《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》No sugar, please


In Matilda's house, during class, Bomb hid a box of chocolate behind him. Red, Chuck, and Aggie suspiciously looked at the box, and think that Bomb's has a crush.

When the class ended, Bomb quickly covered the box in his wings, and ran out of the room, which he was the first one who walks out. With their too much curiosity, Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, and Terence leaned their heads to each other, and make a gossip.

"I think my cousin's in love." Aggie whispered.

"Are you sure?" Red was unsure about it, "I thought he was already in love with Willow."

"I know. But I never saw him so romantic towards girls, like carrying a box of chocolate."

When the birds laid eyes on him, Bomb begins to walk down the stairwell and suddenly trips over, falling down the stairs, cowering.

"Guess you're right. That's love. Painful, painful love." Chuck chuckled.

When Bomb got himself up off the ground, and walked away with the chocolates, the other birds followed him to see who he will give the chocolates for. Suddenly, Stella and Willow appeared behind them. "Hey guys. Whatcha doin'?" Stella greeted cheerfully.

"Hey girls, we just try to figure who Bomb has a crush on." Chuck explained.

"Oh, probably it's me." Willow smiled shyly, "You know Bomb and I had been so close since the dance."

"I don't think it's you, Willow." Aggie guessed, "He never gave you chocolates before."

"Then who is she?!" Willow felt jealous, and released her own anger, "What does she have that I don't?!"

But Stella patted her back to calm her down, "Now, now, Willow. We're not so sure about that, and we don't know who she is."

"That's why we'll follow him." Red stated, "We really want to know who he has a crush on."

"Or maybe we should ask him?" Matilda suggested.

"Hmm, not a very bad idea!" Chuck smiled as he, Red, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow walk over to him.

"Spill it Bomb, who is she?!" Willow shouted in his ear.

"Who's who?" Bomb asked nervously.

"The girl who you're falling for." Aggie answered.

"There's no girl."

"Oh, really. Then how do you explain this box of chocolates?" Stella waved the box of chocolates from Bomb's wings.

"Alright ... fine ... they're for a girl."

"What's her name?" Matilda asked.

"Guys, you don't know her." Bomb snatched the box of chocolates from Stella.

"Come on, you know you want to tell us." Chuck raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah! Come on, come on, come on..." Aggie repeatedly poked Bomb to force him to tell them.

"Tell us, tell us, tell us..." Chuck did the same.

Bomb got really annoyed by his friend and cousin as he shouted defensively, "Come on guys, just leave me alone!" He walked away with the chocolates,

When the other birds left alone, they impersonating a cat's anger.

"I've never seen him like this." Aggie started.

"I know. Maybe we should just respect his privacy." Matilda said,

"Yeah." Aggie paused for while, then suddenly, changes her mind, "Although, if we respect it too long, we'll lose his trail. Come on!"

When Bomb thought no one noticed him, he walked down the path while the other birds followed him until he entered the nurse's office. "Oh, thank you, Bomb." The nurse said off-screen.

Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow walked over closer and peered in the window.


"The ones with the little squiggles on top are the best." Bomb smiled at the nurse.

The nurse with white feathers, red-crossed head feathers, and black tail feathers, patted the box of chocolates across her heart, while the other birds watched in disgrace. They thought that Bomb's secret crush was the nurse. As Bomb walked out, Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow run over behind a big bush to hide. When the black bird is gone, they jumped to attention.

"Good night, nurse! My cousin is crushing on someone old enough to remember the Beatles!" Aggie exclaimed.

"The who?" Stella asked.

"Never mind." Aggie waved off, trying to keep her secret identity in the shadows, as she walked in the nurse's office, and the other birds followed her.

"Oh, hey guys, what's up?" Nurse greeted, "Red, did you get hit by a football again?"

"No." Red answered annoyingly.

"Soccer ball?"



"No. I'm fine! This isn't about me."

"It's about Bomb, and you, and the chocolates." Chuck stated.

"So you know?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah." They nodded.

"Oh, I am so glad he told you." Nurse smiled in relief.

"You are?" Stella asked in disbelief.

"Absolutely!" The nurse stood up, and closed the door, "He wanted this to be our little secret. But I told him it was nothing to be ashamed of."

"You did?" Red was surprised.

"Of course! Bomb didn't ask for this to happen, I mean ... none of us ever do. But when it does you can either run away from it or embrace it!"

"And you want him to embrace it?!" Willow shouted shockingly.

"I begged him to and now that he has, I couldn't be happier!"

"You're kidding me, right!" Aggie thought the nurse was joking.

"Why would I kid about Bomb having diabetes?"

"What?" Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Stella, and Willow gasped, while Terence's eyes widened in horror.

"Bomb has diabetes?" Matilda inquired in shock.

"Of course, what did you think I was talking about?" The nurse said curiously.

"Diabetes!" Aggie said in refluxing, "Bomb ... has diabetes! She meant to say it with the period, but she said it with a question mark by mistake. Right guys?

"Uh ... oh yeah. It's an angry bird thing." Chuck spoke in up and down tone.

"We all do it." Red did the same.

"My momma hates it." Stella joined in.

"Wait a minute, you didn't think that Bomb had a ..." The nurse thought, who was also shock.

"No!" Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Stella, and Willow smiled sheepishly.

"Because I would never ..."

"Of course not!"



"I mean, let's face it. You still have a couple of good years left, you could do a lot better." Aggie patted the nurse's shoulder.

"Gee, thanks." Nurse smiled as she walked back to her desk.

"Poor Bomb." Chuck said pitifully.

"I know. I just wanna' give him a big hug." Matilda hugged herself like she wanted to hug Bomb. Terence agreed with her as he extended his wings, showing that he also wanted to hug Bomb, too.

"Oh, this is why he gave her the chocolates. So he wouldn't eat them." Red puzzled it.

"Yeah. When you have diabetes you're not supposed to have a lot of sugar." Stella nodded.

The nurse heard the friends' conversation, and she asked them, "Wait a minute, you guys didn't know, did you?"


The birds put on a fake grin and pointed back at her, thinking of an excuse, but have nothing, "No," They turned away shamefully.

"Oh boy." The nurse sat down, and began to have stress, "Okay, listen, you can live a very full life with diabetes, but this is all still very new to Bomb and he's struggling with it. So please, let him tell you, okay?

"But, what if he doesn't?" Red asked.

"Yeah, we're his friends and I'm his cousin. I mean, we just wanna help him." Aggie said

"You're just going to have to be patient, okay?" The nurse suggested

"Okay. We can do that." Red smiled.


At the café, Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow are leaning up against their table in boredom. They bang their heads on the table impatiently.

"We can't do this!" Aggie lifted her head, and looked at Bomb, who is sitting at a table with a bird, and trying to steal his chocolate bar.

"I know! Look at him!" Matilda pointed out as Bomb looked at the chocolate bar, and fell off his seat uncontrollably.

"You know how he is with sugar, snacks, and candy." Red looked at his friends

"But Red, you heard the nurse, we promised we'd chill." Chuck reminded him.

When they looked over at Bomb again, he followed the bird with the chocolate bar. He looked disappointed as the boy chucked it away in the bin. Bomb jumped into the rubbish bin after it.

"I think we've chilled long enough!" Aggie started to panic for her "cousin", "If sugar bird boy won't tell us the truth, we're gonna have to coax it out of him."

"Great idea." Willow agreed as they all walked over to Bomb, who is now standing with the chocolate bar.

"Hey buddy pal!" Chuck started, "Did I tell you I got a new speeding record and a brand new hat from the pigs? But enough about me, what's new with you, huh, huh?"

Bomb was too nervous to tell him about his condition, "Just, uh ... keeping the old planet green, paper goes in here." He chucked the chocolate bar in the recycle bin, and walked away.

"I may have a come on a little too strong." Chuck thought.

"Ya think?" Red glared at him.


Later, Red, Chuck, and Aggie went to the Mighty Eagle's cave to visit Mighty Eagle and asked for an advice to help their Bomb about his diabetes.

Aggie read a book about diabetes, and stated, "It says here that Bomb's body just doesn't process sugar the way it's supposed to. But if he takes his insulin and doesn't eat too many sweets, he can lead a normal life." She took out an ice cream sundae from her knees and dug into it, much to Red, Chuck, and Mighty Eagle's annoyance, "I don't know why he is so afraid to tell us. I could totally help him stay away from sugar."

"I agree. You are quite the little robot." Mighty Eagle chuckled.

"That's not the point." Aggie glared at him, "I mean, he's gotta tell us eventually. What's he waiting for?"

"I can't imagine. It's not like you didn't tell him you have fear of heights and other secrets, if you have more," Mighty Eagle stared at her, but Aggie was worried he might knew her secret, but, honestly, he didn't, "I mean, you didn't keep him waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting ..."

"She got the point, Captain Sudel!" Red cut him.

Mighty Eagle thought of something, and told Aggie "Hey, I got a great idea, why don't you take him to your purple girly friend's party tonight? Hang out, have fun, get his mind off things."

"You mean, Gale? That's actually a good idea!" Aggie agreed.

Mighty Eagle picked one of his trophies, and polished it with his wings, "I do have those on occasion, you know. It's not like I'm one of those doopy TV birds!"

Aggie got annoyed and, knew that's enough for asking advice from Mighty Eagle. So she called her two friends, "Come on, guys, we need to tell Stella that we're going to Gale's party!"

When Aggie glided herself out of the cave, Red and Chuck jumped off from the giant couch, and followed her. Chuck returned, ran onto Mighty Eagle's shoulder, and patted him, "You keep telling that yourself big fella." He said before he ran off.


At night, Red, Chuck, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, Willow, and Bomb sneak through the bushes to Gale's party.

"Come on, let's go, it'll be fun," Stella dragged Bomb by grabbing his wing.

"You guys, I'm really not up for this, okay?" Bomb was unsure if it's going to be okay when he has diabetes, "I'm just gonna head home." He attempted to walk off, but Terence blocked his way, and Red, Chuck, Aggie, and Matilda pulled him back.

"And leave us to party without our best friend? I don't think so." Chuck stated. "You're our explosive guy."

"Yeah, whatever is going on in your life, you gotta forget about it, for one night." Aggie added.

Bomb realized that his friends are right, if he doesn't think about his condition tonight, he would be just fine, as long he has his friends around, "You know guys, you're right. Tonight, tonight I'm not Bomb. I'm the 'Atomic Bomb!'. And I'm gonna' go wild!"

"Now you're talking!" Willow cheered

Stella led her friends to the party, "Okay, let's get down, let's get funky ..."

As they walked in, they instantly noticed... the hoards of sweets at the party.

"Let's get the heck out of here!" Stella announced her friends to aboard the plan as the others started to panic, and Bomb began to look around at all the sweet things with his mouth open in delight.

Gale walked over to them with a lollipop, and hugged Stella tightly, "Stella! Welcome to my sweet sixteen! Emphasis on the sweet!"

"Weren't you sixteen two years ago?" Stella arched one eyebrow as she remembered Gale's true age.

"Ssh! Mother tells me I have to hold at sixteen as long as she's holding on to thirty-nine." Gale waved her lollipop as Bomb has been staring at the enormous lollipop. Gale noticed him, thinking that Bomb is flirting over her, "Who's this big piece of scrumptious?" Then, turned to Stella, "Somebody can't keep their eyes off me!"

"I don't think it's you he's drooling over." Aggie deadpanned..

"Anyway, we were just leaving, come on, scrumptious!" Chuck called-out to Bomb.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say..." Bomb tried to follow his friends, but he was tempted with sweet things around, "Okay, I'm going this way."

Bomb is drooling in the chocolate fountain. Then suddenly, Gale drew him away with her lollipop. "I know! Cool! Isn't it! I have to let some more people fall over me, so, in the meantime, try a little dibble of this." She covered a marshmallow and strawberry in stick with chocolate and handed it to Bomb. "Chaw."

When Gale walked off, Bomb stared at the chocolate coated marshmallow and strawberry, "I can't do this. So I won't..." He began to chuck it away, but he can't control himself. "Oh, who am I kidding?" He dipped it some more chocolate in the fountain, but Chuck stopped him by eating his food.

"Dance with me!" Aggie held her "cousin's" wing.

"Why? Nobody else is dancing!" Bomb reached for something sweet, but Aggie tried to stop him.

"And nobody else has a power to explode that almost killed himself, but that didn't stop you!" Aggie took the sweet food that Bomb grabbed, and gave them to Red, Chuck, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow, which Red, Chuck, and Matilda are the only ones that eat what Bomb looked at. "Come on, let's dance."

"You heard her? Dance!" Willow shouted.

As the two "cousins" walked off, a couple of birds, holding their hatchling, walked past them, "Hey, what's up?" Chuck greeted while chewing chocolate.

When the two birds saw Chuck stuffing his face with sweets, they covered their hatchling's eyes, and walked away.

"Hey, give us a break! we're saving a life here!" Red shouted at the birds that walked away from them.

At the party, the birds are doing the conga, with Red, Chuck, Bomb, Aggie, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow at the front. Bomb reached for some cotton candy, but Aggie stole it from him and threw it to Willow, and she shoved it in Chuck's mouth. Bomb then reached for a sweet from a table, but yet again, Aggie threw it to Stella, and she shoved it in Red's mouth. The same thing happened over and over again, until they broke themselves from the group.

"Isn't this fun?" Aggie tried to distract her "cousin".

"No! We've been dancing for over an hour, and for some reason, I haven't been able to eat anything!" Bomb scolded her, "Just back off and give me some space!"

As Bomb walked away, Aggie, Red, Chuck, Matilda, Terence, Stella, and Willow took a seat at a table to rest.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this." Aggie felt tired.

"You?! I've spent the whole night devouring everything that Bomb's looked at!" Chuck was in a sugar rush, and fell over on the table.

But it's not over. Aggie saw Bomb, glaring at three oversized lollipops.

"Oh my golly!" She ran over to Bomb's side, "No, you can't!"

In alarm, Bomb dropped the lollipops, "Why not!"

"Because ... uh ... you haven't seen my magic trick."

Bomb didn't believe if Aggie is lying or not.

"Oh, there's my scrumptious!" Gale walked over to Bomb, and played with him, waving her lollipop at him.

Aggie, in an act of surprise, tipped the table of sweets upside down, thus pushing Gale over on the ground and the chocolate fountain falling.

Gale tumbled in the fallen chocolate, with chocolate covered her feathers "I am so done with sweet sixteens!" She walked off slowly, almost crying.

Aggie pulled herself up with cotton candy stuck on her head, "Ta-da!"

Bomb got tired of thinking what his friends are up to, "What is wrong with you guys?"

Aggie couldn't keep it any longer, nor keeping her "cousin" from eating sweets, and not wanting Bomb to keep his secret anymore, so she just confessed it, "We know about your diabetes."

Much to his shock, Bomb looked at his friends as they nodded. "You do?" Bomb looked back at Aggie in a sad face.

"Sorry." She apologized.

Matilda spoke at a rapid pace due to a sugar rush, "We found out from the nurse, she didn't mean to tell us, she's really nice, I see how you could've had a crush on her, not that you did ..."

Red placed his hand on Matilda's shoulder and beak to stop her from talking, "Oh man, what you wouldn't give for a slime machine or a pump right now!" He tried to fight the sugar rush on him

"Why didn't you tell us?" Aggie asked.

Bomb thought if he told his friends, he let them down or give them more problems, but since they already knew, he wanted to share it with his friends, "I don't know! I was scared, okay?! And I still am." He took a marshmallow, and showed it to them, "You know, I want this so bad! But I just ... I just can't have it!"

"I know. We're your best friends ..." Aggie comforted him, "And ... believe me, I know we can't make it go away."

"But we can help you through it." Matilda stated.

"Oh great. Now I'm just you're 'sick' friend!" Bomb took a seat and his friends crouch down beside him.

"No! You are going to be the same, chubby, explosive, wonderful friend you've always been." Red smiled

"Who happens to be a diabetic. It won't change anything between us." Chuck added.

"I guess I should've known that. Thank you, guys." Bomb said as they all stand up and embrace each other for a group hug. Terence also embraced all of his small friends to join the group hug.

"Come on, let's go home." Stella yawned as they broke the hug, and they all start walking home.

Before going out of the party, Bomb reached for the cotton candy on Aggie's head.

"Ah! Don't think about it!" Aggie noticed it, and shouted at Bomb.

"Yes, cous." Bomb smiled sheepishly.


This story was inspired by Hannah Montana: No Sugar Sugar

I hope you really enjoyed it. Pls comment.

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