《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Ruby


Hey guys! This is it! Ruby will make her debut appearance in this chapter. Warning, there will be certain... stuff, but it was very short warning. I know what you're thinking, my story stinks because I ship RedxOC, but you'll have to understand me. Enjoy.


Red has been in love with Aggie ever since he first met her in Anger management class. It was not actually love at first sight, but everytime he was been ignored by other birds, Aggie was the first bird to comfort him and was always there for him, like after telling everyone about the pigs, and when the pigs messed up his home. He never felt this feeling before, not since he never had friends or girlfriends before. He tried to get the girls' attention when he was a teenager, but no girls ever liked him, because of his eyebrows and anger issue. During his time with Aggie, he really appreciated her effort to make him happy and accompanied him, and he didn't expect that they have the same favorite song. Before he became close with Chuck and Bomb, Red thought that Aggie was the only friend he ever trusted, but there are two more friend where they came from. She even shared to him her secret identity as a human from another world, and he understood her for being diferent from others. When he became a hero, Red was still good friends with Aggie, but he was afraid to tell her how he feels for her. She was the toughest girl he ever met, and, if he tell her, she's gonna punch him hard on the face.

When the Red Moon Festival came, Red was the most popular bird since he became the hero, and many female birds developed a crush on him and wanted to go out with him. He ran away from the girls, and hid from them. He accidentally danced with Aggie as the light of the Red moon shined above them. It is said that when the Red Moon shined above them, two souls will bind together for all eternity, but both Red and Aggie weren't sure if that's true.

Then, there was the day. Red can't go to sleep because he still thinking of when he will tell Aggie his feelings for her. He hopped out of bed, cleaned himself, and stepped out of his house to get to the beach for a fresh air.

While walking down the shore, because of his eyes are close, he didn't see where he was going as he bumped into something or someone as it fell. When he opened, he was shock when he learnt that what he bumped was a fellow red bird, a shade just like his own. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you." He extended a hand at the bird.

When the bird turned around, it is revealed to be a female red bird. Her eyes are dark chocolate brown and she wore a yellow ribbon on top of her head. When he stared at her, Red never saw a bird in the village before, who was so beautiful. In fact, she is the most beautiful bird he has ever seen. He stared at her for what felt like 2 minutes until he snapped himself out, and helped the female bird to get up.

"Um... Sorry I didn't see you, ms..."

"Ruby. Just Ruby." She extended her hand for a hand shake

"Nice to meet you. I'm Red." They shake each other's hands.

Their feathers seemed to meld together. Red touched Ruby's soft feathers as he almost blushed, and got a feeling when he held her hand.


"I know," She smiled, "I've heard about you since the pigs invaded and stole the eggs. You know, you're really kinda brave and smart."

Red blushed, "Thanks, I guess. So where are you going?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just come here for a little fresh air."

"Great, because, you know, I couldn't save those eggs if it weren't for my three best friends."

"Oh yeah, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie. I also know them, but I really want to meet them."

"Cool! Come with me, and I'll show you to them."

Red led Ruby to the village. "She is so beautiful." He thought to himself, "How come I've never seen her before? She already knew me, and my friends, but I never know her."


Meanwhile, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie were playing bullseye. 5 circular targets are nailed to each tree. Bomb can only threw one target, while Chuck can threw two targets in one throw, and Aggie threw five sharp needle-like feathers in one throw to the targets, making Chuck and Bomb gaped.

"Okay, you win." Bomb sighed in disappointment. "You've got that special skill."

"Yes!" Aggie exclaimed as she pumped a fist in the air.

"Hey everyone!"

They turned around to see Red and another bird. "By the way, nice throw Aggie."

"Aww, thanks." She blushes, then noticed Ruby, "Hey, who is she?"

"Red!" Chuck shouted. "You've cloned yourself!"

Aggie slapped Chuck on the back of his head, "Chuck, you're embarrassing us in front of our guest!"

"No, Chuck, I didn't," Red exasperatedly said. "This is Ruby. We just met on the beach."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Ruby," Bomb said with a wave. "I'm Bomb by the way, and this is my cousin, Aggie." She bowed down as a polite greeting.

"Cousins?" Ruby said in bewilderment. "I didn't know that!"

"Well, you'll learn new things everyday," Chuck replied, earning stares from his friends. "What?"

"Since when are you so philosophical?" Aggie asked him, as an answer for his question. "I don't know you anymore."

"Since..." he started to respond. "I have no idea. The beginning of time?"

She rolled her eyes, and apologized to Ruby, "Sorry about our yellow friend. He's almost been like this."

"That's okay." Ruby stepped forward, and extended her hand at Aggie, "It's really nice to meet you."

Aggie grabbed Ruby's hand tightly, and shook it faster like she's shaking a soda bottle, "Well, howdy-doo, Miss Ruby, a pleasure making your acquaintance. You know, I'm really sure do like making new friends!"

"That's cool, but I..." Ruby tried to struggle out of Aggie's hand shaking.

"So you wanna play with us?" Aggie let go of Ruby's hand, but it was still shaking. Red helped her stop it, and snickered.

"Well, I have time."

"Good, cause we're playing bullseyes." Aggie dragged Ruby, showing the targets on the trees, "Just use these darts, and throw it to the target."

Ruby tried to aim a perfect shot, and threw the dart, but it missed. But the dart bounced off through obstacles, until it accidentally hit the target, making Aggie's needle feather splits into half.

The white feathered bird gaped in shock, "Wow, first try leads to success."

Red was amazed about Ruby. She was as skillful as Aggie. Even though it was her first try of bullseye, she can hit a perfect shot. Chuck and Bomb cheered for Ruby, and Aggie just clap slowly, but was amazed too. She checked her watch that says, '12:30nn.'


"Oh, it's lunch time! Hey, Rubs, wanna come?" Aggie called.

Wow, this is really new. No one called Ruby by nickname. She thought that Aggie is a tough, hyperactive girl. She's completely different than other girls. She really acted like a boy. "Oh sure." Ruby replied.

Aggie never thought of this before, but she thought she quickly developed as friendly relationship towards Ruby, even though, it was their first meeting.


The five birds had lunch in Early Bird restaurant. They ate their food as they chatted some random stuff. Ruby told her new friends about her interest of books and beauty, and having a little hatred towards Gale, making Aggie laughed. Red was surprised. He never thought Ruby also has anger issues, like him and Aggie. He thought he already got a thing for Ruby, just a slight.

"You and me both, sister." Aggie started as she slowly playfully smacked Ruby's shoulder, "I don't really like Gale, too. During her party, her food gave us a hard time trying to keep Bomb away from sugar. He has diabetes, you know."

Ruby gasped as she covered her beak, and looked at Bomb, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah." Bomb blushed, feeling a little ashamed to talk about his diabetes, "I didn't want to tell them at first. I never want to give them a hard time, until I told them."

Ruby placed her hand on Bomb's shoulder to comfort him, "That's okay, big guy. It's normal for everyone to have diabetes, or other conditions." She carefully looked at Aggie's watch, and gasped, "Oh, I better go home. I have to read this book before the sundown."

She's leaving? Now? But she's just having a good time. Red can't believe that it was two hours for him to know Ruby better. That was short, "I'll take you home!" He volunteered.

"No, no, no, Red, I'm fine. Thanks." Ruby hugged her book, and smiled at her new friends, "It was nice meeting you all. And don't worry, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

When Ruby was gone, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie leaned their heads at each other, and whispered about Ruby.

"I think I kinda like this Ruby already." Bomb whispered.

"Yeah, and she's quite hot." Chuck smirked.

"Come to think of it, she was really nice." Aggie also agreed.

Red didn't join his friends' conversation. He kept looking at Ruby, walking away with her book until she was out of his sight. He never thought that Ruby have to be so smart and beautiful. He never expected to be fall with a girl before, although he did fell for Aggie, but he never expected to found a beautiful one.

Back home, Red can't go to sleep. He still thought about Ruby. He imagined how beautiful and kind she is. And her voice, it was very sweet and charming. When he finally got some sleep, he didn't realize that his love for Aggie already died out, and he fell in love with Ruby.

The next day, Red tried to figure out where Ruby would go this morning. He remembered the last time he saw her was she's holding a book and went home to read it. He finally figured it out. He went to the library where he knew Ruby would be there. After waiting for 30 minutes, Ruby arrived in the library to return the book she borrowed. Red was there pretended to be reading while waiting. After she returned the book, Ruby saw Red waving at her. She smiled, and sat beside him.

"Hey Red, how are you?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm great!" Red grinned.

"Really? I thought you're gonna say you're horrible."

"What?! No! That was a long time ago, but I'm fine."

"Okay. So what are you going to do today?"


"You've been in the library before I came here. Do you wanna read books?"

"Uh... Yeah! I was reading this!" He showed Ruby the book.

"You read 'Humpty-Birdy sat on the wall'?" She looked at him with curious eyes.

Red looked at the book, and gasped a little, feeling embarrassed in front of Ruby, "Yeah! I-I-I like this book. It reminded me of my childhood."

"Oh," She sighed. "Because I was wondering if we should hang-out."

He was shock, "Say what?!"

"Hang-out! You know, take a walk in the village."

Red blushed a little when Ruby mentioned about hanging out with her. He thought he would ask her out first, but she started it, "Well, okay. I'm finish reading this anyway." He threw the book as they went out of the library.

At the village, while Red and Ruby took a long walk and chatted with each other, they were interrupted by a small light green hatchling or named, Tiny, hugging Red's foot, "Daddy!" He exclaimed happily.

Red felt even more embarrassed when his godson called him, daddy, even in front of Ruby, "Aww, this little guy is only kidding. He thinks I'm his daddy." He chuckled as he tried to remove Vincent off of his foot, but the hatchling is still hugging him tighter.

Suddenly, Edward and Eva arrived just in time to fetch up their son.

"Oh, Mr. Red, I am so sorry about our son!" Eva apologized as she carried her son in her arms.

"Yeah, sorry for interrupting your date." Edward smirked.

"What? We're not dating! We're just hanging out!" Red explained.

"Oh, well then, have fun." Edward dragged his family away from the two red birds, and then he turned to Eva, and whispered, "I thought they were dating."

"I know." Eva agreed in a silent tone, "If Mr. Red is dating someone, it would be Ms. Aggie."

When the green bird family were away, Red turned to Ruby, and apologized, "Ruby, I'm so sorry about that."

"Oh, it was nothing." Ruby waved a hand, "That hatchling is very close to you. You probably can be a very good dad."

Red once again blushed, and grinned nervously, "Yeah, maybe sooner I am."


Another next day, Red checked his calendar that it's another day for anger management class, but he wanted to hang out with Ruby again. He guessed classes will have to wait.

He went to Matilda's house first to ask permission to Matilda. When he arrived, he saw Chuck, bomb, Aggie, Terence and his teacher, waiting for him.

"Ah, Red, finally! I thought you're late again." Matilda sighed in relief.

"Hey guys!" Red greeted his friends, "I came here to tell you that I'll be absent today because I'll be hanging out Ruby today."

"Really, Red?" Matilda deadpanned, "You've been hanging out with Ruby since yesterday."

"Yeah, but, I promised her. Plus, I'm going to give her something."

"What are you going to give her?" Aggie asked.

"Oh, I can't tell." He smirked slyly, "So, I better go!"

When Red left, in her mind, Matilda disagreed of Red's relationship with Ruby if the two are together in a romantic way. She thought Aggie was the one for Red. Terence also thought the same thing. Chuck and Bomb don't have any problem with that, but they felt sad when their best friend didn't hang out with them today. And Aggie, she felt sad, yet happy for her friend. Secretly, she's jealous, but she decided to hide this feeling. She thought Red would never love with someone who is not a bird like her.


When Red arrived at Ruby's house, he knocked on her door, while carrying a bouquet of flowers. Ruby opened the door, and was surprised to see Red carrying a bouquet, "Hi Red."

"Hi Ruby, I got you these." Red handed the flowers to her.

"Oh Red, they're beautiful. Thanks."

"No problem. Hey, Chuck, Bomb, Aggie, and I were going to play volleyball at the beach tomorrow. Wanna come?"

"Oh, sure, that would be fun!"


Next day, at the beach, Bomb and Aggie placed the volleyball net, standing on the sand, Chuck held the ball, and Red was sitting on his chair, waiting for Ruby, until she finally arrived.

"Hey, guys!" Ruby waved her hand to her friends.

"Hi Ruby!" Red, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie greeted.

"So, are you ready to have some fun?"

"Yeah, we're about to play volleyball!" Aggie explained.

When the game started, Red and Ruby are a team, while Bomb and Aggie are a team. Chuck is the scorer. The birds are having fun passing ball to each other.

"Heads up, Ruby!" Aggie warned as she jumped and smacked the ball to Ruby. But Ruby didn't hear her as the ball hit her on her head, much to Red's shock.

Red ran towards Ruby to check her head, and scolded at Aggie, "Ags, what did you do?!"

Aggie didn't mean to hit Ruby. She felt hurt when her friend got hurt, "It was an accident. I'm so sorry, Ruby! Let me help you!" She ran towards her to comfort her.

"No! I'll handle this." Red stopped Aggie and smacked her hand away as he dragged Ruby to his chair, while Ruby held to her head in pain.

Aggie looked at Ruby in shame. She never really meant to hurt her, she was just hyperactive to play with her. "Geez, I never really meant to do that." Then, while watching Red escorted Ruby to the chair, Aggie could feel something either in her stomach or head, because she was really jealous right now. She's pretty much angry.

Bomb appeared behind her, and patted his back, "I know, cous, I know."

Red gently let Ruby sat on his chair, and took out a bottle of ice from the ice box. He placed the ice on her injured head, and said, "Here you go. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Red. Thanks." Ruby pressed the ice on her head.

"I'm really sorry about Aggie. I never thought of her being so hyperactive."

"No, it's okay. I know she didn't mean it. I have seen her being hyperactive ever since we've met. There's no problem."

Suddenly, Aggie ran towards Ruby without any anger, and hugged her tightly, "Ruby, I am so sorry! I'm just so excited to play with you again."

"Shh. No, Aggie. It's okay. Don't blame yourself. I didn't see the ball quickly." Ruby chuckled as she pulled away from the hug, and smiled at her.

Aggie still felt guilty as she took out a colorful lollipop from her pocket, "Here. If a felt hurt, physically and/or emotionally, I always eat this, but it's yours now."

"Aww, Thanks, girl. You're one heck of a friend!"


After the day, before the sun went down, Red took Ruby to her home while she's holding the ice on her head, and a lollipop that Aggie gave to her. "Thanks for taking me home, Red." Ruby said as she opened the door.

"It's the least I can do. You're welcome." Red winked. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

Red was very nervous to tell Ruby that he wanted to go on a date with her. What if she denies? What if she's not interest? He got a hold of himself, and asked her, trying to avoid mentioning the word, date. "Would you like to go out with me? Not tomorrow, actually. I can see you're really tired, and you have lots of books to read..."

"Well, I'm available next Saturday, Are Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie coming with us?"

"I was kinda thinking that it would be the two of us at the Café. Is it okay?"

"Oh, sure. Well, see ya." When Ruby shut the door, Red turned away with a happy smile, and silently cheered to himself. He finally asked her out! He finally asked a girl out without backing out! He can't believe he has the courage when he's with Ruby.

Before Ruby proceeded to her... whatever she was going to do, she felt like there's something inside that she never felt before. Her heart started to beat, and she secretly blushed when Red asked her out. She also appreciated of what he did back at the beach. Is she... in love with him?


It's now Saturday, the day he had been waiting for. Red ate his breakfast quickly. Just as he opened the door, he saw Aggie standing in front him while holding a bucket. "Hi Red, would you go to the beach with me to pick seashells?"

"Sorry Aggie, not now!" Red quickly passed beside Aggie, not that he's angry at her, but he was in a hurry for meeting Ruby

"Wait, are you still mad at me for hitting Ruby?! I said I was sorry! That's why I need your help finding seashells to make a necklace for her." Aggie shouted.

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