《Love upon borders | discontinued》02


After the door opened, two girls were standing there, who I assumed were my roommates.

It turns out I was right.

It's now 45 minutes later; we're all in our dorm talking while I unpack.

The girl with black hair, Vivienne, I think is her name, is very extroverted, she's been talking non-stop; I don't mind though, it's kind of comforting.

Vivienne has black hair that's cut just up to her shoulders; she's wearing a pair of baggy jeans with a dark green and black knitted like sweater.

My other roommate, Blake, has medium blonde hair just a few inches below her shoulders.

I look at her outfit and see she's wearing distressed mom jeans with a black graphic baby tee.

Blake is the opposite of Vivienne, introverted, quiet, and she's been talking but not as much.

I just met Vivienne and Blake but I already really like them,

They both have surprisingly been very welcoming.

I'm lucky I didn't get some serial killer roommates, wait, maybe they are; who knows.

"How are you liking Vancouver?" Vivienne questions raising her eyebrows slightly.

I Set my computer on the desk before Turning to Vivienne and Blake.

"I haven't really seen anything, so I don't know,"

She then drops her book and stares at me. "You haven't been to downtown Vancouver?"

I shake my head no.

"Okay, that's it next week; you, me, and Blake are going downtown." She remarked.

Blake then turns her attention to Vivienne raising her eyebrows.

"I never agreed to this," she claims; Vivienne looks over to Blake.

"I was joking. I'll go." She adds

Vivienne turns to me happily before giving me a look that silently asks me to go.

"Okay, I'll go," I reply, smiling.

" it's going to be so much fun,"

Vivienne assures me.

I then remembered that school starts tomorrow, I don't even know what time-

Blake takes me out of my thoughts and says. "Oh yeah, if you didn't already know, classes start at 8:15, but you should come a little earlier if you want a good spot".

Did she just read my mind? I always think someone can read my mind when I'm in class; they always look at me when I think about something or daydream; it's weird.

" did you just read my mind? I was just about to ask that," I say to Blake.

"I had a hunch you didn't know."

Blake responds, chuckling.

" Also, Who do you have for the first period?" Blake asks.

"English, with Mrs.Blackwell"

"We do, too," Vivienne announces and gives me a quick smile.

I return the gesture by smiling back.

Okay, at least I know two people in that class.

I then realized I needed to finish unpacking.

After a couple of hours, I finally finished unpacking. I go to look at the time and see that it's already midnight.


I turn to Vivienne and see that's she's reading.

I relocate my eyes to Blake and see she's already sleeping; Blake is sprawled on her bed in a very unusual position.

I turn my attention back to my side of the room and go to change into my sleepwear.

After I get changed, I climb into bed and start reading a book.

After about an hour of reading, my eyes start fluttering. A moment later, I start drifting off to sleep.


I heard a loud ringing sound which had woken me up, by the way.

Oh, it's my alarm; I look at the time and see it's 7:00; I see that Blake and Vivienne are also getting up.

I get up and make my bed before walking over to my closet taking out the uniform.

I don't mind because I honestly really like it, there's a choice of a navy blue skirt, a plaid skirt or navy blue pants, with an off-white or navy blue knit sweater.

also, as an alternative were able to wear a blazer with a white collared shirt and a blue and grey tie

I decided to wear the navy blue skirt

With some black tights and the off-white knit sweater for shoes, I chose my low doc martens which almost make me 6'; I love being tall, but sometimes it's such a struggle.

I also put on my Vivienne Westwood necklace.

I do my makeup which consists of, Mascara, highlighter, concealer, and blush.

When I'm finished getting ready

I look in the mirror and stare at myself for a little, and I try to find something wrong.

Vivienne looks at me while I stare in the mirror and says, " you look hot; if I were into women, I'd bang you" she smiled before she went to finish her makeup

I turn my head over to Vivienne. I see she's wearing the plaid skirt with the navy blue sweater and doc martens " you look hot too; I'd smash," I say to her before we start laughing.

"Okay, we have to go to class now," Blake says, shaking her head

We all get our bags and start walking out the door.

"she's right. You look hot," Blake says

We then open the door and walk to class. I look at Blake and see she's wearing the plaid skirt and the off white sweater with platform doc martens and a blue headband.

As we're walking, I see that it's very cloudy and dark. I can tell it is going to rain later.

We turn a corner, and I see our classroom door; and I don't see many students considering it's only eight, but I see two boys in the distance walking towards the class.

As they get closer, I see that it's Rowan and Luca, oh.


They're both wearing navy blue pants with a tie and blazer.

You can quickly tell that Rowan is annoying Luca by the look on Luca's face, the excessive blinking and staring, the way he brings his hand to grab the bridge of his nose.

Rowan then turns his attention From Luca to me; he smiles before he walks over to us and pulls me into a hug.

He lets go of me and says," Blair, there you are, are you in Mrs. Blackwell's class too."

" Yeah, I am. Are you?" I question

"We both are," he says Turing to Luca.

"Oh, and we need to finish our conversation from before. Don't forget Luca," Rowan says

"No, we don't; the conversation is over," Luca says in a final tone

"Yes, we do."


"This is why Blair," he says, pointing to me, "is my new best friend and not you," Rowan says.

"Okay, she's your best friend, now let's go to class; Mrs. Blackwell needs to talk to us."

"We'll see you in class, Blair," Rowan says.

When they walk into the class, I turn to Vivienne and Blake, looking at me with confused faces.

" uh, how do you know who Rowan young and Luca Perez are" Vivienne questions.

"Yeah, what she said," Blake says

"Yesterday, when I was getting my keys, I saw them sitting in the office, and we just started talking" I furrowed my eyebrows as to why it's such a big deal.

"Oh," Vivienne says

"You know them" I question

"Yeah, almost everyone at the school does," Blake says.

" Yeah, they can be assholes though, "Vivienne says in a low voice.

"Yeah, that one guy Leo I think, he was an ass."

"Leo Ridge?" Blake questions easing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Yeah, he's friends With them, and I agree he can be an ass."

"We were all friends 9th grade to the beginning of 11th," Vivienne says as we all walk into the classroom

Blake then looks at Vivienne with wide eyes before turning to me

"Don't worry, they're not bad people; we all just"

She took a pause. "Stopped talking, " Blake says, trying to sound persuasive, but you could tell that she was lying.

"Oh, okay," I say, not asking anything; it's not any of my business if you choose to tell me that's their choice.

Blake is sitting at a desk in the middle of Vivienne and me; Vivienne is on the left, while I'm on the right leaving an empty desk beside me.

Students start walking into the class and taking their seats.

The bell soon rings, and Mrs. Blackwell starts talking, "class, we have a new student joining us today, Ms. Blair De Luca."

The class goes quiet, and most eyes fly over to me. I stop moving in my seat, feeling slightly overwhelmed, okay scratch slightly, extremely Overwhelmed.

"Would you like to tell us something about yourself, Blair" Mrs. Blackwell exclaims

"Uh, no, thank you," I say

"Pardon me?" Mrs. Blackwell exclaims

" respectfully, Mrs. Blackwell, I don't want to," I say, leaning further down into my seat.

She then turns her attention away from me, and you can see her swallow hard.

A few moments later, she goes to explain an assignment.

"You will be doing this in partner-" she starts to say in a loud voice but gets cut off by the sound of the classroom door opening.

There walking in was Leo Ridge, but not as he looked the night before.

He has messy sex hair; his neck is covered in hickeys, lipgloss is smeared all over his mouth, three buttons on his white shirt are undone and his tie is practically hanging off his neck.

Everyone in the class turns their attention to him

"Mr. Ridge, you're late."

" I know," he says in a low, raspy voice, a couple moments later he clears his he clears his throat.

"Go sit beside ms. De Luca"

He moves his attention my way before we make direct eye contact, both lingering for a second, before we both break it.

"and don't be late again," she warns

"Yeah, I won't," he says in a low, annoyed tone

He walks over, pulls the chair out from the desk and sits down; his Cologne is so strong that it's overpowering everything I can smell.

"As I was saying before, you will be doing this in partners, and no, you will not be able to choose them."

My attention goes back to Mrs, Blackwell

She starts calling people's names indicating who they'll be working with.

"Vivienne Moore and Luca Perez " Vivienne and Luca both look over at each other with Little to no excitement

"Blake Davis and Lilly Johnson "

"Clara jones and Ava Louise"

Suddenly an annoying voice speaks up, "Mrs. Blackwell, sorry to interrupt, but Clara isn't here right now."

"Okay, thank you for informing me, but you still have to be partners." Mrs blackwell says.

" Of course we will. We're best friends."

She states as if it's obvious.

"Okay, let's go back to what we were doing, "Mrs. Blackwell exclaims.

"lewis hart and noah bridger."

I turn around to see a boy with brown hair and blue eyes and another with black hair and brown eyes, dapping each other up, fucking weirdos.

"Blair De Luca and Leo ridge"

I turn my head up to Mrs. Blackwell.

What the fuck.

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