《Wrong number Avengers》oh shit


tw cuts, blood

teams pov

the team walks inside after fury as they explain a mission, 'now this ones gonna be tricky without the lovebirds and their powers since its a fiddly mission with barley any know details, all we know is that it is not of this earth, it could be hydra or something else we dont know alot' fury says annoyed.

'whats our strategy' natasha questions


in the field, everything was going smoothly. their was these alien dog things as well as alot of soliders nothing like the team had seen before. nat raised her arm in the air as tony swooped in and grabbed it flying the widow to a different part of the field. dropping her she lands on one of the soldiers backs spinning him to the ground. natasha rolls off the man grabbing her taser baton things from her back she takes down more people. the teams thoughts during this battle was interesting

steve: ahh the slobber why did i punch that dog hybrid thing in the mouth. its sticky. ill just wipe it on natasha, she was next to me. oh no bad idea. run run run away. back to punching aliens

clint: im almost out of arrows are you kidding me, maybe i should take up that kids idea on boomerang arrows. fuck arm cramp. that was cool. nah go away i have a wife and kids.

tony: i wonder if i looked cool while doing that. pow pow pow. i wonder how the kids are. i should get pepper a gift later. i want shawarma.

bruce: smash

natasha: Гребаная сука больно ударила ножом своих родителей. Иди и порезвись с собою. ебать. дерьмо. Нет, нет, нет, вы должны были это сделать. что так неудобно. (fucking bitch ill stab your parents. go fuck yourself. fuck. shit. no no no. did you have to do that. that is so inconvenient )


they fought for a good hour until it was done. the last of the army fled. carnage surrounded the team as they stood cuts and bruises. nothing life threatening or so they thought. bruce shrunk back down to normal and everyone was lazily going back to the jet.

nat is the last on the jet she stands wobbly for a second. clint comes up to her handing the red head a bottle of water however she just passes out falling into his arms.

'woah woah woah nats whats wrong, nat hey, natasha' clint sinks to the floor with her as the team crowds around. except tony he has already started leaving trying to get wherever they need to go a fast as they can.

bruce comes over. inspecting natasha he finds a couple deep cuts, claw marks, most of them are infected. he rushes around the jet grabbing disinfectant and trying to stop the bleeding, but shes loosing way to much blood.

her face grows pale as she lays completely unconscious. 'your not doing this nat' clint hisses.

'tony i need to get her to my lab, the regeneration cradle we fixed' bruce says. tony nods and speeds back to the compound.

the kids arrive back outside the compound the same time as the jet flys overhead. it lands closest to the garage near bruces lab and the kids run there. as soon as a red head gets carried out on a stretcher y/n gasps and runs faster than she has getting to the team. 'what happened' she asks franticly as they rush. no one answers her. as they go into bruces lab.

'okay its stopped bleeding, thats good. do any of you know how to stitch up the wounds?' bruce questions. clint, y/n and wanda put their hands up and nod. and bruce orders them to begin stitching the wounds as he ushers the rest of the team out where they can look in from the window. 'clint whats natashas blood type' bruce asks opening the fridge of blood. (that sounds strange)


'uh red' he says having no idea. 'laura would know i can ask' bruce just shakes his head and takes a sample from the blood already on her and testing it.

'(insert rare bloodtype) okay anyone else r/b/t ' bruce asks, after realsing they have none of that.

'i think so?' y/n questions

'okay let me test it' bruce comes over with a device to prick her finger but y/n just cuts her hand open not having the time for this when her mother is in danger. bruce looks shocked but tests it. confused by the results

'y/n are you sure this is your blood' he asks wearily

'pretty sure, it came out of my hand did it not' y/n laughs confused and worried

'well its just its a complete match to natashas' bruce says

'well perfect' y/n doesnt see the issue

'y/n no ones is a complete match unless your.....related' bruce says y/n pauses. taken aback 'did you happen to have any of natashas blood on your hand'

'but- no theres - theres no way, the surgery. how the fuck does that for DO IT AGAIN' y/n panics going over to the sink to wash her hand. before taking it back to bruce. 'again' she asks

bruce does the test again and another perfect match. 'look y/n its another match. i can run a dna test later but right now i need some of your blood' he says. y/n nods as bruce hooks her up. she looked over at wanda scared to the new information. wanda nods encouragingly carefully moving nat with clint so they could stitch her back.

after taking the blood bruce hooks nat up and began giving her the blood. 'do you want the dna test now' bruce asks since natasha was stable

'mhm' y/n shakes. bruce nods and uses the blood samples to run the dna test. it will be about an hour so y/n sits next to nat curled up on the seat. wanda takes a seat next to her holding y/ns shaking hand. 'what if shes my mother'

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