《Wrong number Avengers》bad language word


a couple days later

3rd person pov

its now 8pm none of the girls were in that much pain anymore, any braces were off but the casts for all of them were still on their limbs. y/n had nothing but a wrap on her arm, the doctor said something about keeping it on because of how many times the hand has been broken its just safer bla bla. y/n just shrugged it was lighter than a cast so she didnt mind

currently y/n was walking around exploring the compound. she walked down random rooms through hallways and in an elevator, the place was huge, she comes across a room at the end of the hall with a light on. it looked like it had something stuck to the door but it was ripped off. y/n takes a step closer and hears mumbling from the other side of the door. she couldnt make out who it was the light coming from under the door was dim and warm. she reaches a hand to the cold door handle

'hello?' she questions opening the door, whoever was in there got frightened and turned around and zaped y/n with a spell.

lokis pov

i made it to my room away from everyone else stark had my horns symbol on the door however it had Christmas lights wrapped around it. i rip it off the door and walk inside.

with nothing better to do i practice my magic. however i was interrupted by someone opening my door. surprised i spin around and hit them with a random spell. before i realised what i said it was to late, infront of me stood a 2 year old y/n. nats gonna kill me.

'boki' she babbles holding her small toddler hands out for me to pick her up. leaning back as far as i can i hold her at arms reach and make my way back to the main area.


'friday call all avengers to the main room and make sure clint is holding nat' i ask getting in the elevator.

avengers pov

everyone was confused when they were called to the main room and even more confused when they herd it was from loki. when clint walked in he stood behind nat and put his arms over her shoulders and neck

'what?' nat questions

'dont ask me friday said that loki said to hold u so...' he trailed off questioning the action but not letting go. the elevator doors opened and now everyone knew why there was a meeting.

'who is that?' 'wait they look like a baby nat' 'holy shit is that y/n?' 'lang-' 'shut it rogers'

when y/n saw nat she giggled a bit and started squirming in lokis arms. loki gladly puts her down and she begins running over to the still restrained black widow. nat was pulling against clint but clint suddenly knew why he needed hold her, she was gonna kill loki.

y/n trips on the carpet and makes a thud. everyone holds their breaths expecting a tantrum but was surprised when she just got back up and finished walking over to cling to nats leg. clint finally lets go after being jabbed in the hip with nats elbow one to man times.

nat bends down and picks the small toddler up. y/n instantly takes interest in natashas arrow necklace.

'how'd you do it' tony asks not taking his eyes off the small red head.

'i couldn't tell you, she just surprised me when i was practicing my magic' loki tells them. this is when wanda walks in

'hey what did u ne- nat did u have another kid?' she asks only seeing the back of y/ns head. at the sound of wandas voice y/n spun around with the goofiest grin


'wan'a' she coos. wanda recgonsises that face anywhere

'y/n?' she questions really confused walking further across the room to nat.

'loki fairy godmothered her' tony says. wanda looks at loki briefly before standing next to nat and holding her hand up to y/n. the toddler grabs wandas finger with her hand smiling and giggling on nats hip.

'as much as i love this, how long will y/n be like this' nat asks running a hand through y/ns hair. tucking it behind her ear y/n smiles and lays her head on nats shoulder while staring out at wanda and lifting her arm making grabby hands at the witch.

'still i dont know, when my brother and i go back to asgard with them, if its not fixed im sure there is something there that will help' loki says trying to think of a book. the team nods, they trust the god now so they didnt question him. loki said a couple last words and left back to his room.

the team went back over to the couches to play with y/n. tony comes over and scoops her from nats arms, 'hi y/n im your uncle and we are gonna play a game okay?' he asks to receive a smile and nod from the russian. bucky went to one side of the room whereas sam went to the other.

'okay y/n you see these 2 people' tony points 'they are your uncles u just need to go to your favourite' tony smirks and puts y/n on the floor in the middle. she takes a second to look between both men before stumbling over to bucky. sam groans and bucky smirks getting on one knee to welcome y/n to his arms. fridge magnets floated over with a red mist around them and went straights to y/ns hands.

the team laughs as y/n begins to spell words on his arm with the magnets. surprisingly bucky let it happen while also boasting to sam about his win. after she finished the words were. mama, vodka, wands, and suka.

'suka? whats suka' steve asks, nat lets out a laugh. for a man of honour.... 'what' he questions

'no si'y сука' y/n laughs at steve. who just looks more confused. now clint, bucky,nat and wanda were laughing their heads off

'bitch, steve it means bitch. and you said it twice' clint says

''*dramatic baby gasp* steb sai' bad Язык (language) wor'' y/n says begin to move around signalling she wants to get put down. the team laughs and steve was red

'steve said a bad language word' bucky translates putting the russian on the floor. she runs over to where wanda was sitting and jumps up onto her lap. wanda smiles and wraps her arms around y/n as the toddler cuddled into her.

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