《No Matter What》Episode 15


excuse mistakes

Alexis Taylor-Smith

Age: 24

Houston , Texas

"Mommyyyy." Raelyn cried in my neck.

It's been three days since the fire and Raelyn has literally been crying from sun up to sun down.

She won't even eat unless Ja'Seem feeds her.

Speaking of Ja'Seem he's been very quiet and distant from everything and everybody.

Nyla has been the same way but she's slowly starting to open back up.

As far as Jamari he's been at either the hospital or the trap looking for the people behind all of this.

"We about to go see mommy FatFat." I said trying to put her jacket on.

"JA'SEEM!" I yelled.

"Ma'am?" He mumbled walking into the guest room.

"Can you please put her jacket on and calm her down, we about to go see y'all mama." I sighed.

He nodded his head and walked over to a cranky Raelyn.

"FatFat, you gotta put on your jacket." He said playing with her ear.

"BoBoooo mommy go bye bye." She cried to be picked up.

I quietly watched them interact wiping my tears.

"Mommy is not going bye bye. Please stop saying that." Ja'Seem sniffled.

Ja'Seem said that when Raelyn would say bye bye it meant that Reagan was gone forever and he didn't want to think about it that way.

"Da Daaaa." Raelyn sobbed.

"Can you call my daddy?" Ja'Seem mumbled.

I quickly went to get my phone and dialed Jamari's number.

Getting sent to voicemail made me frown and start to worry.

"He's probably at the hospital, y'all ready?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded.

I watched him pick Raelyn up and play with her ears. I noticed that it calmed her down.

"You want me to get her?" I asked watching him struggle trying to hold her and her bookbag.

"No I got it." He sighed walking out the room.

I jogged to the front of the house and locked up everything.

Khalil and Arielle were at his mom's house so they wouldn't be home until later.

I got in the car and made sure Ja'Seem and Rae was buckled up. I looked to the passenger seat to see Nyla playing with her fingers.

"Remember what I said." I stated lowly.

She glanced at me and nodded her head.

Nyla is thinking that all of this is her fault. She won't even look at Ja'Seem or Raelyn because she feels as if she failed them.

I sighed and started the car heading to the hospital.


"I called you." I mumbled walking into the hospital room where Jamari was.


"My fault, shit dead." He said dryly.

"Hey da." Ja'Seem mumbled walking him and Raelyn over to him.

"Wassup, you okay?" Mari asked.

Ja'Seem nodded his head and put a sleeping Raelyn in his father's arms.

"Her face red as hell." Jamari frowned.

"She's been crying every since." I sighed.

"They been eating?" He asked looking at me.

"Yea not that much though." I shrugged.

He nodded his head and looked at Nyla who stood by the door. "Why you all the way over there."

Nyla shrugged and stared at the ground.

"Nyla look at me." Jamari sighed.

Nyla shook her head and ran to the bathroom. Moments later we heard her throwing up.

I sighed and went to check on her. I just wish she didn't feel like this was her fault.

Jamari Taylor

Age : 22

Houston , Texas

"You wanna go talk to your mama?" I asked Ja'Seem.

He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Go head, she can hear you." I nodded.

He nodded again and went closer to Reagan's side.

He looked at her appearance and I saw a couple of tears fall.

"M-Mama i-it's me, I-I'm being good like we talked about. F-Fat Fat keep saying you going bye bye but you're not going anywhere...right?"

"I keep telling her to stop saying that mama. I'm trying to be a good brother but right now I-I don't think I can. She keeps asking for you and I just tell her that you're with Doc McStuffins. " He chuckled.

I chuckled at the last part and just watched him. I looked down at Raelyn and decided to wake her when Seem was done.

"Mama you can't leave us.YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE US. I'M GOING TO BE SO MAD AT YOU." He started to yell mugging the machine.

He wiped his face and tucked his lip in. "I believe in you mama, a-and I love you." He added kissing her cheek.

"Da why she ain't say it back, she supposed to say it back." He cried walking back to me.

"She heard everything you said, she loves you so much she just can't respond right now." I sighed.

"C-Can I stay here with her tonight?" He sniffled.

"We gone see." I nodded.

"Mmm mommy." Raelyn whined waking up.

I chuckled and lifted her from my lap. "Hey FatFat."

"Da Da." She smiled holding my face.

"I missed you." I grinned kissing all over her face.

"Miss you." She replied giggling.


"You wanna see mommy?" I asked tickling her.

She smiled and nodded. "Mommy"

I chuckled and turned her around so that she was now facing Reagan.

She frowned and crossed her arms. "Mommy wake up."

I sighed and put Raelyn on the bed with Reagan.

Everybody in the room just watched to see Raelyn's reaction.

She climbed up closer and stared in Reagan's face.

"Mommy wake up from nap."

When she noticed Reagan not responding she layed her head on Reagan's chest.

I watched to make sure she didn't mess with Reagan's breathing tubes and her heart cords.

"Mommy wake up we play game." She whined.

"Da Da mama not wake up." She cried.

"C'mere FatFat." I sighed picking her up.

"No ma ma." She said slapping Reagan's chest.

My eyes widened when her breathing machine started beeping.

I quickly grabbed Raelyn while the nurses rushed in.

"Ma Maaaaaa." She reached squirming to get down.

"FatFat no." Ja'Seem groaned going in her bookbag.

He pulled out a coloring book and crayons.

"Color FatFat." He said putting it on the couch.

FatFat mugged him and snatched the crayons.

"Is everything okay? She good right? She still breathing?" I asked the nurses.

"She's fine, we just heard her monitors and thought something happened." The main nurse replied.

"Is she showing any progress?" I asked scratching my neck.

"Sorry to say but no. Honestly her body is still in shock and she's slowly recovering. The good thing is that her brain is receiving the amount of oxygen it needs. We're just worried about her heart and lungs right now. We'll know more when we take her for testing tomorrow."

I nodded my head as they left the room.

"You good Bubba?" Alexis asked coming out the bathroom with Nyla.

I wiped the tear that had fell and nodded my head.

I haven't cried since Ja'Seem's mom left him at the hospital so I knew this was hitting me hard.

I knew I had to be strong for my kids though.

"Aye I think they gone stay with me tonight." I said to Lex.

"You sure?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yea just brang them a bag." I mumbled.


I watched as she bit down on her lip and started talking to Reagan.

She pulled out a rag and started wiping around her eyes and mouth.

"Don't worry, I got your kids." She whispered and kissed her cheek.

"Look Da." Ja'Seem laughed play fighting Raelyn.

"No Bobo no hit me." FatFat mugged him slapping his face.

Ja'Seem chuckled and playfully pushed her.

"Hit him back FatFat." I smirked.

Raelyn swung her arm back and popped him in the mouth.

Ja'Seem tried to dodge it but was to slow. He mugged Raelyn and stood up walking to the other side of the room.

"Now I would be wrong if I pinch ha." He mugged.

I bussed out laughing at his ass. "You can't get mad she just socked the fuck out yo ass."

"Man whatever if my mama was up she would've been on my side." He shrugged.

I chuckled and shook my head."Aye but foreal though, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect y'all."

He got quiet then chewed on his bottom lip."D-Da you didn't answer the phone. T-They hurt mama. I couldn't even protect her."

I looked down and ran my hand down her face. "C'mere Ja'Seem."

He shook his head. "Nah I'm good right here da."

"Ja'Seem c'mere." I said more sternly.

He huffed and stood in front of me. "Sir?"

"I'm sorry son, you know I wouldn't just leave y'all like that. You know y'all forever straight though, I got this shit taken care of."

"I know da." He mumbled.

"I love yo bad ass."

"I love you to old ass nigga." He smirked.

I slapped the back of his neck before he ran to Reagan's bed side.


Hey y'all...

Lol y'all made sure to remind me that today was Tuesday.

How y'all liked Episode 15?

How y'all feel about Alexis? She trying her best to keep everybody together?

What y'all think about Ja'Seem telling Raelyn to stop saying 'bye bye'?

Nyla still beating herself up about this situation? Y'all think she should open up and talk about it with somebody?

How y'all feel about Jamari? He being strong for his kids ?

I almost teared up at Ja'Seem's talk with Reagan? Y'all think he muturing?

Y'all think Ja'Seem doing a good job with Raelyn?

How y'all feel about Reagan almost hurting Reagan? She doesn't know anybody lol.

We got a little progress on Reagan, how y'all feel about that?

Jamari made a decision to let the kids stay the night, y'all think it was a good decision?

How we feel about Ja'Seem and Raelyn fighting?

How we feel about Ja'Seem and Jamari's talk? Y'all think Jamari feels bad for not protecting his family ?

Y'all want another chapter tonight? If so it's gone be short..

Don't forget to vote , comment , and share

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