《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Confession of Love


Aggie is still in her house, sitting on the floor and her back lying against the wall, crying and weeping for losing the love of her life. She did sniff when her cry stopped, but everytime she woke up from her sleep, she continued to cry. She never went out of the house for days as she thought Red was already married to Ruby anyway, but, unbeknownst to her, there was no wedding, and Red and Ruby already broke up. She even missed her classes with Matilda in Anger Management Class. Aggie grounded herself in her house as she took a risk for not eating any food, but lucky for her, she has a "cousin". Bomb brought food for everytime he came to visit.

She can't believe that Red never noticed the signs of love she represented when they were together as friends, but she realized it was her fault all along. It was a 0% chance for her to tell Red her feelings for him, and it was too late anyway. It's also complicated that Aggie is truly a young human and took a form of a white sparrow, who was in love of a red cardinal bird. Although, it's true that age and species don't matter, it's still sad for Aggie.

She stood up, and walked to the drawer, right next to her bed. It has a lamp and 3 pictures of her and Red on it. Aggie picked up a picture of Red, and looked at it sadly.

Aggie: I wanted you to see me,

But for so long, you were blind

Now it's time to face tomorrow,

And leave all that stuff behind

Of what would our lives have been like,

If you'd just given me a sign

'Cause I like you more than every other

Thing I like combined...

I spent so many days

Hoping there was something new

But I was already too late

But I'm still in love with you

What might have been

Meanwhile, Red was still saddened and mourned about Aggie as he walked around the village. He thought she must be real sad about now. He extremely regretted about ignoring her, and accidentally didn't notice the signs when he was with her. Surely, he has a crush on her, but it was a shock to him that she has a crush on him too. Red just wanted to talk to Aggie and apologize, but he thought she was not in a mood. He was so distracted by his mourn and thoughts about Aggie as he didn't noticed he was headed to Matilda's hut. Red knew there was no class this time, but he hasn't seen Aggie in classes too. So he entered Matilda's hut, and saw Matilda doing yoga.

Matilda noticed Red staring at her. She got up, and greeted him by shaking his wing, "Red, how are you?"

"Hi Matilda. Uh, is Aggie here?" Red asked.

"Oh no, Red, she hasn't come again."

"You mean, after many days? And more than that?"

"Yes, ever since you announced to everyone that you and Ruby will marry. It's too bad she hasn't heard about you and Ruby broke up. You know, since you and Aggie met in my class, she's had a huge crush on you."

"I wish I had known." Red sighed before he got out of Matilda's hut, and walked towards the beach.

Red: I can't believe that all this time,

You never said a word

Although it's possible you did,

And I just never heard

I never even noticed,

I guess I wasn't that alert


But I must say that, in retrospect,

You were being quite overt...

And now our endless fun days,

Is finally coming to an end

I tried to make it up to you, since it's my chance,

But now I think it's too late, my friend

What might have been

Aggie: I could've been your girlfriend

Red: I could've been your fella

We might've been an item...

Aggie: If I'm brave enough to tell ya

Red: I would've held the door for you,

I would've shared my umbrella

Aggie: You could've been there for me

When I got arachnophobia

Other versions of Aggie:(When she got arachnophobia)

Aggie/Red: We could've been together,

All you had to say was when

And though I wanted so much more,

I guess you'll always be my friend...

What might have been

What might have been

Red: What might have been.

Aggie: (sighs and talks) What might have been.

At this last verse, Aggie faced the picture of Red down as she didn't want to see him again. It always made her cry if she looked at Red's picture. She walked backward back to the corner, sat on the floor, hugged her knees, and cried, burying her face on her knees.


It's been a week after their break-up. Ruby couldn't believe that Red and Aggie were still haven't been together. They never talk with each other for almost a month. Aggie hasn't showed up, and Red is still locked up in his house. It's time to get to the bottom of this. Ruby went to Aggie's house to talk to her, but when she knocked on the door, no one answered. Means, Aggie is not home. Ruby looked around the village to find Aggie, but she easily got tired because of the egg she carried, but that won't stop her to find her best friend.

"Aggie?! Come on, Aggie, where are you?!" She called, "Okay, if I were Aggie, where would I be?" she said to herself, then she imitates Aggie's mood, "'Yay! There's a party! All I have to do is to bake a cake, loading more confetti for my party cannon, and fire it up as the confetti raining down to the floor...'" Suddenly, she noticed confetti on the ground, making a trail that leads to the forest. Ruby knows that the owner of the confetti was Aggie. She followed the path of confetti, until she saw Aggie, firing her party cannon in sorrow. "Aggie!" Ruby called happily.

"Ruby?"Aggie turned around, and was shocked that Ruby saw her. Still feeling ashamed, she ran away and cried, leaving her party cannon behind.

Ruby wondered why Aggie was running away from her, "Wait, Aggie?!" She started chasing her.

"Just let me go!" Aggie cried as she entered the forest, "Red's better off without me!"

"Come back!" Ruby kept chasing her as she also entered the forest.

Aggie used her laser eyes to cut down a tree to block the way so Ruby won't follow her, but Ruby grabbed a long stick to jump over, and land safely on the other side of a fallen tree as she continuously chasing Aggie, but she panted from running. "Aggie, slow down! I'm carrying an egg here!"

"If you don't want to harm your kid, then why are you chasing me?" Aggie sobbed as she kept on running.

"I just want to talk to you!" But because she was distracted from chasing Aggie, Ruby accidentally stumbled down, and land on a quicksand. She tried to get out from it, but the quicksand is too strong enough to sink her. "Help!" She called out. Honestly, she called out to Aggie.


Aggie heard her voice, and stopped from running. When she turned around, she saw Ruby struggling from the quicksand. Horrified, Aggie ran back to save Ruby. "Here, grab hold!" She grabbed a large stick, and pointed the other end to Ruby for her to grab held to it. Aggie tried to pull Ruby out with the stick, but the quicksand is still pulling them in. "That's it!" Aggie shouted frustratingly as she dropped the stick, and walked slowly towards Ruby and grabbed her hand. Noticing the vine from a tree, and a coconut tree, Aggie has an idea. She used her laser eyes to cut the vine as it fell on her head. Using her free hand, she quickly tied the vine around her waist, and, using the other end of the vine, she throws it like a lasso to a coconut tree. When the vine was tied tightly around the tree, Aggie pulled it down as the tree bent down until it reaches a few inches to the ground.

"Hold on, okay?" Aggie said to Ruby. She nodded as she squeezed Aggie's hand to hold on to it tightly. When Aggie let go of the vine, the tree rose up as it pulled her and Ruby out from the quicksand to the air. The vine around Aggie's waist snaps, leading the two girls flying to the beach.

Aggie landed first safely on the sand, and she lifted her arms to catch Ruby. When she did, Aggie put Ruby down as they removed the dirt off from their feathers.

"You saved my life. Thanks" Ruby thanked her.

"Oh, it was nothing," Aggie waved it off, "Now can you tell me, WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME?!"

"Listen Aggie—" Ruby was cut off when Aggie kept on talking.

"Weren't you supposed to be rehearsing for you big day?!"


"You're supposed to be ready for your big day, and you shouldn't give your kid a pressure!"

"Wait, I—"

"Will you just go home and leave me alone?! You have a big wedding to prepare!"

"THERE IS NO WEDDING!" Ruby lost her temper, and shouted at Aggie.

"What?" Aggie stopped talking as she heard those four words coming from Ruby's beak.

"There is no wedding. That was last week. Red and I have..." She showed Aggie her hand without her engagement ring, "...broken up."

"Alright, what did Red do to you?" Aggie asked, thinking there's a problem between the two birds, "I'm going to talk to him."

"No!" Ruby stopped her, "I mean, I broke up with him."

Aggie paused for a while as she gaped, and said, "Are you crazy?! You're holding his child, you loved him, and you don't want to marry him?"

"Look, I wanna marry him, okay? And he wants to marry me, but, I don't think he'll be happy if that happens because he's worried about you when you never showed up for so long."

"Ugh, I told Bomb he shouldn't tell anyone." The fuzzy feathered bird grunted.

"No, it's a good thing he told Red." Ruby said. "You know, Red is not the only one who was worried about you, I was worried about you."


"Aggie, I knew that you have a crush on Red ever since we first met when he commented your throw in the game, bullseye, and in our first play in Volleyball game. You had been nice to me when Red was angry at you for accidentally hitting me with the ball. You just don't want him to be angry at you." The female red bird chuckled as she sits on a log.

"Okay, I admit it." Aggie sighed as she sits besides Ruby. "But that is one of the reasons why I had been so nice to you, the other one is you were hurt so I had to be nice to you."

"Girl, why didn't you tell him? Why didn't you tell me? You know, I don't want this to happen." Ruby explained the happenings between her, Red, and Aggie

Aggie's eyes watered one again, and confessed, "I don't want to break my friendship with him! And besides, he doesn't want to be cheesy. And I don't want to be your rival. I don't want to be rivals with you."

"Shhh, it's okay." Ruby hugged Aggie caring and lovingly, "I understand. Hey, since Red and I broke up, you can still tell him your feelings."

Aggie looked down with a frown face, "I don't think so, Ruby. I already lose my chances.

Ruby gasped, "Did you just say you lose your chances?! Now that is the thing I hate the most. You still have a chance."

"But Ruby, that's impossible. You two were dating, you're holding his child, you're nearly married..."

"And I take them back. I gave up my love for Red just for the two of you! Agatha, before I broke up with Red, I gave him the engagement ring back as a gift of chance. I gave him a chance to let him choose the bird that he really loved the most, and I know it's you. He's in love with you."

"But, I thought he only loved me as a friend."

"Why else he accepted my gift of chance, and locked himself in his house and cried everyday for regretting that he chose me over you?"

Aggie lifted her head, and looked at Ruby with teary eyes, not knowing what to say.

Ruby cupped Aggie's face, and said, "Ags, don't lose hope. There's always a chance. There are lots of chances in your life. You still have the chance. That chance. You have to use your chance."


"I'll be fine. The egg I carried, I'll take care of it myself. I promise. But now, you have think about yourself. Please, Agatha, use your chance, make it, and keep it. I don't want you and Red to be sad forever if things, like this, will happen. You should talk to him tonight, here in this beach. I want you and Red to use your chance here. Now, Aggie, promise me, use your chance, okay?"

Aggie smiled with tears of joy, "I promise, Ruby."

Ruby wiped Aggie's tears with her hand, "Now, now, stop crying. You're making me cry." She also wiped a little tear on her eyes. "Now, go along. You better get ready tonight. You have to look fabulous."

"What would you do?"

"Just trust me on this

"Well, I've been act like a 'girl' once, but I'll give it a second shot."

"That's the spirit! Now go home, and better get ready. I'm really excited to see your beauty. I've been wondering of what would you look like if you're beautiful."

"Thanks girl, I needed that. I'll see ya, later?"

"Sure. Probably."

Ruby and Aggie stood up on their own talons and walked in different direction.

Before anything else, Ruby stopped, and turned around to call Aggie, "Oh, and remember..." Aggie also turned around, and faced her. "USE YOUR CHANCE."

"I promise." Aggie turned back, and proceeded walking, but she stopped, and turned around, "Ruby?"

Ruby turned around with a confusing face. Aggie ran towards her, and hugged her.

"Thank you." Aggie shed a tear of Joy as Ruby hugged her back.

"Hey, you saved my life, and you're been nice to me, I owe you." The female red bird said.


Red was still locked up in his house. Sitting in the corner, crying because of regret. Regret of ignoring Aggie and her signs. It's been a week since he was like that. He can't take of what Matilda told him off of his head. He hasn't been thinking about anything else as the only thing he was thinking was Aggie. He didn't know what to say if he ever saw her again. If ever they are going to see each other again, he didn't know what to do with her. He was afraid that she could be mad at him for ignoring her.

He, himself, knew how sad and guilty he is for ignoring Aggie's affections for him, and, at the same time, he was angry at himself and blamed himself for making his girl best friend's life even more miserable as she was back in her home world.

Red punched my fist on the wall, and watched his knuckles bleed. He didn't care how painful it is. His heart of guilt already made him feel the pain. Later, when he look myself in the mirror, Red's memories of him and Aggie, hanging out together, came back to him. Those very good moments were a complete waste as he never chose to be in love with Aggie. He didn't want to see himself anymore, still blaming himself, and punched his other fist on the mirror, shattering every piece of the mirror and his other knuckles bleed. There are tiny pieces of the mirror stabbing his fist, and he removed them, feeling more pain. Red's fists were still unhealed, and ignored them.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his door and slipped a folded note under it. Red was curious about the note. He wasn't in a mood for answering the door, but he only picked up the note from the floor, and unfolded it to read it.

Dear Red,

It's already been a week, and I was so worried about you and Aggie. I know things had gone out of hand between you two, but it's not too late to fix it. I already to talk to Aggie earlier, and she wants to meet with you tonight on the beach. This is your chance to make up with her. I wish you both luck.


Red knew this was Ruby's note. Sure he wanted to make up with Aggie, but he was so guilty and ashamed of facing her. Then, he walked to his desk, and pulled out the drawer, revealing the engagement ring that he gave to Ruby, but she gave it back to him, and told him that he has to love someone who loved him and loved her back. Red guessed she meant was Aggie. It was a gift of chance. Red realized using that chance won't hurt a lot.

"I have to tell her how I feel, and it's my chance now." Red thought to himself. "I guess it's now or never."

He washed himself, cleaned himself, and opened his closet, looking for something to wear. This Festival has to special so he decided to where formal. There, he spotted his maroon tuxedo with a black bow. He hasn't used it since no one wanted to take him out on a date or rather... he hated dates. He also wore his gloves to hide his wounds of his hands, in order his friend will never notice.


When Aggie returned to her home, she looked at the mirror, she's not beautiful enough for the party. Her hair is so long and almost frizzy, her feathers are so fuzzy and messy, and her face is almost ugly. She ran over to her desk to get her pouch money, and walked outside to go to the salon. When she arrived, she saw that the salon is almost closed it's almost nighttime

"Wait? Wait!" She called the barber bird, who almost closes her salon. "Can I take a hair cut?"

The barber thought about it for a moment as she looked at the clock that says 4:30pm. She thought there's still time for her to fix Aggie's hair. "Alright. Please, take a seat," The barber said.

Aggie smiled, as she sat down on the barber chair. "Okay, my hair should be little short. The end is at the top of the tip of my tail feathers. I really don't want to stumble down because of my hair."

The barber nodded and snickered as lift Aggie's long hair, hoping she could find her tail feathers. When she found Aggie's sharp pointy tail feathers, the barber realized it took a lot of cuts to cut her hair. When she stared cutting, she made sure that she'll cut the white bird's hair carefully so she'll avoid cutting her tail feathers. When she's done, she faced Aggie to the mirror. When Aggie saw her reflection in the mirror, she was surprised that she looked pretty when her hair is a little short and clean, and she felt comfortable walking without her hair on her tail feathers. She paid the barber, and thanked her before she left to her home.


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