《Irondad & Spiderson》Venom Pt 2


"And that's it."

"What?! What do you mean that's it?" Peter interjected. "How did you escape from jail? What happened to the cat? Why are apples banned in Canada? Did you really marry Robert Downey Jr.?"

Tony laughed at his intern's distressed expression. "I spent those two nights in jail. The second I left, I built a time machine, went back in time, and helped myself break out. The cat I never saw again. Thank goodness though. Any cat named 'Goose' is sure to be trouble. They banned apples because I nearly killed their president with one and RDJ was my first husband."


"Yes. No more questions."

Peter didn't look satisfied but kept quiet and instead took another bite of his chocolate ice cream. The small family was seated at one of Dr. Waton's five star restaurants. This was called Siocled, the Welsh word for chocolate. They had just finished the tour of Watt-On facilities, which was absolutely breathtaking to say the least. Tony and Peter had both been given a goodie bag of sorts that included but was not limited to various gadgets, IWLB (the lightbulbs produced by Watt-On), blueprints, boxes of chocolate from Siocled, car keys (the car would be shipped back to New York when they left), and coupons for Isabelle's various businesses. She was quite the philanthropist.

Dr. Waton smiled at Tony. "That was a lovely story, Mr. Stark. It seems you have gone on many exciting adventures."

"Yeaaahh" Tony stretched in his seat a little, trying to be nonchalant. Shrugging, he said, "I'm a pretty adventurous guy."

The table laughed at his comment causing Tony to smile and join in the laughter. As the group quieted down, Isabelle spoke up, "While I wish I could stay and chat, I have an early day tomorrow. Enjoy your meal and I will see you tomorrow. Good night. Oh! Here take my card and do some shopping. San Fransisco has some great malls." She placed down a black Amex card before waving and leaving the restaurant.

As she left, Peter's spidey- sense went off. Acting quickly, he leaned over and whispered into Tony's ear before rushing off to follow the possibly- in- danger- doctor. Peter decided against telling Dr. Waton he was following her.

Despite her immense wealth, Dr. Waton walked from the restaurant to her penthouse above Watt-On facilities. Yeah it was only a mile but still. A younger woman walking alone at night in a big city? It was probably a miracle that she didn't get murdered. But nothing happened. The longer Peter spent following her, the more nervous he got. His spidey- sense was practically screaming at him about danger but there was none in sight.


There was a moment when Peter was almost caught. He had nearly fallen on the pavement and let out a slight gasp. The doctor had whipped around but Peter had already disappeared by then. After that incidednt, he activated the nano- suit safely stored inside a watch he had designed and built with Tony. As the familiar red and blue suit (now with hints of gold) formed around his body, Peter took a second to scan the area and search for any possibly dangerous people and/or items. But there was nothing.

"Karen," the spider themed hero whispered from the safety of a building, "I need you to do a background check on Dr. Waton. I feel like she's hiding something."

"Sure thing ,Peter" his AI replied. "You have an incoming call from your father. Would you like to answer?"

Peter stammered slightly as he answered. "H-He's not- Mr. Stark's not my dad but answer"

"Hey, Pete. How's it going? I'm assuming you already fought off the evil villain sine you've got your suit on"

"Actually, Mr. Stark, I haven't. There's been nothing but my spidey sense is still going off and I'm worried that something's gonna happen but nothin's happening."

Tony paused before responding. "Hmm. Well...Have Karen run a background check on her, the company, and any employees. See if there's been any attempts on her or if Watt-On has been attacked before. I know from experience that if someone's been attacked before, they're probably gonna be att-"

The billionaire was promptly cut off by the sound of an explosion. "Mr. Stark? Are you okay?" Peter practically screamed. "Karen, track his and Miss Potts's vitals"

"Mr. Stark is unconscious and has a few minor scratches. He should regain consciousness momentarily. Miss Potts is unharmed as she was in the bathroom when the explosion happened. There are no deaths currently and the most severe injury is a broken leg with mild burns. Miss Potts is currently calling police and activating her suit. If you leave now, you can beat the police to Siocled. You should hurry, Peter. There are three men with guns." Karen dutifully reported.

"Shit." Peter glanced at Dr. Waton one more time as she waited to cross the street. Thinking quickly, he ordered Karen to track her.

"Tracking Dr. Waton"

Peter didn't look back again as he jumped off the building and swung his way back to Siocled.


There was only one word that could describe the restaurant. Chaos.

Furniture was overturned with people cowering behind it, whimpering and screaming in various levels of pain. Fire was burning and beginning to fill the room with smoke. Every door was being guarded or chained in order to prevent escape.


It only took a moment for Peter to find Tony using his x-ray vision in the suit. The billionaire was sitting behind a table, just waking up. Thankfully, he only had a few scratches. Nothing serious. Peter couldn't find Pepper though but Karen had said she was in the bathroom. There was no way she would be able to get back into the dining room with the doors blocked. The men guarding the room weren't wearing masks, which made it easier for Karen to search FBI and CIA databases for them. All three had been previously jailed for various combinations drug dealing, arms dealing, attempted murder, arsony, theft, assault and battery, and murder.

Peter sighed. Just once he'd like to go on vacation and not have to worry about very highly dangerous criminals trying to kill him and his family. Is that too much to ask for?

He scanned the room once more and then had Karen scan as well before formulating a plan. It wasn't a very good plan but it was still a plan. Peter quickly called Pepper to clue her in before taking a deep breath and jumping through the window.

Bullets instantly began to rain down around him as the glass shattered. Peter shot a web towards the ceiling and swung himself in the direction of one of the criminals, easily hitting him and wiping him off his feet. He webbed that guy up before moving to disarm the others. The second was easy to take care of but the third...not so much.

This guy must've been the leader because he was smart. Well, at least he was smarter than his co- henchmen. He grabbed onto a random person and pressed a gun to their head. In this case, it was a young girl around the age of seven who instantly burst into tears at being separated from her parents.

"Oooh. Spider-man is it?" The criminal began to taunt. "What are you doing here in San Fransisco, huh?"

"I was trying to enjoy my vacation, thank you very much." Peter responded sarcastically.

The criminal, who Peter nicknamed "Greasy" for his greasy hair, laughed. "Well, next time, don't get in my way."

Peter smirked, hidden underneath his mask. "There won't be a next time, Greasy Joe" He was about to shoot a web to grab the gun and the crying girl away from him when the door opened. The teenager was prepared to fight another criminal when-

Greasy Joe screamed. He began to back away but tripped over a tipped over chair. "Wh-what are you?" He stuttered.

Peter wasn't sure what it was. It was at least eight feet tall with rows of razor- sharp teeth, like a shark. It's entire body was black and it appeared to be liquid or at the very least slimy like a frog. The long eyes were a cloudy white and the hands ended in three inch claws. The black, liquid-y face peeled away to reveal a normal looking man. In a gravely voice, it replied, "we are Venom" The criminal didn't have a second to scream before Venom gently grabbed the little girl out of his grasp and not so gently ate him.

Peter couldn't move as he watched Venom lick his lips(?) with a long pink tongue, stained with splotches of Greasy Joe's blood. "T-thanks, man." He gave a small wave. Just when he thought he was used to things, it got weirder.

The black liquid fully disappeared, leaving behind a man Peter would describe as 'bisexual disaster'. He looked like he would be handsome if he showered and got new clothes. He was dirty and his hair was...wet? His eyes were slightly deranged as if he was high. The man was wearing a grey hoodie and dark jeans, both covered in mysterious substances, dirt, and tatters. It looked like he was going to leave when Peter said, "hi"

The man instantly turned around to face Peter, looking him up and down in the suit. "Hi" He responded in a scratchy voice.

"I'm Spider-man. Thanks for...eating him." Peter outstretched a hand for him to shake.

"Eddie." Surprisingly, he shook his hand. "I didn't eat him. Venom did."

"Ah. Cool."

Neither of them said anything for a moment. They just stood and stared at each other as the restaurant continued to burn and the sound of sirens got closer.

Eddie shuffled awkwardly and pulled his hoodie sleeves over his hands. "I- I better leave. Nice meeting you"

"You, too" With a smile, Eddie left the restaurant.

"What the hell was that?"

Peter didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice. "That was Eddie, Mr. Stark. There was some other guy named Venom that ate the other criminal but he disappeared."

"Well, at least this time you didn't use your real name."

"That was one time!"

Tony scoffed as he wrapped his intern into a hug. "Try twenty. Now, let's go talk to the police."

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