《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》True colors


Hey guys! So, this chapter is almost similar to Red's in the movie. I broke a little rule of fanfiction in this chapter that has lyrics, but this just a little. This story is also revealed where did I get the title of this story. So enjoy!


Aggie had been staying in Bird Island or in this world for so long that she already forgot to go back to her home and world, and, someday, planned to return. She's been so happy with her new life here, even in her bird form: having a bird cousin, made new best friends, finally have a boyfriend, and got the freedom she wanted, despite of her appearance. Her magic as very new when she copied Bomb's DNA to transformed herself into a bird, but it got messed up a little. Because of this, she was called "fuzzy feathers". She tried her best to ignore those hurtful things the birds called her. This is the same miserable life she experienced back in her home world, with the teasing and the bullying, that's why she wants to get away from her problems back home, but she got over it. She just hope to have a normal life like the other birds had in this place.

Aggie was riding on her party cannon to deliver the cake to the beach. Long story short, it is her first time to be alone on her work. Red was now on his day off, and promised Ru by that it's his turn to take care of their eggs, so Aggie will do the party job alone. After a few incidents when trying to catch up in the party, Aggie arrived just in time for the party at the beach with just the roll of party cannon to slide down to the party.

"Made it! I made it! I brought the cake!" She screamed in exhaustion.

The hatchlings heard the word cake as they charged towards her, and Aggie lifted her wings for the hatchlings would not reach the cake.

Then, the birthday hatchling's parents approached her behind the stampede of hatchlings.

"Oh, thank you so much for bringing our son's cake, Ms. Aggie," the mother bird said politely.

"No biggie, just doing my job," Aggie smiled, still trying to avoid the hatchlings reaching for the cake. When she noticed the whole beach is full of hatchlings and their parents, she remembered that the bird parents have their new eggs weeks ago, including the birthday hatchling's parents. "Um... are you supposed to bring your new egg with you?" Aggie suggested.

"Oh, don't worry. The egg is safe alone in our house." The mother bird smiled.

"Yeah, but what if something bad. We never heard of the pigs for so long."

"Hey, don't scare us like that. We're the parents. You can't tell us what to do!" The father bird yelled at her.

"Honey, calm down," his wife calmed him down by patting his chest.

"I was only concerned! Remember when the pigs first steal the eggs? You just left them back in your homes alone, while you all just partying at the tent the pigs set you up," Aggie reminded. "What if the pigs will come back and still our eggs again?"

The mother bird chuckled. "No. The pigs haven't return for a long time. I bet they gave up."

"We're not so sure about it. I bet they're plotting to destroy us as revenge. We did destroy their city after all," Aggie said, more concerning.

"Hey, how would be so sure about it? You don't have the proof. You know, you're like Mr. Red before he became a hero. You two are meant for each other. Besides, if ever the pigs will return, Mr. Red would know what to do, not you!" The father bird snapped. "Just mind of your own business, fuzzy feathers!"


That nickname. That nickname that she hates the most. That's the name they called her when she was first encountered by other birds than Bomb. She then growled at the bird who called her by nickname, and grasped tightly at the cake board, "DID YOU CALL ME 'FUZZY FEATHERS'!" Aggie smashed the cake on the father's bird cake, making his wife gasp, and the hatchlings cry.

"Uh, oh." Aggie knew that she was in big, big trouble... again.


Later in the afternoon, at the Bird Court, the hatchday hatchling's parents explained everything to Judge Peckinpah about Aggie's actions at the party.

Then, Aggie stood and addressed the court. "Ladies and gentlemen, am I a passionate bird? Yes. Guilty as can be. I was only concerned about the eggs' safety for leaving them at home alone, so I told them to bring it with them to be safe." She pointed at the parents. "And they wouldn't even listen!"

"Ms. Aggie," Judge Peckinpah cleared his throat to get Aggie's attention. "I know you're concerned, but it's been too long since the pigs didn't come back to steal our new eggs, so there's nothing we need to worry about."

"Yeah, but what if they are coming back? We're not sure why they haven't showed up... yet. I think they still think of a plan to destroy us and eat our eggs as revenge. We just destroyed their city! They'll might come back to do the same thing to us!" Aggie said in panic.

"You're overreacting! You're as paranoid as him!" The judge snapped. "Did you know that you act a lot like Mr. Red?"

"Yeah. We both have anger issues, and you sent us to anger management that the same day."

"And you both have so much in common together, even if you two haven't met before, but my only problem is you have more anger issues than his!"

"Still same old, same old thing. You said that anger is a weed and you plug it out. I got it! Don't remind me."

"Ms. Aggie. When you built your house near the beach, did you notice that nobody convince you or help you place it in the middle of the village?" Aggie felt a little pain inside her chest when Peckinpah told her that. "Of course, everyone may smile at you on the street, liking you, and support you, but that doesn't mean they trust you. We didn't even know who you are. You don't have any records of your origin, no history about your or your parents, and you just appeared out of nowhere."

Aggie was about to shout, but she took a deep breath, and said. "Well, at least you sent me to anger management class before this happened."

"I'm giving you an excuse this time. Sure if the pigs might return, which they're not, it's up to Mr. Red to save the day! Isn't it right, everyone?" the judge asked the other birds in the court as they nodded in agreement. "I know you were in Red's team, Ms. Aggie, but it doesn't mean we have to give a quarter of the credit to you,"

"You know, we can't just depend on Red. I'm talking about preparedness! if you won't listen to me, I'm fine with that! So will you excuse me, I'm going to prepare a nice dinner for my friends." Without saying a single word, Aggie left the Bird Court while choking her tears in, but that doesn't mean she's weak enough to defend herself. She's still having her good friends by her side. She hoped that her premonition is wrong.



Later at night, At night, Red, Chuck and Bomb arrived at Aggie's house for a nice friendly dinner. she invited her best friends in, but Ruby didn't come because she went to bed early and watched over her eggs. The birds sat on a dining table and began a conversation.

"I'm so glad you invite us for dinner, Aggie." Bomb smiled.

"Yeah, even though you have anger issues, you still have a heart." Chuck said as Aggie puts a bowl of fruit salad on the middle of the table.

"So, how's your job?" Red asked. "I heard you messed up that hatchling's hatchday party when you smashed that cake on his father's face."

"Well, he started it!" Aggie shouted angrily as she hardly put a plate of fried worms on the table, making one fried worm jump out on Bomb's plate, which Bomb quickly ate it. Then Aggie continued. "I was only saying to those birds that they'll just bring their new unhatch egg with them, just in case if the pigs arrived, and they won't steal it, but they wouldn't listen!

"I know how you feel." Red started. "I've been like that once, but I still listen to my instincts."

"The pigs haven't showed up for a long time now. I think you should relax, girl," Chuck suggested.

"Now you sounded like everybody else in this island, Chuck," Aggie rolled her eyes, then turned to Red. "Everybody is counting on you, Red. I'm just teaching everybody to be independent."

"You know, you're right about one thing; they should be independent, but you shouldn't be so paranoid about the pigs and the eggs' safety. We'll handle this together," Red patted his girlfriend's back to comfort her.

Aggie realized Red was right. She never had an egg herself as she never experienced the egg-stealing trauma that the parent birds have, "You're right. I shouldn't be stressed out. I'll just do what I do: helping others." Aggie said. "But what about Ruby and the eggs."

"She'll be fine. Her house was a total lockdown," said the red bird.

"Come on. Let's eat. Starving," Bomb interrupted. He was so hungry he couldn't wait for the main course.


Suddenly, an unexpected ships arrived from the mist of the sea. One of the ships is a giant cruise ship. Ross took a peak on his telescope to see the Bird Island ahead. "We're here, your highness!"

"Most excellent!" Leonard, as the king and captain of the cruise ship, called back. "Now, ready my other ship. I'm going to talk to the birds myself!" He chuckled evilly as he rubbed his hands together.


Hours later, back at the Bird Island, the birds were sleeping early on their comfy nest.

In one of the houses, when a bird couple were sleeping, somebody sneaked in from the window and tiptoed into the nursery. Suddenly, a sound of a breaking glass was heard from the kitchen.

"What's that?" The female bird woke up from the sound.

"Let's check it out," the male bird whispered as he grabbed a bat, and got off of bed while his wife followed him.

When they walked down stairs and slowly tiptoed straight to the kitchen, they noticed a small pig, taking a bottle of milk from the fridge and about to drink eat. the pig gasped when he noticed the two birds.

"Hey, you're not suppose to be here!" the male bird was about to charge, but he was stopped when...

"Mommy! Daddy!" two hatchlings yelled.

The parents turned and saw their two hatchlings were dragged down the stairs when they grabbed the medium pig's legs as he descended down the stairs with an egg on his hoof.

"Kids!" the parents yelled as they charged towards the pig to save their children and their egg, but they instantly trapped by a giant net when the small pig threw it on them.

Later, the two pigs dragged the net with two birds and their hatchlings out of their house.

The other pigs did the same to the rest of the birds. They captured the birds parents and hatchlings to steal the eggs freely. When the other birds, like Matilda, Terence, Stella, Peckinpah, etc., were alerted by the commotion, they left their houses to save the families of birds and their eggs, and tried to alert Red, but they were trapped in cages.

In her house, Ruby slept peacefully until she heard someone entered her room. When she got up, she noticed a pig grabbed her two eggs from their nests.

"My eggs! Those are my eggs!" Ruby angrily shouted.

The pig quickly took off a red bow from the eggs and a blue baseball cap from the other eggs, and blew his tongue on Ruby before jumping out of the window.

Ruby quickly got off of bed and ran to her window, "No!" She cried as she watched the pig who stole her eggs landed on a trampoline and ran with the other pigs. With no time to lose, Ruby has to save her eggs on her own, but when she got out, a net fell down on her and trapped her down.


Meanwhile, at Aggie's house, the birds were still enjoying their dinner.

"So are all of your dishes are fried worms, or is it just you?" Chuck asked sarcastically.

Suddenly, they heard an explosion and cries from the village. Red, chuck, Bomb and Aggie left the table, and ran to the window to see what's going on. They saw many pigs captured the birds with nets and cages, and many houses were exploded by dynamites and TNT. Aggie quickly rushed to the back and looked at the window, where she saw many large ships arrived,

But then, she noticed a pig in one of the large ships, holding a toilet plunger with fire on it, and is about to launch at Aggie's house. She also noticed there was a box of dynamites and TNTs under her house. She gasped in terror as she called her friend, "Guys! Get out of the house now!"

Without asking, Red, Chuck and Bomb ran out of the house. Aggie ran out last to get her pet squirrels, and her house exploded when the corporal pig launched the flaming arrow under the house that enlightened the dynamites. Her friends helped her get up, and saw that Aggie's house was completely destroyed into ashes. Aggie and her pets looked at each other one last time in sadness, then the squirrels ran away in sorrow.

Aggie stood up in rage, and told her friends. "Never mind the house. We have to find the others."

The three birds agreed as they all ran to the village, but a cage fell above them, locking them up inside.


Sooner or later, the pigs gathered up all the captured birds, and put them all inside a giant cage where they all fit in.

Leonard arrived in the scene with an evil laugh. "It is nice for you all to join the party." He said to the birds as he show the pigs stole every single egg in the village. "Ooh, I can smell those delicious eggs already. Go! Take as many eggs as you can, and take all of them to my ship!" He ordered his subjects as the pigs grabbed the eggs, and ride on motorcycles and trucks to the beach.

When the pigs are gone, all of the birds glared at Leonard as he chuckled. "You know, it's funny, really. This little Aggie here was suspicious of our arrival all along." He placed his hand on Aggie's chin to make her head tilt. Aggie slapped Leonard's hand to let her go. "Too bad the rest of you were enjoyed your happy life in this island that you think we're never coming back!" Leonard laughed.

The birds felt guilty for not listening to Aggie and her advice as Peckinpah spoke out, who was right beside her. "Sorry, Ms. Aggie. We should've listened to you at the very beginning."

"Oh, it was not your fault. We never expected this to happen," replied Aggie.

"So I hope you feel comfortable in your 'traps', cause we're having dinner tonight." Leonard cackled as he rode on a truck, heading to the beach to his ship.


While they're still trapped in a huge cage, the birds murmured I worry for their eggs and discussed how are they going to get out of the cage.

Red grasped the bars of the cage and pulled to test them if they're unbreakable, but it was too tough.

"Mr. Red, please, what're we going to do?" Eva asked.

He only looked at his fellow birds in sadness. It's like deja vu. It happened again, but this time, being trapped in a giant cage and let the pigs get away again isn't part of it. He never expected this. He can feel the sweat of pressure on his forehead. all the birds are counting him because he's the leader. They're now depending on him. "I don't know, okay? I just... I just don't know!" Red admitted loudly, much to the birds disbelief. Sure he knows what to do before, but this is different. The pigs are even wiser than before. Locking the bird in a cage to steal the eggs freely is a good idea for Leonard and his minions. They are really onto revenge after destroying their city. Suddenly, Red realized something, "Wait... it's Aggie. She knows what to do."

Aggie was surprised that Red chose her to decide what to do, but she stepped back and hesitated, "What? But I don't know... I..."

"It's true, Ms. Aggie. You tried to warn us to keep the eggs safe from the unexpected arrival of the pigs. You know how to get us out," Poppy added.

"What? No! I didn't just knew, I only said we have to prepare," the sparrow tried to defend herself, but more birds stepped closer to her.

"And we never listened." Peckinpah added. "Please, Ms. Aggie., you have to help us."

"I can't, okay? I can't help!"

"Yes, you can!" Ruby argued as she placed her wing on her best friend's shoulder. You have to help your friends, Aggie. Like you always do. Help your fellow birds.


The birds gasped in horror, and Red and Bomb cringe in fear for Aggie's secret is blown. Aggie didn't know what caught into her. She didn't mean to say that. All that pressure made her throat explode, accidentally revealed her secret in one sentence.

"I'm not a bird, okay? I was never been one," She couldn't keep a secret any longer to the birds as she transformed to her true form from top to bottom. The head feather that Bomb shared with her disappeared. Her feathers became fair skin, the beak became nose and mouth, the overgrown feather became a plain white clothes, large fairy wings exposed from her back, and bird feet became black shoes. "I'm... a human."

The birds were shocked, except Red and Bomb, who just looked at her sadly for revealing her darkest secret.

"What's a human?" Chuck whispered to Red.

"I'm not really from here. I'm from another world where humans exist. Pigs and birds exist there too, but not like you guys. This isn't the first world I came to. There are many other worlds out there in the whole universe. I came here to get away from miserable life back home. I got bullied, I'm so different from others, and no one outside of my family understands me much. I'm not like other humans. Humans don't have wings like mine. I was born with them. That's why I'm so different," explained Aggie.

"But, if you're actually a human, how can you become a bird like us?" Philip asked.

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