《Wrong number Avengers》tight cuddles


'see i told you they just ripped their cords off, they both have no self preservation skills' clint says as they walked into the girls room

'and you would be right' wanda chuckled.

'hello there' y/n says in a deep voice confusing many people

'whats wrong with her' peter questions tilting his head

'we gave her a lot of pain killers and stuff' one of the nurses says pulling y/n back to her bed to give her a check up. she closes the curtain and the other nurses do the same with nat and wanda. they hear y/n talking the nurses ear off about how much she loves her girlfriend, peter was recording it to show her when she was back to her normal self. wanda was smiling

'is she yours' wandas nurse asks measuring her blood pressure. wanda smiles and nods


'she must really love you' the nurse chuckles. about 10 minutes later they were all cleared. currently standing outside the hospital the girls were hesitant to get back in a car. from the hospital it was only like a 15 minute drive. the team understood their hesitance. but like it was getting dark and tony had to meet the movers.

'how about i head back with clint and he can fly the quinjet back would you rather that' tony offers. they nod slowly. all three of them had a cast or splint of some kind. y/n had a moon boot and a red cast on her left hand. wanda had a red cast on her right hand. nat had her right hand in a cast and her knee was in a brace.

about 30 minutes later you can hear the quinjet and the remaining avengers walk to the opening doors. they get in and peter helps y/n sit on the floor before helping wanda down as well. pietro and peter sit in front of the girls with worried expressions. they were quiet. well to them they were the girls were having a telepathic conversation.



so i died

yeah, when they pulled you out, um no pulse and you wernt breathing

oh my god wands im so sorry

but i herd the ticking if i just herd it a second earlier we could have jumped out or something

i guess but we are all in casts and shit

y/n floats wanda to in between her legs to hold her tight. wanda leans against y/ns chest holding onto her arms but careful not to hurt her girlfriend.

the boys were holding off from asking if they were alright considering they defiantly were not. peter could hear nat on facetime with maria as maria obviously only just found out about what happened.

the quinjet only made it a 5 minute ride so clint landed the jet and they all got off heading to their rooms. to relax and set up

y/n pov

wanda and i walk to where tony said out new room was. i could tell she was pain i was to and i assume nat was. we make it to our room and it was quite large with a bathroom attached. a large window made it possible to see new york in the distance.

working together we both quickly put everything together and away before getting in bed. i just wanted to curl up and go to sleep. there was a knock on the door and i opened it with my magic

'hey i dont know if your hungry but if you get hungry here is your usual takeouts' tony says placing it by the door. we thank him and he leaves.

'why dont we have a hot bath, i think it will help' wanda suggests rolling over to look at y/n

'how are we meant to with these' i pout holding my casted hand in-front of her face. she smiles weakly and a bag appears around the cast. 'right' slowly we get out of bed and make our way to the bathroom.


taking off out clothes was very hard to do with broken hands luckily i didnt break my dominate hand but wanda did. once we got undressed wanda got in and motioned for me to get in to. i oblige and lay on her straight away. with her good hand she cups water and pours it down my back. i hum and wrap my arms around her back putting my head on her chest.

'your gonna fall asleep' wanda smiles down at me

'will not' i challenge and she laughs pouring more hot water on me. we dimmed the lights as we were both beginning to get a headache the whole atmosphere was calming i couldnt help but fall asleep as she began humming an old sokovian song.

wandas pov

i knew singing the song would make her fall asleep. i continued to wash both our bodies washing y/n's hair while im at it as well. i made sure to get none in her eyes tho. i begin to get tired myself so i have to wake y/n so we can go to sleep. i gently rub her cheek and watch as her eyes flutter open looking confused. when her gaze meets mine she smiles

'come on lets get to bed yeah?' i offer

'only if i get cuddles' y/n claims i laugh and we both get out. getting changed was hard again but we managed. after a good 20 minutes we were finally in bed. we ate a couple bites of our dinner but weren't in the mood for food. so instead we decide to try and fall asleep soft music was playing in the background. and slowly we fell into a deep unconsciousness in each others arms

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