《The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventure》Party up!


Few days ago, Aggie found herself a job in a Bird Bakery. There was a birthday of a hatchling today, so it's her job to bake a cake

"Happy... Hatchday... Clarissa!" Aggie squeezed an icing tube to write words on a blue-green cake with indigo icing.

"I'm still shock that Judge Peckinpah gave me my job back as a clown to entertain hatchlings for their hatchday!" Red said as he put on his clown costumed.

"And I also can't believe I got a job to make gluten-free cakes for the hatchlings' hatchdays... here in this world!" Aggie added.

"You don't have job back in your home world?" the red bird asked.

"I'm still in school. Of course I still don't have job. But I considered having a part-time job, and this is my first one here in this world."

"And the judge promoted us as partners!" The two birds exclaimed excitingly at the same time, and chuckled.

"You know, Ags, I really want to keep this job. I don't want lose it again, like what I did after I ruined that hatchling's hatchday party." Red shook his head, remembering the day when he lost his job, and sent to Anger management class.

"It's because you're having trouble running as you thought you were late, and you missed the party?" Aggie smirked.

"Hey, that is only because I nearly kill myself, and almost drowned! But this time, it's going to be different."

"But it weren't for your anger, we would never met."

"Oh, please, we'll meet eventually if either you or me won't be in Matilda's class. We lived on the same island and the same village, anyway."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"So where's the hatchling's party would be?"

"In a house of Early Bird with the most number of hatchlings."

"Which hatchling? I heard they were thirty of them."

"The blue-green one with indigo head and tail feathers."

"Oh, yeah, that. So, is that cake ready?" Red opened an egg-shaped box.

"Yep." Aggie carefully placed the cake inside the egg box, and closed it.

"So, I better go before I miss the party."

"Yeah, you better be because the clown should be there in 10 minutes!"

They both looked at the clock that it's almost time for the clown to be in the party with the cake. "Oh no, I really must be going now!" Red gasped in fear as he was ready to go.

"I'll come with you." Aggie halted him, "Because the party won't be so fun without this." She dragged a large thing in front of her that was under the cover.

"What is that?"

"You will know. Now let's go!"

Red held the egg box around his wing, and ran out of the kitchen, while Aggie followed him, and dragged a large thing with her.



Meanwhile, at the party, where Clarissa, the hatchday girl, her siblings, and other hatchlings were waiting for the clown and the cake. The hatchlings' parents were concerned why there was no entertainer and no cake. Early Bird and his wife were worried if the clown couldn't show up for the party, their daughter's hatchday party will be ruined.

At the corner, Edward and Eva watch over their sons, who were also invited to Clarissa's hatchday party. Edward believed that Red will be late again for this party, just like he missed Timothy's hatchday party, "Ugh, that clown will never show up in this party, just like he missed our son's party!"

"Honey, please." Eva hushed her husband, "Mr. Red does everything he can since the court gave him his job back, and besides, he got Ms. Aggie to work with him. They must be on their way now."

"Fine. But if that clown doesn't show up for this party, I will not let him entertain either of our sons' hatchday!" Edward was sure for his decision. Even though he made Red a godfather to his youngest son and he was the new hero, he still doesn't agree for Red to have a job as a clown.

Eva just rolled her eyes as she doesn't want to argue back with her husband.


Red and Aggie got tired and panted hardly from running. They can't run fast anymore due to their things they've brought.

"I don't think I can run any farther," Aggie tried to catch her breath.

"Me too." Red put the egg box down, and wiped his sweat, "But I have to get to that party. And fast. The hatchlings and their parents are counting on me."

Aggie sighed as she look at the large thing she brought, thinking that it would spoil the surprise if she uses it, but bringing Red to the party fast is very important, "Well, I should save this for later, but we're really in a hurry so I like to introduce you to..." She lifted the cover, and revealed of what she brought with her is light blue barrel party cannon with two pink wheels, and has a pull-string to fire it. "Ta-da! My party cannon! It's not only use in firing confetti and stuff, but also helps me transport places around the island without walking or gliding."

"Since when did you have that?" Red arched an eyebrow.

"Since I became a party planner after I made my friends' wedding party three years ago at New Year," Aggie explained.

"So how can it let you travel?"

"Just hop on it, and I'll show you!"

Without hesitating, Red hopped on and sat on the barrel of the cannon. Aggie faced her cannon on an opposite direction, and sat on the barrel, behind Red, near the pull-string. She grabbed the string, and ready to pull, "Alright, Red, just hold on to the cannon tightly, and ready to scream."


"Ready to scream? Why should I have to...?" Red was cut off when Aggie pulled the string as the cannon fired.

The cannon rode the two birds down the street. the cannon was like a rocket, moving in a rapid speed in a straight line. the cannon left a trail of fire behind the birds on the road. Aggie was having fun, but Red screamed in fear as he hugged her tighter.

Eventually, the cannon slowed down, and stopped running. "Okay, this needs a lot of firing to get into that party." Aggie chuckled nervously.

"Oh, come on!" Red groaned as he face palmed, and Aggie kept firing her cannon.


Back at the party, the hatchlings and their parents are very impatient. Early Bird and his wife were more worried if Red doesn't come quickly.

"WE WANT CAKE! WE WANT CLOWN! WE WANT CAKE! WE WANT CLOWN!" All of the hatchlings cried as they were having tantrum.

"We can't wait any longer." Greg Blue said as he looked at his wrist watch.

"I'm sure the clown's coming." Early Bird assured.

"I heard that before." Edward scoffed, "'Just running across the forest, and almost drowned' he said, and our son's hatchday party is ruined."


Red can't wait any longer. He thought the cannon was not fast enough. He figured out a plan, "Aggie, can you fire your cannon even harder? We need to get into that party. Now!"

"It could be possible, but it doesn't have enough confetti to fire this. It can take a lot of confetti to fire this even harder. If it does, it will run even faster. But we didn't bring some." Aggie sighed sadly

"What do you mean 'we' and 'didn't bring some'?" Red smirked at her as he took out a box of confetti, just in case.

Aggie gave him a sly look, "Sometimes, I don't get you, Red. I know you're a bird in anger issues, but I didn't expect that you are prepared for anything."

Red filled the cannon with lots of confetti in the barrel, and Aggie pulled the string harder to fire the cannon. But when more and more confetti came out from the barrel, the cannon seemed to be thrown away to the sky, while Red and Aggie were separated from the cannon above it.

While launching in air, Aggie noticed that the egg box was separated from Red near him.

"Red, the box!" She warned.

Red tried to reach the box, but it's still away from his distance. The other birds from below saw the two birds, flying through the sky.

At the Mighty Eagle's cave, Mighty Eagle spotted Red and Aggie with binoculars, launching and screaming on air, "Wow, I guess I'm not the only bird that can fly." He thought to himself.

When they were about to lose altitude, Aggie grabbed hold to her party cannon, and Red tried to reach the box before they'll hit the ground.


The hatchlings and their parents can't wait any longer as they got out from the Bird's house.

"Wait, wait, wait, what about my daughter's party?" Mrs. Bird tried to stop the guests from leaving.

"Forget it!" Edward started shouting, "That clown will never get here in time for the party. Even though, he's the 'hero', he and his assistant are not good for coming in time for our kids' hatchday parties!"

Eva glared at her husband for insulting the 'hero' and their youngest son's godfather.

Finally, they lost altitude! The two party birds screamed and began to fall straight near the Bird's house.

"Hey, did anybody hear something?" Olive Blue heard screaming sounds coming from nowhere.

Red and Aggie finally crashed on the ground, near the birds and the hatchlings with their party equipment. While resting on the floor, Red raised both of his wings, and caught the egg box on time. The two birds got up, and saw the hatchlings and their parents staring at them.

"Red, it's your cue!" Aggie whispered as she pushed Red in front of the hatchlings.

Red is so nervous for entertaining while the parents were watching him. He put down the box, and called, "Okay. Which one of you here is the hatchday girl?!"

The other hatchlings stepped aside as Clarissa, the blue-green hatchling with indigo head and tail feathers, walked in front of Red, and stared at him with her light-green eyes.

Red gulped, and starts to sing the hatchday song, "Happy Hatchday to you, Happy Hatchday to you, Happy Hatchday, dear..." He took out a piece of paper to read the hatchling's name, "...Clarissa, Happy Hatchday to you!" He showed her the box, and opened it, revealing Clarissa's Hatchday cake. "Aggie, a little help!" He whispered to Aggie.

"Oh!" Aggie was confused at first, but understood now as she grabbed her party cannon and fired it, making confetti and balloons burst out and fall above the hatchlings.

Clarissa took the box with the cake, and her siblings and friends happily help her carry the cake into the house.

"I told you so." Eva smirked at her husband for reminding him how wrong he was about Red being late.

"Well, I stand corrected." Edward crossed his arms in disappointment to himself.

The hatchlings went back outside, and carried Red and Aggie to drag them into the house.

"Hey, what are you doing?! HELP!" They cried for the hatchlings' parents, but they smiled as they let their kids bring the two birds to the party.


I hope you guys like it. I don't know what one of Early Bird and his wife's hatchlings name is, the blue-green one with indigo head and tail feathers, so I named her "Clarissa". So this is it. Enjoy! So comment!

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