《No Matter What》Episode 8


excuse mistakes

Reagan Davis

Age : 19

Houston, Texas

(3 days later..)

It was now Monday and it was the start of my first full week at the hair shop.

I've only worked one half-day and so far everything has been going good. Although there's like two girls who literally hates my guts for no reason.

Alexis told me to not let them interfere with my money and that she would handle the rest.

Right now it was 8:00 which meant I had a little time to get Raelyn situated and myself ready before I went to work.

I'm a bit nervous about leaving her with Jamari's sister but she does really well when babysitting her niece and nephew so I know Raelyn would be in good hands. I'm just scared to how Raelyn will react once she notices my absence.

"Mommy I potty." Raelyn whispered in my ear.

I sighed because this is the third time she's wet the bed. Raelyn is still learning to go to the bathroom on her own but sometimes she gets scared and doesn't want to go alone.

I turned around and lifted the covers.

"C'mon." I mumbled picking her up.

I walked us to the bathroom and started a bath for her. While the water ran I brushed our teeth and washed our face.

After we finished that process I removed her clothes and sat her in the tub.

I washed her hair yesterday so I decided to just put it in two little ponytails.

After I finished her hair I let her play for a little bit while I changed the sheets and covers. I quickly went to the laundry room and started the load.

When I got back in the room I picked her out a striped rumper and some white socks.

"Mommy maid maid." Raelyn shouted

"I see you baby." I smiled walking in to wash her up.

After three scrubs I dried her off and lotioned her down. I decided to put a pull-up on her instead of underwear. I slipped her clothes on and sent her back into the room.

It was now 9:00 so I had to quickly get ready. I took a 15 minute shower making sure to wash up really good. Afterwards I repeated the moisturizing process and did my hair into a bun.


"Mommy door." Raelyn ran to me reaching to be picked up.

"Okay, let's go see who it is." I said adjusting her on my hip.

I opened the door to see Jamari on the other side on his phone. "Hi."

"Wassup, Lex on her way , I was making sure you was up." He said

"Oh yea, we're up and ready, where should I take her?" I asked referring to Raelyn.

"Right there." He replied pointing to his sister's room.

I nodded my head and looked down at Raelyn who was playing with my shirt.

When I looked back up, Jamari was staring into my soul.

"U-Um do I look ok?" I asked looking down.

He frowned and lifted my head. "Stop that shit, you look beautiful."

I blushed and smiled at his comment. "W-Where's Ja'Seem?"

"His bad ass at school until 3:00." He shrugged.

"He is not bad, he's just funny." I chuckled.

"Yea a funny badass." He mumbled.

"Wait so Nyla doesn't go to school?" I asked

"She do that online shit right now." He shrugged.

His phone dinged and he looked at me. "Lex outside."

I nodded my head and grabbed my purse and Raelyn's bag.

I walked over to Nyla's room and knocked.

"COME IN." She yelled.

I walked in to see her on her laptop.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey, where should I sit her bag?" I asked.

"You can sit it in that chair." She replied.

"Okay, she has on a pull-up and there's some extra in the bag, she's allergic to peanut products and strawberries. She's probably going to go back to sleep in a couple of minutes. There's some animal crackers and apple juice in her bag." I said.


I tried to put Raelyn down but she tightened her legs around my torso.

"C'mon Rae, I have to go." I sighed.

"No mommy." She whined.

I tried to put her down again and she practically gripped my neck.

"Raelyn stop it, let go." I said sternly.

She shook her head no and clung to me tighter.

"You want me to just grab her?" Nyla asked.

"She's gonna make a whole scene." I sighed.

"I've dealt with it, she's gonna be okay." She shrugged getting out of her bed.


She walked over to us and grabbed Raelyn without Raelyn looking.

As soon as I was free I ran out of the room.

"MOMMY NO BYE BYE." I heard Raelyn scream.

"MOMMY NO BYE BYE." She continued to cry.

I sighed and walked downstairs and out of the door, trying my best not to let Raelyn's cries make me cry.

When I spotted Alexis's car I jogged over and hopped in.

"Hey boo, how did it go?" She asked.

"Hey, and not good, she was screaming when I left." I sighed.

"She's going to be fine, Arielle was the same way, Nyla is like some type of baby whisper though because every since she started watching Ari, all Ari do is ask to go with her. " She chuckled.

"I-I just want her to know that I'm doing this for her and that I'm trying." I said lowly.

"Girl you're doing an amazing job, you're so independent and mature. Raelyn has an amazing mom and she knows that." Alexis said glancing at me.

"Thank you so much for all of this." I quickly responded.

"No problem, I'm here for you boo, now remember don't let these girls get to you." She said getting serious on the last part.

"I won't." I mumbled


Nyla Taylor

Age : 16

Houston , Texas

"MOMMY GO BYE BYE." Raelyn screamed trying to run out of my bedroom door.

I sighed and picked her up and went to her bag.

"Mommy's gonna be back, she's going to meet the mermaid." I said holding her.

"Mommmyyyy." She cried holding onto my neck.

"She coming back." I whispered into her ear rubbing her back.

I walked around my room bouncing her up and down to calm her down.

She literally been crying for 20 minutes straight. I had to mute my camera and microphone on my class live so they wouldn't see or hear her.

When I started hearing Raelyn sniffle I looked down to see her fingers in her mouth and the other hand playing with my ear.

I smiled to myself and went to go sit down at my vanity where my MacBook was.

I signed back in class and turned my camera back on and started taking down my notes.

"Awwww she's so cute." One girl said looking at Raelyn.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"Is that your sister?" Another asked.

I bit down on my lip and quickly thought on what to say. "She's my niece."

"Awww look she's going to sleep." The first girl said.

Looking down Raelyn was indeed falling back to sleep just like Reagan had said.

"Okay class, I'm going to give you 20 minutes to look over notes and then you'll have your test. After you submit your score you're done with me for the day." My english teacher announced.

I nodded my head and turned back to my first page of notes. As I started looking over them Mari came into my room.

"I'm finna go, call me for anything." He said.

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"All that damn screaming she did and now she sleep." He chuckled looking at Raelyn.

"Can you lay her down on my bed, I have a test."

He nodded his head and softly grabbed Raelyn.

Raelyn started whining in her sleep but it quickly stopped when he laid her down.

"I love you, don't open my door, everybody who need to get in got a key, don't even order food." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too and ok." I smiled back.


Hey y'all...

Back to the mf street lmao

Anyways I wasn't even supposed to update this until tomorrow but as usual yall spoiled.

How did y'all like Episode 8?

Y'all excited for Reagan's first week of work?

Hopefully those girls don't ruin nothing cause baby they can get stomped period!!!

What yall think about Jamari and Reagan? Y'all feel them gravitating I know I do

How y'all feel about Raelyn's reaction to Reagan leaving? It was expected but honestly she did better then I thought

Did y'all like Alexis and Reagan's car moment?

Y'all think Alexis is a good example for Reagan?

Nyla the baby whisperer? She handled the situation great right?

How y'all feel about her calling Raelyn her 'niece?' , I mean I don't see nothing wrong with it...

What y'all think gone happen next?

What y'all wanna see?

Don't forget to vote, comment , and share!!

Follow me kids and get me to 100!!


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