《No Matter What》Episode 1


excuse mistakes

Reagan Davis

Age : 19

Houston , Texas

"Mommy I cold" Raelyn said.

"I know baby, we're almost there" I said covering her more with my jacket.

I felt her sneeze against the crook of my neck which made me sigh and walk faster.

I quickened my pace to get to my apartment.

"Oh shorty fine as a bitch"

"I'll be her daughter step daddy" Was all I heard going up the steps to my apartment. I frowned in disgust at all of the disgusting inappropriate comments that were made.

I quickly took my key out and pushed the door open to my small apartment and sighed.

I put Raelyn down and took off her jacket and shoes.

"Mommy I still cold" She whined.

"I know let's go take a bath, then we can get you under the covers" I replied.

She reached for me to pick her up and I complied.

I locked the front door and then put a chair behind it for extra precaution.

I made my way to the bathroom and ran some warm water for Rae.

"You want bubbles Rae?" I asked looking down.

She nodded her head with her fingers in her mouth.

The water stopped in the middle of the tub and I poured some bubble wash in.

Removing Rae's clothes I carefully put her in the bathtub.

"I'll be right back okay?" I said.

"Mommy look me" She giggled splashing the water everywhere.

"I see you mama hold on" I smiled running to our shared room grabbing her pajamas and a towel.

"Mommy I maid I maid" Raelyn shouted.

She loved Arielle the mermaid and every time she got near water she pictures herself as her.

I went back in the bathroom to wash her up a good three times and then to dry her off.

"Mommy eat eat" She shouted as I put lotion on her body.

"Nina didn't feed you?" I frowned.


"No no" She frowned crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay I'll fix you a jelly sandwich." I mumbled.

I work at McDonalds which is where I met Nina. On her off days she volunteers to watch Rae.

I made a mental note to ask her more about not feeding Rae.

"C'mon let's go get our sandwich" I said picking her up off the counter.

I went into the kitchen with Rae hot on my tail.

"You want milk or apply juice?" I asked her.

"Milk" She cheesed.

"Coming right up" I nodded.

I fixed her a jelly sandwich and gave her a Ensure Milk.

While she ate I just admired her.

Raelyn is my whole world. She is the exact reason why I try so hard in this thing called life. No matter how she was conceived she is my biggest blessing. Even though times get hard and I want to give up , I know that I can't because my daughter needs me.

Working at Mcdonald's barely gets us by but it works. It got me this one-bedroom apartment in the hood. I only make about 400 per check so I only buy necessities.

I don't get to buy a lot of food so I just focus on bread , milk , cereal , jelly , and water.

I make sure that we have enough clothes and at least one pair of shoes to last us for a couple of months. I also make sure to pick up hygiene products and cleaning products.

I try my best to make the best of what I have and to just play my cards right.

"I finish" Rae said snapping me out of my thoughts.


I cleaned her hands and face and then cleaned the area she was sitting in.

I ate at work before I got off so I wasn't really hungry.

"Time for bed Rae"

"I sleepy" She whined reaching to be picked up.


I chuckled and shook my head carrying her to our room.

I put her on her side of the bed and then tucked her in.

"I love you Rae" I said kissing her forehead.

"Wuv you mommy" She said lowly closing her eyes.

I waited for about twenty minutes to make sure she was really deep in her sleep.

Once I heard her soft little snores I quickly went to complete my night routine.

Taking my shower and brushing my teeth was the main part of my night hygiene.

After I was done I made sure the door was secured and the windows were guarded.

I turned off the lights and grabbed my baseball bat from the corner.

I walked back into the bedroom and closed and locked the door behind me.

Getting in the bed with the bat on the side of me I grabbed Rae and cuddled her into me tightly.

I kissed her forehead and let her snores put me to sleep.


Jamari Taylor

Age : 22

Houston, Texas

"Aye bring yo bad ass in here" I yelled at my son, Ja'seem.

"Man da this girl talking bout she gone tell her daddy I slapped her butt, I told her you was gone shoot her bitch ass daddy" He mugged.

"Watch yo mouth seem" I mugged him.

"Sorry da, but I forgot to tell you my teacher said we gotta have a parent conference" He shrugged.

"What the fuck you done did?" I asked.

"She put her dirty ass hands on me so I kicked her chair when she tried to sit down and she fell" He shrugged again.

"Aye stop playing with me Ja'Seem" I said slapping his neck.

"That shit ain't funny" I said smirking trying not laugh.

"Da she fell over and it made a loud ass thud" He blurted out followed by his laughter.

I bussed out laughing on the floor. I felt tears brim my eyes lids as I clutched my stomach.

About 30 seconds our laughter died down and I got serious.

"Aye but for real though , don't make me come up there and beat yo ass in front of your class. I play about a lot of shit but you know disrespect ain't one. Get fucked up by being a clown if you want to" I said.

"Sorry da" He sighed.

"Mhm" I said.

I watched him turn on the game and grabbed both controllers for both of us.

"Put GTA in" I said.

"Bet" He nodded going to put the disk in.

"YOOOO" Omari's voice boomed through the front door.

"Aye bitch you almost got shot" I mugged putting my gun back under the couch.

"Paranoid ass" He mumbled.

Me and this nigga Omari been day 1's since sandbox days. Never questioned this nigga loyalty. I know I can call and he bussin bout me and Seem.

"Waddup Seem" Mari said plopping down on the couch.

"Wassup nigga" He replied.

"Aye you heard about that nigga Hesus trying to claim south side." Mari said lowly.

"Mac already on his head." I shrugged.

Seem handed me a controller and we started playing the game.

"You bet not start that cheating shit" I said.

"Ion cheat you just a sore loser" He shrugged.

"That nigga look just like you, he just ain't got hair" Omari chuckled.

"Fuck up" I mumbled.

"You mean as fuck, that's why yo ass ain't got no girl" Mari frowned.

"Fuck these hoes, get money" I shrugged.

"Yea mhm"


New book who dat? Lmao

Y'all I got this idea yesterday cause I was bored and y'all know I had to put it in motion.

How y'all like the first chapter ?

What y'all think about Reagan?

Thoughts on Raelyn?

What about thoughts on Jamari?

Thoughts on Ja'Seem bad ass?

Last but not least Omari?

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