《Wrong number Avengers》bathtime


nats pov

i finished my training and had a shower just as wanda came in with an energetic toddler, 'i gotta go train with pietro, have fun' she tells me.

'wait wands did she have a bath last night?' i ask

'nah all yours' she smirks. i smile and pick y/n up. she looked adorable in the clothes that were way to big for her. just as i was about to go into the bathroom there was a knock at the door.

i put y/n on my hip and go to answer the door. 'hey nat i didnt know how long this one would be little so here is some stuff' tony says handing over a box with a baby company label on it

'thanks stank' i smile and close the door. sitting y/n on the bench i begin to run a bath. she whines, just like how she is when big. i smile remembering when she was sick. i use a knife and open the box setting it down on the bench i look to see what tony bought. there was nappys although im pretty sure wanda said y/n didnt need them, onesies and shirts were in the box. as well as shoes socks and other things a toddler would need. tony really went all out. i take out a onesie and put the box just outside the door. looking back at y/n i see her with the knife.

'uh uh buba, we dont play with these' i tell her putting it out of reach. she pouts and looks at me adorably. i smile and kiss her head. before turning back to the bath. i look under the sink and sure enough there was stuff for a bubble bath. i put the soap in and mix it around. the water was a bit hot so i turn it down a bit. after a minute of playing with y/n the bath is ready and i help her out of the clothes. taking her hair out of the braid i pick her up.


i was about to lower her into the bath when she latched onto me tighter. 'what is it младенец' (baby)

'whats dat' she asks pointing to the white foam, i smile slightly and scoop some in my hand before standing up and holding it out to her.

'its bubbles hun, its safe you can touch it' i reassure her hesitantly she reaches out and grabs a fist full of the bubbles. she giggles when it comes out the sides of her hand. 'you wanna go in?' i ask pointing my head to the bath. she smiles and nods

i gently put the toddler down in the warm bath. she giggles and splashes around a bit but not to an extent where it gets everywhere. after a couple minutes of her splashing i begin to wash y/n's small body. even as a toddler she has scars on her. its sad really. in her lower back i think there is even a small word burned into her. i look closer and see its a spider with the words widow 1.2 thats weird i have the same mark saying widow 1. its just something in the red room i guess. but why was her number so close to mine surely there would be more widows inbetween us unless. no shes dead.

i continue to wash her leaning over to grab my shampoo and conditioner. i gently guide her head back and massage it into her head. she giggles and smiles looking up at me with big eyes. i smirk at her and grab the wide comb to brush her hair while its wet.

'this might hurt okay bubs' i tell her and she nods sitting still, to which i was both confused and surprised by considering she hadn't sit still the entire bath. i comb her hair and it wasnt knotty at all which was great.


rinsing her hair i let her play for a bit more. 'you done y/n we gotta go get breakfast' y/n pouts a bit before crossing her small arms. and tilting her head at me. 'come out and ill braid your hair' i offer. she takes it into consideration, but eventually she nods. i smile and help her out before wrapping a large fluffy towel around her. gently drying her i scrunch her hair making it all curly again. i turn away for a second to grab y/ns clothes but when i turn around all i hear is her small foot steps getting further away. im glad its only wanda and us on this floor. i walk out into my room and see her running and giggling down the hall. i try catching up to her but she keeps cutting corners and going under furniture.

'come on y/n' i laugh as she runs around the couch.

'nah uh' she giggles i go one way making her think that so she goes opposite me but then i quickly change direction and catch her in the towel.

'you my child are very energetic today' tell the toddler kissing her head. she laughs laying her head on my shoulder, tired from the running. i smile and stroke her bare back. making it back to my room i get her changed and braid y/n's long red hair. walking to the kitchen i see wanda walking in with a smile.

'morning guys' she says happy

'why you so happy' i ask her as she comes over to kiss y/ns head.

'pietro flew into a wall' she says grabbing a glass of juice.

i nod as i get the ingredients for pancakes.

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