《XY's Muse》Chapter 9:


Swinging across Paris with Xavier should not have made Maribug's stomach feel the way it did. It felt like a million butterflies were trapped inside her and they were trying to get out. It made her feel tingly and excited.

She couldn't help but thank the gods that it was dark out. Otherwise, Maribug was sure that her whole face would be as red as her kwami.

When they arrived in his hotel room, Xavier gave the dark-haired girl a bright smile that would've made snow melt. "Thanks for the lift"

Maribug couldn't help but smile back as she wrapped her arms around herself, missing the warmth Xavier's body gave her, "It was no problem."

"So..." he trailed on.

"So?" asked Maribug, hoping he would drop it.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked bluntly, not being in the mood for the heroine's obvious attempts to change the subject.

"I'm fine." Maribug said, not meeting his eyes. Instead, she chose this moment to study his room.

This room was one of the biggest suites in the Bourgeois hotel. There was a king sized bed in the middle. It was messy though as if the person sleeping in the mattress didn't have time tidy up. There was a couch in front of the bed that faced a TV.

Even though Maribug might not like Chloe, her family sure knew how to do business.

A sudden gust of wind snapped her out of her thoughts. They left the balcony door open. She watched as Xavier rushed and closed the door before he turned back to her.

The way his eyes studied her made Maribug feel insecure. "So, are you okay?" he repeated.

"I'm fine." her voice cracked. "It's just hard being this super-perfect heroine all the time. It's like people forget that i'm just a teenager."


Xavier sat down, gesturing for her to do the same. Maribug did. "You know you don't have to do this alone, right?"


He winced, making Maribug feel bad for her outburst. "I mean, isn't there someone you can talk too." he started making frantic hand gestures. "I mean- sorry." he sighed. "I suck at this."

Maribug couldn't help but give him a gentle smile. "You don't have to rush. Just take a deep breath and gather your thoughts."

He followed her instructions and repeated it.




It took him three seconds to gather his thoughts. "Okay, what i'm trying to say is maybe you can talk to someone you trust. I know you won't talk to me. You barely even know me, after all. But do you have a friend that you know will always be there for you, no matter what?" she nodded and he responded with a bright smile. "Then maybe you should tell her. It always helps if you have someone to talk to. It will definitely make things less stressful."

Maribug nodded, seeing his point. But who did she have that would understand her. She didn't have a lot of close friends left.

She felt something warm on her cheek. Maribug instantly tried to wipe it away. Why was she crying? She just finished a crying session a few hours ago. She only allowed herself to cry once every two weeks. This was one time too extra. She couldn't afford to get akumatized. No one would be able to de-akumatize the akuma.

Out of the corner of her eye, Maribug saw Xavier hesitate before she felt his wrapped arms around her. He felt warm. Really warm. It was like there was a snowstorm outside and he was the only source of heat left in the world.


They stayed in that position for a few minutes, his warm arms around her petite body while she let more and more tears drop.

Another minute passed.

Then two.

Xavier slowly pulled his arms away, "You need to get some sleep." he gently whispered "And think about what I said, okay?"

Maribug nodded, not trusting her voice.

The room was filled with a comfortable silence before Maribug opened her mouth, her voice cracking as she muttered, "I'm sorry for bothering you."

"You're not bothering me." Xavier replied firmly, "But promise me that you'll consider my advice and that you'll get some sleep."

Maribug gave him another soft nod, "I promise." she gave him a pointed look, "But you better get some sleep too."

"Don't worry, I will" Xavier said, "I have a date after all."'

She walked towards the balcony, giving him a soft smile before zipping away. Not aware of the fact her heart felt a little bit lighter.

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