《Wrong number Avengers》finding stuff out bro


'if shes your mother im sure nothing will change. other than you finally having biological family and hey thats a plus' wanda reassures

'but that means she left me as a baby, and shes meant to be dead, wanda what does this mean. is all i know a lie. whats the actual story. how does this work. dead wanda dead. why did she leave. how is this possible. whos the father. why-' wanda cut y/n off with a short kiss. grabbing her hands she quickly pulled away.

'hey hey your okay' she assures as y/n began to cry. leaning over wanda grabs y/n from the chair moving y/n to sitting on her lap. that way she could give her a proper hug. slighting rocking her back and forth wanda could imagine what this felt like. everything you knew from the beginning isnt true that must be hard. 'we dont even have the tests back, nothing will change its fine. just talk to nat when she wakes up. okay but for now relax i got you' she coos rubbing a hand up and down her back. wanda was lying this changes alot. all y/ns questions were very valid. and wanda understands that but it is alot to realise. to save y/n some stress wanda suggested they just relaxed until the tests came back.

y/n was straddling wanda laying her head on the witches shoulder. just relaxing or trying to. her thoughts were spiralling wanda could hear everyone of them it was hard not to say anything. eventually she calmed fully and begun thinking about food.

nats pov

oh fuck me.

i woke up in a uncomfortable bed in so much pain. i feel another 2 maybe presences. i keep my eyes closed and take in my surroundings. beeping okay theres many rooms with beeping. i try to figure out whos in the room. but finding no other threats i open my eyes and see wanda sitting sideways in a chair with y/n on top of her i think sleeping, cause she can barely sit still most of the time. i try to sit up my my entire body hurts this cause me to groan and the teens to look over at me.


'hey when did you guys get back' i ask trying to roll out of bed but they stop me.

'about an hour ago, we got back the same time as you' wanda explains. i nod and y/n looks shaken

'y/n Что случилось' (whats up) i ask her. her eyes are unfocused. she can only hold my eyes for a second before looking away, her hand is slightly shaking by her side and she bites her tounge a bit i can tell by the tenseness in her jaw. she doesnt answer, continuing the same behaviour so instead i look to wanda.

'uh there is a possibility of something but we should just wait, bruce should be back soon' wanda says confusing me more. i groan and try to get up again but they stop me. 'bruce said to rest' wanda adds.

as if on cue bruce walks in with papers. y/ns breathing picks up and her eyes dart around alot more. i rolled out of bed hitting the floor as cords get ripped of me. and crawl over to a now balled y/n bruce has put the paper down and was coming over to us.

'nat get back on the bed, y/n im gonna need you to breathe' he asks wanda helps y/n as bruce and clint try to get me back to bed. it wasnt until maria barged in that i went to bed. y/n calmed down and she sat next to me in the chair. maria was sat behind me now, wanda next to y/n and clint standing beside me. this right here this is my family

(a/n о, как это дерьмо собирается рассыпаться)

'okay nat while you passed out you lost alot of blood. we had none of it left so i asked if anyone had the same blood type. y/n did. the thing is tho. it was a perfect match. this lead to the possibilities of you two being related-' he said pausing so i could wrap my head around it. if i was drinking i would have spat the drink out all over him by now. i motion for him to continue 'so i ran a dna test and well you two................'

eat something preferably a meal if you can

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