《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》He's Beautiful


So enjoy reading this. This chapter was supposed to be Rated M, but there are some stuff are not shown.


Chuck was there eating his meal. He's seemed enjoying it until Judge Peckinpah patted his back.

"Hi Mr. Chuck! What's that you're eating?"

"Two cheese and mushroom pizzas, two milkshakes, and two orders of onion rings." Chuck pointed his meal.

"Ooh, good for you, Mr. Chuck! You got a girl coming?"

"No, it's just for me. Stella's hanging out with her friends."

"You need some help, man. Lucky for you, I have just the thing." The Judge took something from his sheriff hat (that was given by the pigs), and took out a flyer that says, "Judge Peckinpah Dance Class. Every Monday at the Bird Court."

"You teach dance classes?" Chuck asked in impress.

"What, you think I'm just a judge?" Peckinpah chuckled. "After Mr. Red, intentionally, revealed my taller secret, I decided to teach dancing... In the Bird Court. Monday nights. Trust me, women love men who can dance."

As the judge left, Chuck thought that this is gonna be a good opportunity to impress Stella and can ask her out on a date with him.


Meanwhile, Red and Aggie payed Ruby a visit since they've heard she already laid an egg... or is it?

Ruby opened the door and was surprised that her two friends came to visit her.

"Aggie!" She exclaimed and hugged Aggie happily. Then she greeted Red unenthusiastically, but happily. "Red."

"Ruby." Red was also unenthusiastic to greet his ex-fiancée since he was still embarrassed and ashamed when she carried his child or something...

Aggie helped them change the topic. "So how are you've been? How's the egg?"

Ruby was little nervous to tell them the truth. "Actually, it's not an egg..."

Red and Aggie were confused about what Ruby said as they entered her house to see Ruby's egg. But when they did, it is revealed that the nest was carrying, not just one..., but two light red eggs.

Aggie's eyes suddenly widened with tears as she looked at the eggs more closely. It's like she was hypnotized by their cuteness. Red was also happy to have two kids, but he was more ashamed that he thought Aggie was so upset, but she's not.

"Aww! Ruby, I can't believe you lay to eggs. Oh, you make me cry." Aggie cried proudly with tears of joy.

"Aww, thanks, Ags. I was too." Ruby's eyes watered as she stood beside her best friend.

Aggie noticed that Red wasn't so happy about his two new eggs. He'd just shook his head in sadness, still feeling ashamed as he thought his girlfriend would be disappointed.

"Red." Aggie smirked, "I know that look. Are you sad because of these?" She pointed the eggs. "Red, I know how you feel. And to be honest, I'm very proud of you."

Red wiped a little tear from his eyes, and said, "Thanks, Ags. But still, it's really ashamed for me."

"I know it was." Aggie felt the same feeling, but she also had a positive side as she held a hand on his shoulder. "But as long as we're together, I'm fine with it."

Red can't help but smiled and hugged Aggie lovingly with tears on his eyes.

"You know, speaking of you..." Ruby interrupted. "How would you become the godmother to my kids? I you want..."

Aggie froze in shock, "What? Me? Godmother? To these two little angels?"


"If that's okay with you..."Ruby was startled when Aggie hugged her again even tighter.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret this!" Aggie exclaimed happily as she tackled Ruby into a hug.

Ruby was completely choked when Aggie squeezed her tighter. "Aggie...can't...breathe..."

"Oops, sorry!" Aggie blushed as she backed away. "I hope they're both boy and girl."

"You know nothing about genetics, Ags," Red snickered. "They're probably just boys or girls."

Aggie rolled her eyes and noticed a bird wig head on Ruby's mirror set. She was startled, and ran onto Red and hugged him in fear. "There was a..." She looked at the head again. "...head? On the table?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I entered beauty school today after I laid the eggs." Ruby explained.

"Wow, really?" Red deadpanned as he wasn't interest about this. "Are you supposed to be resting?" Both he and Aggie were concerned about Ruby's health.

"Nah! I was bored, plus, I was inspired by Aggie's beauty, so I want to do something beautiful too." The female red bird added.

That is it. Red was already bored by his ex-fiancée, even her talks and her looks. He was thankful for her for carrying his children, but he doesn't want to be around with her, especially with his best friend/girlfriend around, as he pushed his girlfriend to the door with him. "That's great Ruby, but we really need to go."

"What?!" Aggie groaned in frustration. "But we just got here."

"I said let's go!"

As they went outside, he closed the door hardly.

Ruby rolled her eyes and sighed. "Typical Red. I knew Aggie was meant for him." She grabbed a wig head and a scissor to start making her assignment in cutting wigs for her beauty school.


At night, at the street, Red and Aggie walked silently on their way to her home.

"Sorry about all that." He apologized.

"About what?" She asked.

"About the shame and embarrassment stuff, and... I thought you'd be so disappointed when you found out that I'm having two eggs with my ex."

"Red, it's okay! I told you, I am not disappointed, I am proud. As long as we're together, I'm fine with that. And besides, I love you, and I don't want to be separated from you again." Aggie embraced him lovingly and shed a tear. "The only thing you have to apologize to me is we left Ruby's house early. I was having a good time with the eggs."

"Oh, Aggie, why do you have to be so nice?"

"I don't want to be the bad guy here."

Red kissed her on her forehead, and embraced her, leaning her closer to him. "I felt the same," He shed a tear as it dropped from his cheek.

Aggie felt a drop of liquid oh her head. She realized Red was crying, so she snuggled even closer to him,

When he touched her now smooth feathers, Red felt like his body wants to do something to her. Before he can do this, he decided to ask her first, but it's going to be embarrassing and stupid. "Um... Aggie... do you have something to do tonight?"

"Well no why?" Suddenly, Aggie felt his hand slides down on her back to touch her tail feathers. When he was almost on the tips, she placed a finger on his beak. She knew what he'll gonna do, but she wasn't ready yet for those stuff, so she stopped him right there. "Whoa, Casanova, I know what you're thinking or doing, but I'm not gonna do it. I wasn't ready yet." She shook her head in shame. She doesn't want her boyfriend to be left disappointed, but she's still afraid of what will happen.


He knew this would happened, Red felt even more ashamed than before. "Sorry, I don't want that to happen too." He looked away in shame and sadness.

Suddenly, Aggie has an idea. "Well, if you want to sleep in my house tonight, I'll be happy for it."


"Sure. You welcomed me in your home when everyone was having fun with the pigs, I just returning the favor. Plus, I'm quite scared to sleep tonight so I need some company, but remember no... you know what."

"I promise."


At Aggie's house, Aggie already prepared a sleeping bag for Red for them to sleep separately.

"Well, here's a sleeping bag." She put the sleeping bag on the floor. "I hope this makes you comfortable." She walked straight to her nest.

"Are you forgetting something?" Red smirked as he placed a finger on his cheek, expecting a goodnight kiss.

"Mh..." Aggie thought about it, and realized. "No." She hopped on to her nest and readied to sleep.

Red rolled his eyes and shrugged, but he was surprised when Aggie grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. He closed his eyes and kissed her back as he wrapped his arms around her waist. When Aggie felt this sudden touch, she kissed him even more deeply and passionately. Red did the same, and placed his hand on her tail feathers.

She felt this, and pulled back. "Okay, that's enough. Let's go to sleep" Aggie walked back to her nest, hopped on it, and fell asleep.

Red shrugged, and tucked himself inside the sleeping bag. He was about to close his eyes to sleep, until a pebble fall onto him from an open window. He got up, walked to the window, and looked down to see who's awake this late. He saw Chuck waving at him. "Chuck, why are you doing here this late?" Red called quietly.

"I need to talk to you." Chuck whispered.

Red rolled his eyes, and tip-toed down the stairs, avoiding to wake Aggie up. When he reached the door, he slowly walks outside, where Chuck is waiting for him, and gently closed the door. "How did you know I'm here?" he asked.

"Well, I went to your house, but you weren't there, so I came here, just to make sure..." Chuck then gasped when he realized Red's staying in Aggie's house. "You didn't..."

"No, she doesn't want to, neither do I." Red interrupted.

"Ooh, bummer." Chuck chuckled. "So... Guess what, I signed up for Peckinpah's dance classes."

"Wow." Red exclaimed.

"Yeah. He says women love a man who can dance. I know I can dance before, but not as gracefully as you guys. So I figured what do I have to lose?"

"That sounds great."

"The only thing is the flyer says you have to bring a partner."


"So I was wondering if you'd be my partner."

"Me? Wouldn't you rather ask Stella?"

"I can't. That's why I'm taking the dance class to impress her. To surprise her. And to finally ask her out."

"I don't know."

"Never mind. It was a dumb idea anyway. I guess I just figured since you and Terence are good with girlfriends. It's okay, though."

"No, wait. I'll do it."

"Really? Oh, wow. I can't thank you enough. You're really my best friend. See you Monday night!" Chuck quickly hugged Red, and ran off.

Red realized he doesn't know anything about being a woman, but he doesn't want to hurt his friend. "Oh boy, I think I need some help."


At Monday night, Red went to Ruby's house, accompanied by Aggie, to make himself a girl, while Ruby practiced hair cutting for beauty class, using Red as her head wig. Aggie also let Red borrow her grey dress when she found out that he have to pretend to be a woman for Chuck's dance class.

"Couldn't you do this on a wig head?" Red's easily got annoyed when Ruby used his head to do her homework in cutting a blonde-feathered hair.

"No." Ruby replied as she pushed Red's head to focus on her cuttings. "Head down. Bobs are very intricate. I need to see how the hair moves." She cut a few strands. "Shake it out for me." Red shook his head left and right as the hair whipped "Stand up for me." Ruby said as Red stood up, wearing the dress that Aggie let him borrow.

Aggie examined Red's body that it's not really a lady-like shape, especially with the dress. "It's impossible to evaluate with you in that shapeless smock." She grabbed a ribbon, and tied it around her boyfriend's waist. "Maybe this will give the illusion of a waistline." When she examined him one more time, she looked at him with disgust. "Oof, you are one ugly woman."

"Yeah, but that haircut's got class." Ruby said.

Suddenly, Red realized about Chuck's dance class, and it's Monday night. "Class! I'm late! Chuck's gonna kill me!" He rushed to the door, and ran straight to the Bird Court.

"Wait! I still need a french braid!" Ruby yelled, but Red didn't hear her.


At the Bird Court, where couples of birds were also joining the judge's dance class, Chuck is waiting for Red to come.

Red finally arrived behind Chuck. "Sorry I'm late." He panted from running.

"Red? Why are you dressed like a woman?" Chuck asked.

"Huh? Oh. Ruby was practicing cutting hair, and Aggie decided to help me becoming a girl."

"You know, nice bob. You make kind of an ugly woman, though." The yellow bird commented.

Red looked himself in the mirror."Why does everybody say that? I think I look beautiful."

Suddenly, Judge Peckinpah appeared, and was flinched when he saw Red as a woman. He didn't know that it was really Red. "Mr. Chuck, who's your dance partner? She's such a beautiful woman."

"What? Oh, no, it—" Chuck was cut off as Red extended a wing to Peckinpah, and used his girly nickname.

"I'm Rella. Finally, someone with some taste." He greeted

Peckinpah took Rella's wing, and placed a kiss on it as he walked away, staring at her (him) lovingly.

"Told you I was beautiful." Red smirked at Chuck, much to Chuck's annoyance.


The next Monday, at the dance class, Red is still wearing the same wig, but in a different dress.

"Where did you get that dress?" Chuck asked while dancing.

"From Aggie." Red said. "I thought Rella deserved something a little nicer than a smock," Then, he does a twirl moves. "Ooh, and look how pretty it twirls! "

Peckinpah clapped his wing in impress when he saw Red as Rella doing the twirl. "All my years of teaching, I have never seen such grace, such beauty on the dance floor."

"Thank you!" Chuck smiled.

"I was talking to Ms. Rella." Peckinpah pointed Red in disguise. "Too bad I have a strict rule about dating my students."

Red played along as he grinned nervously, and high-pitched his voice. "Good thing for that rule."

"Okey dokey, everyone. I'll see you next week." Peckinpah waved his students as he dismissed the class.

"You sure will. I'm gonna practice every day." When Chuck walked towards the exit, he accidentally bumped Stella, who was also joining the dance class too. He was surprised to see his crush in the same class. The two just smiled at each other as Chuck finally walked out of the court.

"Until Monday, Rella, I'll be counting the seconds." Peckinpah said to Red as he started counting.

Red got nervous and scared as he walked out of the court, trying to get away from that crazy judge, who was flirting with him.


The next day, at Ruby's house, Ruby is still practicing styling Red's wig, and Aggie accompanied them while eating a cake.

"So how are things?" Ruby asked as she removed the curler from the feathered wig.

"Oh, I don't know. Complicated." Red said while holding a girl magazine.

"Talk to us." Aggie said as she ate a slice of chocolate cake.

"Get this. My dance teacher has a crush on me," said Red.

"What's so complicated about that?" asked the sparrow.

"Well, "a," I'm not interested, and "b," I'm taking the class as a favor to a friend. But now with all the weirdness in the air, I don't want to go back."

"Listen, girl. Don't let this teacher get under your skin." Ruby sprayed the wig with hair spray. "You made a commitment to a friend, you gotta follow through on that commitment."

When Red looked at the mirror, he realized that his ex was right. "You're right. You're so right."

"You know what else is right? The amount of volumizer I used on your perm." Ruby added while looking at mirror.

Aggie wanted to look at it too, but she was confused. "I don't get that reference."


Few weeks later, the dance class is almost over. Red arrived at the court with a new stylish dress.

Chuck noticed him. "Another new dress?"

"It's the last class. I want to look nice." Red explained.

"Can I get everyone's attention?" Judge Peckinpah announced. "I just want to say it's been a pleasure being your instructor for the past few weeks. You have all come so very far. Of course, some of you have come farther than others." He referred to Rella, which made Red startled, nervous and uncomfortable.

"Now, let's dance!" The judge clapped his wings as signal to start the dance.

When they started dancing, Red danced violently with Chuck, while Chuck got dizzy when Red span them together. Then he saw Peckinpah smiled at him. "Hi, Rella." Red tried to get away from Peckinpah, but when he continued dancing, the judge was still there. "That's a beautiful dress."

Meanwhile, Aggie wouldn't miss Red's last dancing class as she appeared at the court door to watch her boyfriend dance. She even brought Ruby along and pushed a baby stroller that has Ruby's eggs, which were buckled up with a safety belt of the stroller.

Red still danced violently as Chuck was struggling with it. "Red, you're supposed to let me lead," the yellow bird stammered uncomfortably

Then, Red saw the judge flirting with him again. "Just shut up and dance." Red whispered to Chuck, and proceed dancing.

Just then, he noticed Aggie and Ruby secretly watching him or her dance with Chuck, and Peckinpah followed him or her. The two girls snickered at this scene.

When Red and Chuck danced the final step, Judge Peckinpah approaches them. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Mr. Chuck, you're supposed to be the dipper, not the dippee. You're the man. Rella's the woman. A woman unlike any I've ever met."

Red let go of Chuck, and looked at Peckinpah. "Look, I'm flattered, but I'm also..." He removed the wig. "...Red."

"Mr. Red?" Peckinpah was shock as the other birds gasped.

Ruby commented, "Ooh, that's not supposed to happen."

Aggie face palmed while snickered, "I did not see that coming."

"I signed up to be Chuck's dance partner, not to be the target of your incessant flirting. I mean, I certainly didn't help things by looking so beautiful." Red explained.

"Beautiful? Who said you were beautiful?" Peckinpah scowled.

"You did!"

"I was just being nice. You were clearly the most unattractive woman in the class, So I was trying to make you feel better about yourself. It's called overcompensating." Peckinpah walked angrily out of the court and back to his house as everyone looked at him, until he closed the door. When the judge locked the door, his eyes are now filled with tears and started to sob, realizing Rella wasn't real. He walked to a shrine with Rella's picture on it, a rose and a candle beside the picture, and an engagement ring in front. Peckinpah closed the box and cried even more.

When the others from outside heard the judge's cries, Aggie and Ruby approached Red while pushing the stroller.

Aggie made a big laugh, "Wow! That was the most funniest scene I have ever saw! I' loved it."

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