《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Sweet Tooth


This chapter is now focus on Rebecca, Red's daughter. the hatchlings, Roy and Rebecca, are still young, but already learn to talk and think. So I was thinking that not only Red, Chuck, Bomb, and/or Aggie are the stars of the story, so I made his to focus on new or minor characters. So...enjoy!


Ever since Roy and Rebecca hatched, the court decided the two hatchlings should at their mother's house. They can visit their father anytime. The court added that the hatchling can visit their godmother, Aggie's, house. In Red's house, Roy and Rebecca were eating lunch while watching a TV show, 'Yummy treats'. Rebecca was the only who idolized the show.

"I could so be on that show, I know Yummy Treats!" Rebecca smiled as she ate a crispy worm and talked with her beak full.

"Rebecca, don't talk with your beak full, you're getting that pickled butter all over my comics." Red scolded his daughter while holding a newspaper.

Roy turned around from the fridge with milk in one hand, an apple hanging from his beak, and another handful of packaged food. He took a seat at the dining table, and said with his mouth full, "I know dad! The girl eats like a pig. You must be so disappointed."

"With a son like you, a man learns to live with it," Red chuckled as Roy smiled proudly.

Just then, Rebecca rubbed her finger against her tooth. "Ah, I got a peanut chunk stuck in my tooth."

"Well why don't you go upstairs and get some floss?" Red suggested

"Why would I do that when I've got a perfectly good fork here?" Rebecca pointed the fork in her beak to remove the food chuck between her two teeth.

"Rebecca, don't do that, you're gonna hurt yourself," Red said with concern.

"I am not. I think I'm old enough to get a peanut chunk out of my mouth alone," She said as she continued sticking the fork in her beak. Suddenly a cracking noise was heard from the inside of her beak. Rebecca paused her actions with the fork and begins to walk over to the table.

"The fork is stuck in your teeth, isn't it?" Red guessed.

"No," She lied as she approached to her brother, "Help me!"

Roy grabbed the fork sticking out of Rebecca's beak and wobbled it from side to side, much to her pain.

Red walked over to Rebecca to help her, "Rebecca, let me help you with that before you crack a tooth."

"No, I am not going to crack a tooth!" With a final nudge, the fork jumped out of Rebecca's beak, and a tooth was launched onto Roy's upper part of his beak.

Roy went cross-eyed looking at the tooth on her beak, "But she might loose a filling!"

In the kitchen, Rebecca is leaning against the bench examining her tooth through a pocket mirror, while Red is on the phone.

"Yeah, Bomb, I'm really sorry buddy, I was looking forward to play bowling with you and Chuck... but I got to take my baby girl to the dentist this afternoon. Alright buddy, I'll talk to you later, bye."

When Red put his phone down, Rebecca looked over at him horrified, and turned to his brother. "I can't believe this. He just told Uncle Bomb I'm a baby." Then turned to Red. "Dad! I am gonna be a teenager in.." She counts on her fingers. "13 years!"

Roy spoke in tiny, whiny voice, "Oh, so much math for such a widdle girl!"


Rebecca got annoyed by her brother's tease, and yelled, "Shut up!" Then turned to her father. "Dad, I am totally capable of going to the dentist without you."

Roy started to laugh, and said through consistent laughter ,"You ... to the dentist ... without dad!"

"That is not funny, Roy!" Rebecca shouted as she walked over to him, "I can fight pigs in front of everyone without him... I can sure as heck go to the dentist without him."

Roy is now leaning over away from Rebecca having a laughing fit, face red, although his face was already red. Rebecca kicked him from behind and he fell out from the door. Rebecca shut the door behind him and turned to Red, "If you love me, you'll never let him back in. Dad, please, let me make my own decision this time. You are playing with Uncle Bomb, and I am going to the dentist without you."

Roy is leaning against the window, laughing his head off yet again. Rebecca took a bowl of worms from the table, and chucked it over at his head, as he retreated to the ground.

"That was my dinner!" Red said.


At the Dental Care Centre, Roy, Rebecca, and Aggie are sitting on tiny kiddy chairs in the waiting room.

"Thanks for taking us to the Dental Care, Mama Aggie," Rebecca said to her godmother, and that's how she called her, "I'm a little nervous of going to the dentist without dad."

"Don't worry, Rebecca. You're my boyfriend's daughter, and as your third parent, I'll always take care of you as the way your mom and/or dad took care of you and Roy," Aggie tilted Rebecca's head and smiled.

"You know what the best part of having you as a sister is?" Roy interrupted.

"No, what?" Rebecca asked.

"I was hoping you could tell me, cause I got nothing!" He teased.

Rebecca flared with anger back at him, "Quit whining! Just be happy we finally found you a chair where your feet touch the ground."

"I hope they run out of Novocain," he gestured with hand drilling in his beak and pretended crying out in pain

Petunia, a pink hatchling, sitting behind them, screamed in fright. Roy stopped when her mother came over.

"Thanks a lot!" Petunia's mother glared at Roy as she comforted her daughter.

"Don't worry about it, sweetie, he makes all the girls cry." Rebecca smirked as Aggie chuckled.

The Dental Hygienist came out of the office and went over to Rebecca, "Rebecca! The doctor is ready for you."

Rebecca began to hug herself, and spoke jitteringly. "Um ... okay... I ... I can do that."

"Do you want me to call your daddy?" Roy said teasingly as the Dental Hygienist giggled, and Rebecca pushed Roy off his seat.


Rebecca sat on the bed in the dentist's room as the doctor sat beside her.

"Okay, Ruth ... Open up and let's see what we've got," The doctor said as he began to move the dental spoon near her beak.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rebecca stopped him, "It's Rebecca, and um, how about we get to know each other first?"

"Fine, I'm a dentist, open up!" He attempts his previous actions once again, but Rebecca resists.

"No, no, no! Uh..." She started stalling, "How long have you been a kids dentist?"

"About forty-five minutes, now can we get on with this, Riley?"

"It's Rebecca."

"We're never gonna' see each other again, who cares? Now open!"


"Okay, um ..." Rebecca opened her beak slightly, and asked through her closed teeth, "How's this?"

"It's not open," The doctor said.

"Really?" She breathed through her teeth, "Yeah, I'm getting air through it."

"I can see that you're nervous, if it's any comfort, I am too. I don't have kids! Never really got the appeal. But since we're both here, let's ... get down, get funky."

Rebecca stared at him in horror, "What?"

"I'm trying to be relatable!" The doctor shouted.

"To what, the nineteen seventies?" Rebecca asked teasingly.

"Look Rachel," The doctor stated as Rebecca rolled eyes, "If you'd rather want to come here tomorrow, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd be overjoyed!"

"No! Please, I told my daddy I could do this without him. I can't go home without my tooth fixed. Please, doctor, look," Rebecca leaned back and opened her beak. "Open wide, come on in!"

"Okay." The doctor glanced in her beak, "I'm just going to numb you up a bit ... " He reached for utensils to numb Rebecca's beak. Comprehension slipped to her scared on her face, Rebecca sat up in her bed, and looked up at a huge pointed needle that the doctor held up in front of her, "You may feel a slight pinch."

"Yeah, right! Nice meeting you!" Rebecca jumped off her seat and fled out the door.

"You too, Rosemary." The doctor waved goodbye to her.


In Red's house, Aggie and Rebecca sat on the couch next to each other.

Rebecca is holding an ice pack over her cheek, "Owwww ..."

"Owwww ..." Aggie impersonated her goddaughter

Rebecca noticed Aggie impersonating her, and reminded, "I'm the one in pain here!"

"You think it's easy seeing you like this? Think about someone else for a change," Aggie turned her head away.

"I know, I am just so selfish," Rebecca admitted, "Shooting pain does that to a person!"

"Rebecca, you're not going to be able to keep this from your dad, you might as well just tell him," Aggie insisted.

"I can't!" Rebecca accidently took freezer from her cheek. Ow, ow, ow!"

"Ow, ow, ow!" The white impersonates again.

"Stop it!" The female red hatchling shouted.

"Sorry., Said Aggie.

Rebecca placed the freezer on the coffee table, and the two of them walked into the kitchen, "I already made a huge deal about how I could go to the dentist alone. If he knows that I didn't get my tooth fixed, he's going to think that I got scared and ran out."

"But you did get scared and run out!" Aggie said.

"I didn't run I walked quickly and with purpose."

Roy walked over with a bowl of crisp chips, "Are you kidding me? She ran out there so fast that she left a couple of skid marks on some three week olds."

"Hey! That is only because I got stuck with doctor," Rebecca impersonated the doctor's voice, "'Let's get down, get funky' Tomorrow I'm gonna go to my dentist, get my tooth fixed, and Dad will never know." She took a chip, and instantly spat it out, crying in pain. "Oww! You did that on purpose!"

"Nope, sometimes I just get lucky," Roy smiled and walks off.

Aggie peaked through the window, seeing Red's coming. "Your dad's home," She warned Rebecca

Rebecca ran over to get the freezer pack on the coffee table, "Quick! Get rid of this ice pack!" She chucked it over to Aggie, and she grabbed it un-expectantly. She chucked it on the couch, and sat on it, which she felt cold under her bottom.

Just then, Red entered the house, "Here's my big girl! How did it go?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes up, devising thoughts, "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!"

"Well I gotta' say I'm a little surprised ... and a whole lot proud!" He grabbed her cheek, and wiggled it from side to side.

"Thank-you daddy. I'm feeling the love," Rebecca's expression turned sour, and she pulled free of her Dad's grip. As they walked into the kitchen, she rubbed her cheek.

"Well I'm glad everything worked out, because I got a surprise for you. Guess who's gonna' be chowing down with Toucan Beakens in Yummy treats?"

"Judge Peckinpah?" Rebecca gave a slight laughter.

"No! They had a cancellation and I know how much you love the show so I got you in!" Red winked, and clicked his beak at her, all while pointing.

Aggie is over on the couch rubbing her arms, feeling the chill of the ice pack, "Oh!" Red and Rebecca looked at Aggie. Aggie attempted to reverse her voice to normal tone. "Wo-ho! Yay... Rebecca!"

"Yay... me!" Rebecca fake smiled.


In the Yummy Treats with Toucan Beakens studio, Toucan held up a dish to the audience. "There it is. Toucan's thirty-minute moose. And here's a tip: you know it's done, when you turn it over, and it stays in the bowl," The top bit of the moose fell out of the bowl, and onto the floor. Toucan put the bowl down on the bench, "Okay, here's another tip: Watch Edward, he knows what he's doing. Don't worry that was just a stunt moose. The real moose is out the back hitting on a sweet apple tart," He rested his hand unknowingly on the stove and reflexed back, "Ow, that's hot! Don't go anywhere, because the daughter of the hero of Bird Island, Rebecca, is coming up next. We'll be right back," Then, he called someone backstage, "Can I get some ice?" He slipped over the moose on the floor as Aggie and Rebecca looked on from backstage.

"Oh, you're a little shiny, let me get that for you," Aggie reached for the foundation and rubbed it across Rebecca's cheek.

"Oh, that's good," Rebecca said as Aggie stopped.

Red walked on from behind the set laughing, "That Toucan is funny. It makes me wish I was a guest on the show."

"What a great idea!" Rebecca walked to his side, "You really do deserve a treat and I am overexposed as it is. Even I'm sick of me. Have fun in the spotlight, see you."

Red held her wing, "Oh no honey, we both know it's you the fans want to see chopping down."

Roy came in between the two of them holding a carrot, "I know I do!" He took a crunchy bite out of his carrot, and rubbed his cheek in dramatized pain.

On the set, live again, Rebecca dipped a spoon in a dish of food that Toucan has prepared.

"So Rebecca, tell me, what do you think?" Toucan smiled at the hatchling, who was eating the moose.

"Honestly Mr. Toucan, it is delicious. Soft, creamy, and well, delicious! You could not have made me a more perfect dessert. I love you man." The audience gave a round of applause as Rebecca and Toucan shared a hu,. "Well, we're all done here, so ... thank you."

As Rebecca began to walk off, Toucan stopped her, "Oh no, we're not all done, because I have you a very special treat," He reached under the bench and brought up a type of cake, presenting it to Rebecca, "And here it is. Oh, oh. Grandma Beakens Homemade toffee bar with a hard, peanut brittle shell."

Rebecca stared at it in shock as Roy raised his wings in excitement backstage, and Aggie covered her beak to hold her laughter.

"Or as Grandma calls it, the Molar Masher," Toucan added, "You're gonna love it."

"Uh, you know what, actually, I'm still loving the moose," Rebecca grabbed the bowl of moose and dug into it with the spoon, "And it's all your fault for making it so darn good."

"You don't know what you're missing," Toucan took a piece of brittle, and bit into it, echoing a loud crunchy sound against his teeth.

Rebecca covered herself from the noise, "I think I do."

"Isn't she cute? So seriously, enough with the moose," Toucan grabbed the moose from her grip, but she pulled it back.

"But I'm not done!" She snapped.

"Yes you are!"

"No, I am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Let loose of my moose!"

They pull it back and forth from each other. Eventually, the moose flew up into the air as Red and Aggie moved aside to avoid the moose, and landed straight on top of Roy's head, pouring all over him.

"Oopsies?" Rebecca looked at the audience gracefully.

"Eat Grandmas' bong." Toucan told her.

"No thank-you, I'm good." Rebecca said

That won't stop Toucan for convincing Rebecca to eat the food as he repeated, "Eat Grandma's bong! Eat grandmas' bong! Eat grandma's bong!"

"No, no, no, I'm full," Rebecca waved her wing.

Toucan's temper suddenly flared, "EAT IT!"

"Yes sir!" Rebecca said in terrified as she stared at the giant food, "Uh ... uh ... maybe just a little taste."

Toucan handed Rebecca a tiny piece from the top.

"Thank you," Rebecca took a bite, and the crunchy noise made echoes through her teeth, cracking, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rebecca screamed, in pain, louder than the studio, the village ... and the Bird Island.


At the Dentist, Rebecca is sitting in the waiting room with her father, holding a frozen fish over her cheek to cool the tooth.

"You know, considering what happened on the show, it was awful nice of Toucan to loan you that frozen fish!" Red said as Aggie giggled beside him, "Tell you what, when we get home, I might just cook it up for you! Anyhow, we're going to get that tooth fixed honey, don't you worry about it. I'm gonna be standing in there right beside you holding your little wing."

"Daddy, come on. I did not go through all this 'molar-mashing' to be right back where I started. You're staying out here," Rebecca told him

The Dental Hygienist walked over to them. "Rebecca! The Doctor is ready for you!"

"And I am ready for him!" Rebecca places the fish on the table, "See you later daddy." She stayed sitting on the couch.

"Rebecca, you haven't moved yet," Red noticed it.

"Dang it, I am such a wimp," She said sadly

"Oh, you're not a wimp. You're just scared. That's okay," Red said as he cheered his daughter up.

Dental Hygienist called Rebecca from the door, "Rebecca!"

Rebecca stood up, "I promise, daddy, next time I really will do this alone."

"Nah, don't worry about it. Everybody grows up at their own pace," Red comes along with her.

As they walked towards the examination room, they saw Roy and Samantha playing with little toy ships.

"I totally destroyed your shields!" Roy shouted

"Did not!" Samantha fought back.

"Did to!"

They both turned to their dads, who are standing behind them, "Dad!" Roy and Samantha yelled together.

"Everyone?" Aggie raised her eyebrow.

"Well, a father can dream," Red rolled his eyes about Roy's attitude and behavior as the three of them preceded on, and Roy and Samantha continued arguing.


Note: Toucan Beakens has no relation to Officer Bill Beakins

This chapter based from Hannah Montana: Don't Go Breaking My Tooth. I hope you enjoyed it. Pls comment!

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