《Wrong number Avengers》little one


y/n leans into wanda babbling nonsense as the witch listens nodding along even though only half of it made sense, steve went to go pick up dinner no one really knew what to get y/n or what she would eat so a simple plain noodle box was the choice.

suddenly y/n started squirming around in wanda's lap 'what is it love' she asks

't-toilet' she coos attempting to get down.

'come little one' wanda says picking y/n up under the arms and taking her to the bathroom,

wanda's pov

i put y/n down next to the toilet cause she said she can do i it her self and go to stand outside the room. a couple minutes later i hear the toilet flush

'i done' she tells me proud

3rd person pov

'really, good job we gotta wash our hands tho they're all yucky' wanda says y/n nods and wanda holds her up just in front of the sink.

everyone was sitting at the dinner table and with the chairs being to big y/n was sitting in nats lap. y/n had noodles all over her face it was adorable. she also had the goofiest grin on.

after they all finished their food they were all talking and chilling in the main area when tony walks in with a colouring book and crayons. 'hey y/n look what i got' he smiles at the toddler laying on nats chest. she looks up excitedly and sits up bouncing on nats stomach to which she groans but smiles regardless.

tony waves the russian over to the coffee table where he was placing the items. y/n looks over at nat for permission and she smiles grabbing her daughters hand and leading her over.

they both sat down and y/n passes nat a red crayon. 'why thank you princessa ' nat kisses y/ns head who coos and giggles. y/n begins to colour and it's actually quite good even for a kid,


'wow y/n good job' steve says holding his hand up for a high-five but y/n flinches away into nat. at the sudden contact with y/n colliding with her side makes nat look down to see y/n with glossy eyes, her bottom lip started quivering but y/n did not cry. nat looks up for the cause of this at the same time she pulls the toddler into a hug on her lap gently rocking y/n side to side.

natasha locks eyes with steve who looks apologetic. staring at him with cold eyes natasha gets up holding y/n close and says goodnight. the russians begin walking to the elevator to go up to their floor.

'you okay little one' nat asks and y/n lifts her head out of her mother shoulder giving a small nod. the action was paired with a yawn as y/n brought a hand up to rub her eye. 'someone's tired huh' nat laughs stepping out of the elevator. y/n lets out a small yawn and lays her head on nats shoulder again. nat has to stop herself from awing aloud as she makes it to the rooms. 'do you want a bath buba' nat bounces y/n a bit to get an answer

'i don' mind mama' she says sleepily

'u can have one in the morning yeah?' she asks going to wanda's room and receives a small and sleepy nod.

nats pov

i gently rub y/ns back knocking on the door wanda opens the door obviously fresh out of the shower.

'hey wands i have a couple more things to do you think you can take care off this one' i smile

'sure i'd love to' she smiles and i hand toddler y/n over to the witch

'thanks wands' we smile and she closes the door,

wanda's pov


i put y/n on the floor next to me and she looks at me and tilts her head looking at me with curious eyes, she lifts her arms and makes grabby hands towards me. i smile and pull her into my lap, instantly she begins to play with the curls in my hair, eventually her head falls on my chest and i can feel her beginning to fall asleep.

'wanna get changed y/n' i ask her knowing she was seconds away from falling asleep she just looks at me

'you' she yawns

'you want me to do it?' i ask receiving a dramatic nod, i smile and pick her up. i know for a fact that none of our clothes won't fit her well so i just grab the smallest shirt i own and put it on y/n, it reaches closer to her shins or ankles and hangs off her shoulders. i put y/n on the floor and watch as she runs around for a bit for some reason but it ends when she runs and jumps up into the bed. i look at her with a smirk and she giggles.

'guh ni' wan's' she whispers rubbing her eyes before curling up in a ball in bed

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