《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Fake Wedding


Peckinpah called all of the birds of the village for a little announcement. Everyone went to the court to listen what the judge have to say. Red and Aggie were sitting beside each there. They were cooing at each other secretly, until Peckinpah stated the announcement.

"Morning everyone. I have some special announcement. For this month, our village needs some fun activities, and one topic are already known by myself and other married birds. The purpose of life skills class is to prepare you for the future. Anyway, for this week's assignment, everyone will pair up and put together a budget and a visual presentation for one of these major life events," He showed a large paper contains a list of future life events; Retirement, Hatchling Shower, Bar Mitzvah, Building a house, and wedding.

Aggie looked at the list to choose which of these choices she wants. Then, she noticed the word 'wedding', "Ooh! A wedding. Let's plan a wedding."

Red and Aggie glanced at each other, then, immediately, perform a proposal scene. Red knelt down, and held Aggie's held while she stood up, looking straight down at Red's eyes.

"Aggie, will you make me the happiest bird in my flock and fake marry me?" Red chuckled, realizing that he's like proposing to Aggie for real, "And promise to honor and cherish me until the bell do us part?"

"I do," Aggie giggled, "Let's make a budget for the best fake wedding ever."

As Red returned to his seat, Peckinpah interrupted a silent treatment as he let his past came to him, "You two make such a cute couple. Just like Rella and I used to be. She stole my heart. Then, she stole my mind when I found out she isn't real."

"Ugh, this activity's stink!" Chuck groaned, "It would be better to make a budget presentation more fun, like a race!"

"I'm sorry, if you don't like this idea, are you supposed to be here?" The judge asked.

"Nope!" Chuck left his seat as ran towards Red, "Congratulations on the fake engagement, buddy," Then, he turned to Aggie, "If you break his heart, I swear I will destroy you," Then he said to both of them, "Toodles!" He then ran out of the court.


Later, Red and Aggie were sitting on a bench to discuss about their fake wedding.

"Okay, fake fiancé, ready to plan our fake wedding?" Aggie smiled.

"Yeah," Red said, "Judge Peckinpah gave us a budget. We just have to figure how much pretend money we can spend on stuff like flowers, food, and a bounce house."

"We're not having a bounce house at our wedding."

"It's not a real wedding."

"Yeah, but that's real tacky. Hey, you know what we should do?"

"A soccer field!" Red exclaimed.

"No, for our presentation," Aggie chuckled, "Let's dress up like a bride and groom."

"Great idea," He said, "I can be the groom."

"Yeah," Aggie was annoyed by this, "And obviously, we'll need flowers. I always pictured having a bouquet of tulips and orchids at our wedding. Not that I've thought about it."

"I always pictured having a big, awesome, six-layer white chocolate cake at our wedding," He said, "Not that I thought about it either."

"That's my favorite flavor too! 2nd favorite, actually. This is kinda weird, huh? Talking about our future together."

"It's actually kinda fun."

Just then, Ruby appeared with a curious looks on his face.


"Hey, guys, whatcha doin'?" Ruby asked.

"Hey Ruby," Aggie answered, "We're just about to plan our fake wedding for our budget presentation."

"Wedding?!" Ruby exclaimed excitingly, "That could be fun! I knew you guys would do that!"

"Yeah, but this not the same routine we did before," Red said embarrassingly.

"I know," Ruby deadpanned, "Don't remind me. Your fake fiancée might hear you."

Just then, a bird with a mail bag came, and gave an envelope to Aggie. She opened the envelope, and read the letter. With a gasp, she turned to Red, "I just got a letter from another client. They need me for planning their hatchling's hatchday party by this weekend. They want me at the bakery right away."

"That's okay," He smiled, "I can get started without you."

"You're the best," She kissed him on his cheek, "Thanks, husband-to-be."

As Aggie left, Red turns to Ruby, and asked, "Ruby, wanna hang out and help me plan a wedding?"

Ruby was so not interested of planning a fake wedding with Red, and it brought back the memories she had before when she was engaged with him. She took out a blank paper, and said to him a lie, "Oh, sorry. I just got a letter that says I don't feel like doing that," She ran away to get away from Red, but he started chasing her.


At night in Red's house, Ruby was forced by her ex-fiancé to discuss about the his and Aggie's wedding. For few hours of discussing, Ruby got bored of listening.

"...but if we go with worms instead of seeds, we'll have money for the white napkin rings, which is perfect, because it'll match the ribbon on Aggie's skirt of her gown," Red said.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Ruby stood up from her chair.

"That the white is a missed opportunity to inject some color?" He guessed.

"Close," Ruby stated, "I'm thinking you should share this junk with Aggie 'cause I stopped listening after you said, 'Hey, Ruby, listen to this.' And this stuff reminded me of our preparation of our wedding before I broke up with you. It really hurts Aggie."

"I'm sorry, Ruby. But don't worry about it, this is my and Aggie's wedding."

"But this isn't a real wedding."

"But it's real tacky. I would share this with her, but Aggie's been planning a party all day. I had to call the florist, the D.J. I even hand-wrote an invitation in calligraphy."

When Red showed the invitation to Ruby, she was so confused about what he wrote as she read it, "'Flower seeds ice cream plane'?"

"That says 'dear wedding guest.'" Red explained.

"In what language?" She asked sarcastically.

Without answering Ruby's question, Red showed her two small statues that are look like Red and Aggie, "Well, check out what else I made. It's a little Red and Aggie bride and groom for the top of the cake. I carved them out of soap."

"Well, good luck, groomzilla," Ruby patted Red's shoulder, and she walked out of the room.

While Red was alone in his house, he heard a knock from the door. When he opened it, the same mail bird gave an envelope to Red, and walked out to deliver more letters.

Red closed the door, and opened the envelop to find a letter from Aggie as he started to read it:

Dear Red,

Bad news, I can't make it. I'm stuck in bakery to make more cakes for the hatchlings. I really wish I was there with you, but hey, at least we have our whole future together, husband-to-be."




With a sigh coming from his beak, Red sat down, and played with little statues of Red and Aggie.

"At least I get to hang with you, soap Aggie," He talked with a small statue of Aggie, "You'd never get so busy where you couldn't make time for me," then, he imitated Aggie's voice, "'Sorry, Red, I have a party to plan. Bye!'"

Unbeknownst to Red, Ruby came back for her basket, but she found Red playing with the little statues.

Then, Red talked to little Red, "Looks like it's just you and me, soap Red," Then, he imitated his own voice, "Sorry. I've got to go stand on top of a cake. Bye."

When Red turned around, he saw Ruby, staring at him in disgust, "I came back to get my basket. I'll just go get a new one."

When Ruby left, Red was so embarrassed of himself.


Later, Red fell asleep Suddenly, Red felt tired and sleepy as he fast asleep and began to dream.

(Dream begins)

In the future, technology came in Bird Island, Red prepared a dinner for him and Aggie. He heard and ring from his tablet. He answered his tablet in a video chat, where Aggie appeared on-screen with ice bergs behind her.

"Hey, Aggie., Red greeted, "I have everything set up for our special dinner. Are you close?"

"I can't make it. I'm stuck in Winter Wonderham," Aggie said sadly, "I'm really sorry I'm not there for our fifth wedding anniversary."

"You weren't here for the other four Or our wedding. You even missed the hatch of our eight hatchlings," He showed eight nest with eight hatchlings crying.

"My bad," Aggie sighed as the background was changed with high brown mountains.

Red noticed this, and asked Aggie, "Hey, I thought you were in Winter Wonderham. There are no high mountains in Winter Wonderham."

"That's because this is your dream, Aggie said as she now has a moustache on her beak, "Look, now I have a mustache."

"What does it all mean?" He asked in fear.

"Obviously, this is all a symbolic manifestation of your fear that in the future you'll be left behind while I tour around the world for party planning," Aggie explained, "I don't know what the mustache means. It's just weird dream stuff."

(Dream ends)

At morning, Red woke up with sweat on his forehead, "Oh man, my future is horrible. But even with a mustache, Aggie''s still pretty."


Later, at another night, in his bedroom, Red had finished making the board about wedding budget for the presentation.

Suddenly, Aggie arrived as she dropped her bag down.

"Okay. I'm finish planning," Aggie panted, "I know that our wedding presentation is tomorrow morning, and I'm ready to rock this thing. So what's left to do?"

"I already did everything," Red said as he showed her some stuff for the presentation.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, and noticed a bouquet of her favorite flowers, "Aww! You made the tulip and orchid bouquet that I wanted," Then, she noticed the invitation letters, "Oh! And you did the invitation and calligraphy. Who's 'Flower seeds ice cream plane'?"

"That's not what it says!" Red yelled, "Sorry, I'm not a professional fancy writer. I did the best I could with no help."

"Are you mad? You know I really wanted to be here. You made it sound like you had the assignment under control."

"This isn't about the assignment."

"Then what is this about?"

"I don't know. It's just... I'm worried about our future together. First, you're too busy for our presentation, and next thing you know, you've got a mustache and you're off to South Hamerica to look at the ice bergs. Our eight hatchlings deserve better than that."

Aggie was confused. "I don't know what any of that means."

"It means maybe this fake engagement was a mistake!" Red snapped as he went downstairs.

Aggie felt guilty and upset about Red. She noticed the small statues of Red and herself in bride and groom outfit, and stared at it. She sighed as she thinks about her future with Red together.


In the living room, Red sits on the couch while playing a guitar, until Aggie walked downstairs with a guilt expression on her face.

"Red, I'm so sorry." Aggie started. "I've been so busy, I lost track of what's important."

"Maybe I overreacted." Red said. "I had this weird dream about our future where you completely pushed me aside."

"I promise I will never push you aside. Now scooch aside." She said as Red gave Aggie some space for her to sit with him, "We've been a lot of things over the days. Friends, crush and admirer, complication, boyfriend and girlfriend..."

"I think I get it," Red cuts her off.

"But we've always been great partners," She added with a smile, "And I'm so lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Aggie," he blushed, "I feel the same way," The two shared a hug, and Red put his guitar down, "I'm gonna go pack up the stuff for our presentation. I'll see you in the morning."

As Red went upstairs, and Aggie was alone, she played the soap statues of Red and herself. She imitated her own voice with the soap statue of herself, "'How am I gonna make it up to you, Red?'" Then, she imitated Red's voice with a soap statue of Red, "'Bounce house'," Then, she imitated hers, "'I have an idea. I'm gonna stay up all night and make your dream wedding cake.'"

Unbeknownst to Aggie, Ruby has watched her the whole time as Aggie played Soap Red and Aggie kissing each other, and dancing, until she saw Ruby, staring in disgust at her.

"I came back to get my bow. I'll just go get a new one," Ruby said as she left.


The next morning, at her house and in her bedroom, Aggie, who now wore her wedding dress, finished baking the six-layer white chocolate cake that Red ever wanted, which it was on a cart in order for her to bring it to the court perfectly without any damage. She put the soap statue Red and Aggie on top of the cake as the finishing touch.

Suddenly, Ruby entered the room with Roy and Rebecca. They were surprised when they saw the six-layered cake in front of them, "Wow!" They exclaimed when they saw the cake.

"You really went all out!" Ruby grinned.

"I stayed up all night making this. It's my and Red's favorite flavor, white chocolate. I wanted to do something special for him to let him know that he can always count on me," Aggie explained, "Now I have 10 minutes to get to the court.

"Well, let me see how it tastes," Rebecca was about to touch the cake with her finger, but Aggie slapped her hand.

"Hey!" Aggie warned, "No one touches that frosting. All six layers have to be perfect."

Ruby, Roy, and Rebecca nodded with agreement.

When Aggie pushed the cart with the cake on it, the cart hits a table, making the layer on top of the cake, where the soap sculpture version of Aggie and Red is placed on, fell down to the ground.

Aggie, Ruby, Roy, and Rebecca were shock, seeing the small layer is splat to the ground.

"All five layers have to be perfect," Aggie stands corrected.

Ruby transferred the soap sculpture back on the cake as Aggie continued to push the cart out of her room. Since the cake blocked her sight, Aggie didn't notice that she continued pushing the cart to the railings of the balcony, and another layer fell down.

"You know, four layers should be plenty," Aggie stated.

At the court, Red was already there waiting for Aggie. He brought the wedding budget board, and wore a groom suit. Chuck and Bomb were there too by Red's side as they were his best men or birds.

"I'm so proud of you," Chuck smiled excitingly, "I never thought I'd see the day when I give my favorite boy away."

"Or give my cousin away too," Bomb added.

Just then, Peckinpah interrupted the three birds, "Mr. Red, we're waiting for you to give your report. Where's Ms. Agatha?"

"Just give us a minute, your Honor! This is our special day!" Chuck yelled as her patted Red's shoulder.

Back at her house, Aggie carried the cake as she walked downstairs, while Roy and Rebecca picked up the soap statues from the fallen layer cake. Then, they saw that a soap sculpture version of Red lose its right wing.

"Oh! I made it down the elevator," Aggie smiled victoriously, "That was the hardest part."

"He lost an arm," Roy showed the sculpture to Aggie, but she won't mind.

"It's fine, whatever. Just put him on," Aggie said as Roy put the two sculptures on top of the four-layered cake.

"All right, let's go," Ruby said as she quickly dragged Aggie with her, but when Ruby pushed Aggie that hard, Aggie lose her balance, made her slowly stumbled down, and another layer dropped on the floor.

"Ruby!" Aggie glared at her best friend.

"Mommy!" Roy and Rebecca shouted at their mother.

"Sorry," She shrugged and grinned sheepishly, "But who really needs more than three layers?"

Ruby, Roy, and Rebecca helped Aggie stand up while carrying the three-layered cake with her.

Back at the court, while Red worryingly waited for Aggie, Peckinpah noticed Chuck was here and part of the presentation.

"What are you doing here again?" He asked, "I told you, if you're not interested, you shouldn't be here!"

"Did you really think I was going to miss my best friend's wedding?" Chuck grinned.

"It's not a wedding. It's a budget presentation," Peckinpah corrected the canary.

"Oh. Then what are you doing here?"

"I'm the judge, and I'm in-charge!"

"Where is Aggie?" Red sighed.

"Maybe she got cold feet, buddy," Chuck whispered.

Red annoyed about Chuck's guess. He do realize this isn't a real wedding.

At the street, Aggie and Ruby carried the cake while Roy and Rebecca watched over the cake in case it might fall. As they slowly rushed to the street to get to the court, another bird accidentally bumped unto Ruby, and she and Aggie lose their balance, making the cake wiggle, and another layer dropped on the ground.

"Oh, come on!" Aggie exclaimed frustratingly as Ruby glared at the bird who bumped her.

Back at the court, Peckinpah and the other birds were impatient of waiting for Aggie.

"Mr. Red, we can't wait any longer," The judge said.

"I assure you, she's coming," Red said.

He was right. Aggie is coming. Ruby pushed the other birds aside who blocked their way to give Aggie a way to get to the court faster.

"Move it! Out of the way! Cake coming through!" Ruby shouted as she guided Aggie out of the crowd.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'll go find Aggie," Chuck patted his friend's shoulder as he walked to the doors. When he opened the doors, he didn't notice Aggie arrived with the cake, but the door bumped her, smashing what was left in the cake all over her and her dress, "Found her!" Chuck shouted.

Aggie picked a mush of cake and soap sculptures of her and Red, and rushed to the court

"Aggie, you made it!" Red cried happily.

"I'm here!" Aggie panted, "I'm here! And I made cake. It's white butter cream choc-, whatever. It's cake," Then she turned to Red, "I swear, it was six layers, and had everything you wanted and was perfect."

"It's true," Ruby explained, "If you really want to see it, there's a layer on the streets, and her house, and in her room. Really, it's everywhere."

"I'm just happy you're here," Red laughed, and shocked when Aggie told him that she made the cake, "And I can't believe you made our cake," He also looked at her dress, realizing that the cake was destroyed, and saw her hand that she held a mush of cake, "We might not be able to eat it, but there's still enough to do this," Red scooped an icing of the cake with his finger and put it on her upper beak, just like a bride and a groom do at their reception, "That would've been a lot cuter if you weren't already covered in cake."

"Oh? Like this?" Aggie laughed as she rubbed the mush of cake all over Red's face, and now he's covered in icing as Chuck, Bomb, Ruby, Roy, and Rebecca laughed at this scene.

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