《Wrong number Avengers》tea with the queen


y/n pov

we walked around for a while and thor showed us some cool things peter looks flabbergasted the entire time it was hilarious. now however we are with the queen. or well frigga. not gonna lie she's kinda scary, and such a mum.

wanda and i were sat next to each other mixing our teas listening intently as the queen told yet another embarrassing story as thor as a kid. loki had gone again, why he kept disappearing i had no idea but i figured he would show up sooner or later.

'for a while it was very very hard to get thor to wear pants-' she starts before thor cuts her off

'that's enough please mother' he says a bit red

'oh please continue' i say secretly recording the conversation for blackmail

'he would run the halls in only a shirt for a long time no pants at all. up until he was about 5 in midgard years' she said with a small laugh remembering the time e

'mother' thor groans 'how's odin'....... the conversation goes on for ages, stories and facts, she asked us about ourselves and our world. pietro was enjoying the food the most. wanda was sat her legs crossed up on her chair. i was in the same position one hand on her knee the other on the mug.

we talked until they were asked to go attend to some royal business or whatever, but we were left to explore. 'wanna go to the garden of asgard' pietro asks with a smirk

'uh didnt mr thor say that if mortals strayed from the path we would be thrown into the realm off The One With No Name' peter says concerned

'oh i did not listen to that part' he says putting both feet back on the ground after getting ready to sprint


'there is other gardens in asgard other than the garden of asgard'

'okay well imma go talk to the people' pietro says speeding off out of sight within seconds whilst i turn to wanda

'i'll go with you' i offer knowing how much wanda would love to see the more nature aspect of asgard she smiles at me taking the last sip of her tea

'well imma go somewhere not here.....because i'm not being a third wheel again' peter mumbles the last part getting up and waving on his way out

'come on i'm sure there's lots to see'

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