《Sold To Be His》||16.||


Each and every second later, I glanced at him to know if he was fine and comfortable or not. He sat in the corner silently without any words like yesterday.

"Being a doctor is so difficult. In other careers, you get a month or week off when you get married but when doctors can't," Waniya complained to me with a whine.

She was complaining about this since morning by ringing me. I offered to take her place because I had off but she declined me and gave me her next day's schedule. So, my work was doubled for the next day.

• • •

I stared at the ring in my finger and thought about him. His choice wasn't bad because it was a beautiful ring that made me fall in love with its design.

I didn't take it off because my heart wasn't letting me. I picked my bag and things from the bed and walked out of my room. Like everyday, Hareem had made my breakfast and it was waiting for me.

I finished my breakfast quickly because I had so much work to do today. I was feeling so tired because last night, we came home so late at night and I woke up early. Then I had a training session with Humda and now I had work.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, seeing him standing near the car.

"I am coming with you," He answered, opening the car door for me.

"Does something happen?" I asked him, putting my seatbelt.

"Yes, someone needs my help there," He answered, starting the car and driving it out of the house.

I nodded my head and didn't ask further because I was so tired. A yawn escaped from my lips and I closed my eyes but quickly opened it, remembering I couldn't sleep right now. Because if I slept then I couldn't wake up easily.

Once we reached, we both went inside together but parted because I needed to go to my cabin. I put my bag down and walked out with my coat and stethoscope. I wore my coat and went to check Waniya's patient first.

Her duty was in the child ward today and mine was in ICU. I needed so much energy today because was going to be so tiring for me and also in the evening I had to attend her reception too.

"Dr. Izzah, tea for you," A nurse handed me a cup of tea with a smile.

I was both thankful and surprised but accepted it with a smile. I seriously needed it badly to wake myself.

"And Dr. Shabbir said to inform you that your schedule is handed to someone else," She informed me as I took a big sip of hot tea.

I was confused and thought about who took my schedule but deep inside I was feeling so much happy.

"Who took it?" I asked her, finishing the tea in one sip.


"Your hero," She said with a teasing smile before walking away.


I thought of him with a laugh and continued my work, feeling less tiring because of him.

Once I was done, I returned to my cabin and saw him also present there. I approached him and quickly wrapped my arms around him tightly and kissed on his cheek.

"Thank you so much for today," I whispered, pulling away and looked at him with a smile.

He looked at me and a smile stretched on his lips slowly. Soon I realized our position and quickly removed my arms to pull away but he wrapped his arms around me and didn't let me pull away.

"If only I knew, you would give me a kiss after I helped you then I would do it everyday," He said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I said, removing his arms around me because my heart was going to explode, all due to him.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before handing me my bag then he intertwined our hands and pulled me with him, out of my cabin.

"...Be alert everyone! Because the small gang who attacked the hospital last week ran away this evening…"

We both stopped in the hall, near the door when we heard the news. We both turned around and looked at the headlines of the news.

"The gang who attacked the hospital had run away, this evening when police were taking them back to the police station from the courthouse. The police cars were attacked by someone. Police are trying to investigate the whole scenario and the CCTV footage of that time was deleted by hackers."

These were the headlines that were showing again and again. Everyone present there also stopped to look at the news then looked back at Daniel. I also looked at Daniel and saw his expressions were changed.

"Daniel?" I called him, softly and quietly.

He looked down at me and squeezed my hand gently then looked at the people, specially doctors and nurses.

"You have nothing to worry about because the security members will not let anything happen to anyone in this hospital. You people take care of your patients while I take care of this case. Now everyone gets back to work," He told them after noticing their concerned faces.

He pulled me with him out of the hospital where his car was parked. Once we were in the car, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called someone while I was thinking what if they came back for revenge.

"Solve it as soon as possible," I heard him ordering someone in anger.

He put his phone on the dashboard and started the car. He picked my hand and creased them softly while driving with the other hand.

"Don't worry. They will be caught again. Today is your friend's reception. Which dress are you going to wear today?"


He took my mind from that day's incident for which I was thankful.

"Today's theme is black for ladies," I answered him, remembering my dress.

"That's mean she is going to put everything on fire," He whispered to himself with a chuckle.

"Oh yes I am!" I said with a flip of my hair and laughed.

• • •

I was ready for Waniya's reception and was going to the family living room where Daniel must be waiting for me. But I stopped near the staircase and looked at the end of the hallway. I stared at the door and thought of Daniel's mother.

It was the door of the same room where everyone was prohibited to enter.

"What do you mean by they have them!"

I looked from that room down at the end of the staircase. I was startled by hearing him scolding someone on the phone angrily. Slowly, I descended the stairs and approached him.

"Who has who? I asked him once he hung up and put his phone in the pocket.

"Nothing. It's just work," He said, looking at me.

I looked at him without buying this statement because I didn't feel like they were talking about work. But on the other hand, I didn't even know what he exactly did to earn money. I just had a few guesses about his job.

"Stop looking so beautiful," He said, taking my hand in his and kissed on it.

He is finally becoming a gentleman under my shadow.

"Why?" I asked him as we both walked out of the house.

"Because I don't want people to see the most beautiful thing which belongs to me," He answered.

I shot him a glare as he opened the door of his car for me and waited for him to join me.

"And since when did I belong to you?" I asked him with a side pout.

He looked at me and a smile stretched on his lips. He moved his hand to my lips and pulled my lips in a smile from the side pout.

"Smile suits you more. And for your information I am your husband and you are my wife. Which means we belong to each other," He said, starting the car.

He pulled the car out of the house then started driving.

"Keep dreaming," I said to him but internally my heart was screaming in excitement.

Correction. Pounding in excitement.

He glanced at me then back at the road and the side of his lips curled up.

"Do you know your eyes speak?" He asked me, softly.


I pulled down the sun visor and looked in the mirror on it, to see if my eyes spoke like he said.

"My eyes don't have a mouth," I answered him, checking again.

He chuckled and continued driving in silence.

Soon we reached, I ditched my husband to meet Waniya after knowing he was comfortable. Her reception ended well and I enjoyed a lot.

We were now heading back to our house but he took the opposite turn and stopped the car aside. I looked at him to ask but he grabbed my hand and looked at me with so many emotions and hopes in his eyes.

"I want to make myself clear about us because I can't stand this anymore. I want to start again and want you by myself selfishly. Every day and every night. I want to know you more and invest my time and feelings in you," He stated, warmly with softness in his voice.

I was stilled and rewind his words again and again in my mind. Along with his words, I could hear my heart beat loudly.



"So… Will you give us a chance?" He asked and for the very first time he looked so nervous and scared.

All I could do was nod slowly because my mouth suddenly felt dry. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed on it with a smile. His confidence was back again and his eyes shone with happiness and hopes.

"I promise you will never regret it," He whispered and started the car.

I wanted to ask him so many questions but didn't know if it was the right time or not. He knew almost everything about me but I didn't know him properly.

"What is it?" He asked me with a side glance and poked the frown on my forehead.

"You know most of the things about me but I don't know about you… I am very curious to know about you," I answered him with a sigh.

"What do you want to know about me?" He asked as he horned for the guard to open the gate.

"Everything," I replied while unbuckling the seatbelt.

He nodded his head slowly and also unbuckled his seatbelt. We both stepped out of the car and went inside the house. He was silent and looked lost in his thoughts which made me a little confused. We both stopped in the hallway and faced each other. He tucked my hair behind my ear and looked in my eyes.

"You must be very tired. Go and sleep well. I will answer all your questions soon," He said and kissed me on my forehead.

I nodded my head and wished him good night then went to my room. I took shower and wore my pajamas and went to the room but stopped seeing Daniel sitting on my bed with his head in his hands.

He lifted his head and looked at me with a smile. He patted on the bed beside him and I sat beside him quietly. He looked disturbed all of the sudden.

"You want to know everything about me?" He asked, staring in my eyes.

His eyes were turning red which made me worry about him. I shouldn't ask him if I knew he would look like this.

"I want to but you need to rest. You are not looking yourse--,"

"My mother was a prostitute and I killed her when I was five."

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