《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Summer Beach Party


Few weeks after the village was rebuilt from the destruction of the pigs, the birds rebuilt Aggie's house, and placed it in the village, and her secret was out, Aggie has nothing to hide from the birds anymore, and they accepted her for who she is and where she came from. But, just to fit right in, she still stayed in her bird form, but she has the freedom to use her super powers and magical abilities everywhere in the island. Aggie has lot of talents, even with powers, like flight, telekinesis, transformation certain objects, etc., but she also has the ability to do something great without powers or magic, like playing bullseye, performing gymnastics, dancing, and singing. Music is one of her favorite things, and she loves to sing. She even sang a new song that she saved from her world.

Clock is ticking

Time is running out, every second counts


I can't turn it off, so I'll tune it out

All we know is la, la, la, la, la

So might as well just la, la, la, la, la

We just want to la, la, la, la, la

All day long

Everybody loves this, everybody does this

I'm just gonna do it too

We don't need a new song, we already got one

I'm just gonna give you what everybody wants

What everybody wants

What everybody wants

What everybody wants

Guess I want it too

During the song, she was under a spotlight, playing an electronic piano, When the song ended, the spotlight turned off, the lights of her new house turned on, and her friends, Red, Chuck, Bomb, and Ruby, were listening to her, and clapped their wings for that new song.

"That was amazing, Aggie!" Red cheered, "That song was beautiful."

"Thanks," Aggie blushed, "I got this back from my home world."

"What other songs you have?" Bomb asked.

"Many. I can't label them all, but I haven't practice them yet with my musical instruments," replied Aggie.

"Thanks for letting us stay here, Aggie, but we really must be going. I have to pick up Roy and Rebecca from the nursery," Ruby said.

"And I have to get some snacks at the restaurant. No sugar this time," added Bomb.

"I have to run around the island to broke my speeding time record," Chuck gestured with his finger.

"And I have to clean my house since it was rebuilt again," Red explained.

"That's cool. I'll see you later the," Aggie escorted her friends out of her house.

Out of the house, the birds were walking on the front balcony since Aggie's house was brand new and different than the others. The house doesn't have stairs at all, so they used an elevator made from plank and ropes.

"You know, you had such good songs and a beautiful voice, Aggie. You should sing more," commented Ruby.

"Thanks for that, Rubs, but that's not really necessary," the sparrow chuckled embarrassingly.

"No, really, Aggie, you have incredibly beautiful voice," Red complimented lovingly.

"You only say to make her love you more," his ex-fiancée deadpanned.

"That's my job as her boyfriend," the red cardinal crossed his arms, "But really, what I say it's true."

"Come on, guys. It's not important, now you guys should all go to do your stuff, while I have to practice singing with my piano or guitar or drums," Aggie said as her friends went to the wooden elevator, and helped them get down. When the elevator reached the ground, the four birds watched Aggie walking back to her house, and shut the door behind her. Aggie couldn't stand of keeping a secret from her. she never said this to her best friends, but she couldn't moved on from when she revealed her secret to the birds. Sure she's glad that her secret is out to the birds around her during her visit, but it's too embarrassing and horrible when she heard a gasping reaction from the birds, except from Red and Bomb.


Outside, the four birds walked away from Aggie's house.

"Is it me or Aggie's been acting weird if we discuss about her singing talent?" Chuck observed.

"I don't know. I think she took those compliments great," Bomb responded.

"I think she's stress about what happened when she revealed her secret identity. She has a talent though to keep herself distracted from it, but I don't get it. She did share her secret identity, but she still stress about it?," Red thought, "She's kinda awesome and the bravest person I know."

"Maybe, she's... afraid?" Ruby guessed.

"Hello! She just revealed herself and sang in front of everyone when we're in the cage, remember?" Chuck recalled.

"Yeah, but that's when I encourage her to help us, and we sang together. I meant that she should share her talent of singing alone," Red explained.

"Probably she has stage fright, especially if she's afraid to sing alone in front of everybody," the female red cardinal added, "And don't forget, she couldn't move on from... whatever happened when she revealed her true identity."

"But it's been weeks," Bomb reminded, "What is she afraid of now?

"You know what we gotta do, we gotta turn the frown upside-down, but how?" Chuck inquired.

"Hey, what's that?" Bomb pointed a poster pinning on a tree.

The four birds rushed to the poster, and Red took the poster to read it, "A Summer Beach Party Bash? This week? That's too soon."

"Well, the judge announced news very late though," Bomb nodded.

Ruby looked at the poster, then she has an idea, "IDEA! She should sing a song at the Beach Party Bash! It'll be a perfect social boost for her!"

"What makes you say that?" Red asked.

"Did you read the poster?" Ruby placed her finger on the words of the poster, "The party will have some fun activities for everyone to have fun with: games, free food, and even music. Oh, it also said the birds should bring their newly-laid eggs with them. Aggie suggested that rule."

"Great idea! Oh, she loves parties. She has an amazing voice after all."

"What about her fright, nervousness, and stress" questioned Red.

"Oh please," Chuck huffed, "It's a high time she got over it, and this can take away all her stress. So, should we going to tell her?"

"I can't. I still have to pick up Roy and Rebecca at the nursery today, and I'm late," Ruby checked her watch, and left the group.

"I still have to break my speeding record," Chuck excused himself before running off.

"I'll go with you, Red," Bomb volunteered.

"I thought you're going to get some snacks," Red reminded.

"No, no, Red, I was just kidding," the black bird chuckled, "I thought you're going to clean your house."

"I will. I'll tell Aggie about this poster later," the red bird said.

"So, can I come with you?"

"Sure. Just don't make a mess while you're cleaning."


Later, Aggie was still locked in her house, practicing her songs so she could move from the event of her identity revealing.

I can almost see it

That dream I'm dreaming but

There's a voice inside my head saying

You'll never reach it,

Just then, her song interrupted when someone knocked on her door.

Aggie groaned as she put her keytar down, and marched towards the door, "Ugh! Who that could be?!" When she opened the door, she saw her "cousin" and boyfriend in front of her, "Bomb? Red? What are you guys doing here?"


Aggie, we just wondered if you have received this," Red showed the Summer Beach Party Bash poster.

Aggie took the poster, and read it, "The Summer Beach Party Bash? What about it?"

"We saw you down in the docks lately since... well, the pigs invaded our island to steal our eggs again, and... your big reveal, so we think you should sing a song at the party this week," Bomb explained.

What?! Me? Singing?! In front of all the birds?!" Aggie began to panic, "Oh, I'm not sure I can."

"Come on, Ags. Haven't I taught you about courage already?" Red smirked, "It'll be fun. You like fun, right? And you have a lovely voice, too. You can't hide that special talent forever, you know, and it'll get your mind off of... well, you know."

Aggie was reluctant in the beginning, but then decided it would be something to take her mind off of everything and accepted. Besides, she was much more afraid of her haunting past than performing onstage. "Well..., okay."

"AAAAAWESOME! You are going to bring the house down, cous!" Bomb yelled in excitement.

"Yay!" Aggie replied in worry, worrying about herself.


During the week, the birds were preparing for the best Summer Beach Party Bash ever. Judge Peckinpah was sure the party was going to be less boring because of the unique birds he had met and trusted. The party will be held in the beach. It's a perfect place to have a party in Summer Time.

Red was in charge of the plans as he assigned every bird on his list.

Aggie had time to leave her house to decorate the party area on the beach as she brought her brand new party cannon, and fired balloons and confetti all over the place.

Chuck and Bomb sat up tables and chair with utensils and glasses.

Stella and Poppy built a stage for intermission numbers and entertainments for the party. Willow, Gale, Bubbles and Hal rented speakers and musical devices for loud fun music.

Early Bird was cooking worms as one of the free food for the party, while Matilda, Ruby, and Terence were making other dishes with fruits, vegetables, seafood, and desserts.

Greg and Olive Blue were in charge of making tickets while their sons volunteered to sell them to the whole town. They never forgot to sell one ticket to Mighty Eagle, but it was a long way to his cave, and they don't think mail delivering won't work, so they came to Aggie for help. Aggie used her magic to teleport the Blues to Mighty Eagle's cave in 2 minutes to sell the ticket to him before automatically teleporting them back to the village.

Edward and Eva placed bamboo sticks around to hold up the decorations that Aggie put, and the lights, just in case if the party lasted until nighttime.

After helping the area, Aggie returned to her house, and continued practicing her songs. She doesn't know what song she would sing, but she has to pick some. she took out a song book from her drawer, and flipped some pages to find a perfect song for her to sang.


The day came. the birds woke up quite early to beat the sun from coming out of the wide opens. The heat of the sun is hotter in near afternoon than in morning. When the sun came out in an early morning, like 6am, the air is still cool, like the night breeze. The birds excitingly ran out from their houses with beach stuff, like surf boards, small plastic buckets, shovels, umbrellas, towels, baskets, sunscreen, sunglasses, summer hats, beach balls, swim rings, and goggles. The party is all about having fun in the beach for Summer. Let's not forget their newly-laid eggs. After Aggie's lessons about prparations, the birds decided to bring their eggs with them and closer to them for safe keeping.

Before they can have fun, they all went to the party area where they can start the program. Most families and group of best friends sat together in one table each, while some birds sat apart.

Judge Peckinpah walked up the stage with a microphone on his wing, "Good Morning, everyone! Welcome to our first Summer Beach Party Bash!" When he announced this, the birds cheered in excitement, "After these 'crazy' events that involve the pigs, the eggs been stolen, we got them back, the pigs came back to steal the new ones, and we got them back, I think we decided to freshen up our days from the past, but that doesn't mean we have to be ready. Make sure to keep your new eggs closer so they won't get lost or taken, and the slingshot is ready, just behind the stage. Now, let the party begin!"

The party began. Games are open for all ages. This morning is the first part of the games. There are Beach Volleyball, Limbo, Surfing, Sandcastle competition, Swim racing, and Boat Racing. The games even provided trophies for 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place. Red, Chuck, Stella, and Ruby were in charge of the games and their prices. There are other games that aren't part of competitions, like Frisbee, Wakesurf, Soccer, making sand sculptures, and even using the slingshot to throw rocks and shells, invented by the Blues. The adult birds placed their towels on the sand, putting an umbrella above their heads, and lay down on their towels. They put on sunscreen on their feathery bodies, put sunglass on their eyes, and relaxed under the sun. The parents stayed closer with their eggs to keep them safe, while their hatchlings were having fun doing their stuff. The love birds are applying sunscreen at each other's back. Some birds eagerly rushed to the buffet table to get some free food. Some hatchlings skipped their plan of playing in the water and sand, so they approached their heroes, Red, Chuck, and Bomb, and commented at them adorably.

"Look! It's him! It's Mr. Red!"

"And the fast-runner, Mr. Chuck!"

"And the explosive one, Mr. Bomb!"

"Wow, these kids sure looked up to you, don't they?" Bomb told Red.

Red replied, "You, too. They're big fans of yours too."

"We love you, Bomb! You're awesome when you explode," a hatchling said.

"You're my hero, Mr. Red," Another hatchling yelled, one of the hatchlings that Red saved/

"Someday, I wanna be just like you, Mr. Chuck!" the third hatchling squealed.

"You have good taste, kid. Though, you might wanna run faster first," Chuck rustled the third hatchling's head feathers.

Aggie was also there in the party, but she didn't have herself some fun like the rest of the birds. She just sat on a log where she and Red had their first kiss, and watched the birds enjoying themselves. She even saw Roy and Rebecca eating worm ice cream. She's happy to see Red and Ruby's hatchling alive, well, and happy, but she's afraid that if they grew older and learned more, they'll be upset if they learned that they're born wedlock. At the same log, she silently practiced her song with her keytar, but she was interrupted when a Roy, Rebecca, and a bunch of hatchlings, who she saved from the pigs when they were just eggs, approached her, and climbed up on her legs to sit with her.

"You're our hero, Ms. Aggie," one of the hatchlings said as they all hugged her.

Aggie was a little stunned by the little birds' hug, but she blushed and hugged them back. She really needed some company while she practice.

Meanwhile, Willow and Poppy kept the dining birds entertain with songs and jokes.

"Why does the chicken cross the road? The chicken wants to go to the other side of the road!" Poppy laughed at the joke, but Matilda found it insulting since she's a chicken.

Hal and Bubbles refilled the buffet containers and juice dispensers when they all got empty. They even tried to make more ice to make the drinks more colder to beat the heat. Bomb and Terence also served cold drinks to the birds outside of the party area.


Lunch time had came, and all the birds went to the party area to eat lunch. Almost everyone who had at work can took breaks, like Red, Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Stella, Hal, Bubbles, Poppy, and Willow. Just then, a giant figure soaring through the sky, and landed on the beach.

"Hey, did I miss anything around here?!"

It's Mighty Eagle! the birds were surprised that the eagle came to the party. Red, Chuck, and Bomb got off from their table, and approached him.

"Might Eagle, you finally came!" Chuck exclaimed, "We thought you wouldn't make it."

"Well, I can't deny the invitation that the three little blues gave to me the other day," Might Eagle explained.

"Wait, you mean, our sons?" Olive Blue inquired, "How did our sons reach you up in your cave?"

"I think they just magically appeared out of nowhere in my cave, and disappeared after they gave me the ticket," the eagle replied.

"Aggie!" Red, Chuck, Bomb, Greg and Olive Blue guessed.

"So, what did I miss?"

"You missed half of the party," replied Bomb, "You missed the first part of the games, but the second part will be started after lunch, if you wanna join in."

Mighty Eagle chuckled excitingly, "Are you kidding me?! I love games! Hey, where is that magical girl anyway?" he asked, glancing around.

"Aggie's practicing her song," Bomb explained with a chuckle. "Despite of your size, you're able to join the game. No offense."

"Whoa, whoa. Back up. Agatha's practicing what now?"

"She's singing a song tonight," answered Ruby, pushing the baby stroller with Roy and Rebecca in it while joining the group.

Mighty Eagle looked at her in disbelief. "Aggie. Singing? Onstage? Alone? I never saw her singing before? Or have I? Or I just forgot?"

"She did sing...with me... weeks ago when the pigs trapped us in a cage, stole our new eggs, she revealed her secret identity to us as a magical human from another world, which is not our issue anymore," Red said, "We thought it would be a good confidence boost for her since... you know what I was talking about her."

"All right, then. Now, let's start this fun!"

"Hey, since you're here, you're the guest of honor. Peckinpah announced it on the poster. so, are you up for entertainment before you can have food, and fun and games?" Ruby asked.

"Would I?!" Mighty Eagle laughed, "I have wonderful ideas for entertainment. I have many jokes in my head!"

"Sure you have," Red whispered sarcastically.


The whole afternoon, everybody went back to their fun activities like what they have this morning, except the games can be played by new additional players since the first part was over and played by previous players. Mighty Eagle is still entertaining the audience who listen to his jokes and stories about his time, and after that, Willow kept the guests company.

It'll be sundown soon as everyone packed up their beach stuff, and headed back to the party area for last part of the party. The winners received their rewards from both parts of the games.

"Have either of you seen Aggie? It's almost time for her to go on."

"She wasn't in her house?" Ruby asked.

"I already looked there."

"She's probably at the forest. You know how she feels more comfortable in a quiet place with plants and small critters."

"I'll go get her," Red volunteered.

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