in Y/n's ear from behind. He grabbed her by the waist and covered her mouth with a rag contained with chemicals. Y/n struggled and struggled, but the chemicals knocked her out. Leonard smirked, "Tie her to a chair in her bedroom, and don't let her go". Ross and some other pigs took Y/n as Leonard walked across the hall. He turned and went through a specific hallway where you can see outside, for a big giant panel of glass was there. Leonard turned around too see outside, and sighed. That's when an object quickly came and knocked down some of the houses that were there. "What?!", Leonard screamed running to the top where the balcony was. Leonard came out of the balcony with binoculars and looked around, he then spotted Red and the other birds, "That guy again", he growled. "Citizens of pig island", announced Leonard, "If you spot any birds destroying your neighborhood, please capture them. There's been a change of plans, we will eat the eggs for lunch while I marry my fiancé". Leonard quickly made his way to Y/n's room. "I need you guys to start getting her ready for the wedding, it will begin in a little bit", Leonard told Ross. Y/n woke up and saw that she was tied to a chair, she struggled, but it was no use.

~With Red and the others~

"Okay I want you to curl up into a little ball", Red told bubbles, "alright. Make yourself aerodynamic". "Like this?", asked bubbles blowing himself up a little looking like a ball, "Let me at em'!". They launched bubbles into the air, "Don't mess with bubbles!", Bubbles screamed as he landed. "I told you not to mess with me!", Bubbles said again as he blew up. "Wow that blows, in a good way", Red said smiling. "To the left!", Chuck yelled to Bomb. "Oh wait, my left or you left", Bomb asked confused. "My left if your left, we are facing the same direction", Chuck said annoyed. "Good call", Bomb said positioning Stella. "Just look where the last bird went and adjust from there", Red instructed. "I got this you guys, for Y/n!", Stella yelled as she was let go into the air, she crashed near the castle. "She got far but not far enough, we need to get closer", Red said thinking. Chuck and Bomb let the Judge go. "Judge power!", he yelled as he crashed. "Terrance!", yelled Red making his way to the slingshot, "I got an idea. Can you pull that slingshot back far enough to hit that giant boulder? Okay, launch me right to the top of that thing". Right as Red finished, Terrance started moving backwards. Red gasped, and so did everyone else. "I'm not gonna lie, I am really gonna miss you when you die", Chuck said patting Red's head (I ship it :D). "Rest in peace me friend, rest in piece", Bomb said almost crying. "Hey guys, let's not get cheesy", Red said as he looked at them."Ready...fire!", yelled Red, then Terrance let go, causing him to launch into the air. At first Red screamed, but then calmed down and growled. "This is gonna hurt", Red said before he hit the top of the boulder, causing him to crash inside the castle. Leonard was standing on the balcony when Red crashed in. "My roof!", he yelled going back inside. "Did he make it?", Chuck asked looking around. "I hope he's okay", Bomb said looking around too. "I'm in!", yelled Red, the crowd cheered, "Send everyone else!". "Guys, there's is a Red bird in these walls bring him to me", Leonard told some pigs that were on guard. They nodded and put their ears on the wall. "Not in the walls! In the castle!", Leonard scolded them as they ran away, "Cmon guys". Red made made his was around, careful not to get caught.


~With Chuck and the others~

"Launch me the exact way you did for-", Chuck was cut off by Terrance launching him into the air. "I wasn't ready!!!", Chuck screamed, but soon caught speed and made his way into the castle. Red was running down some stairs when he saw a giant cement block fall off the wall. Chuck groaned, "Chuck is that you?", Red asked happily. "This is the house of horror", Chuck said crying (idk if I got the word right).

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